alldaypk 63 Posted January 18, 2014 Can I just ask; is it ok to combatlog when the server is lagging like a broken record, won't register actions (such as drawing a weapon) and you're being attacked by an invisible zombie? Because this is what I did and I'm starting to feel remorse for my actions, I myself have been a victim of a malicious combatlog (caught a guy eating tuna, but logged after I hit him with my crowbar). I understand if you die, you die, that's it, the game would be crap otherwise but this time it just felt unfair.. What are your opinions? Totally Justified? I should go die in a hole? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King of kong 1117 Posted January 18, 2014 Logging when it's lagging or not processing stuff isn't combat logging. And why did you beat the tun man? Have you heard of robbery? KoS smashole Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fitzee 248 Posted January 18, 2014 Hi. lol. I don't combat log, but at the same time I could care less about it. In fact I get a good laugh every time I see somebody crying about it. Especially when it's one of the super leet pro PVP types that say there isn't and shouldn't be any kind of rules in DayZ(until somebody does something they don't like, that is). Regards. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
broguenz 333 Posted January 18, 2014 Everyone's done it. Its like masturbation no one really likes to admit they've been a wa**er Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King of kong 1117 Posted January 18, 2014 If I want to keep my gear safe from some KoSer who is too mentally r*&**rded to have any form of interaction *s8x me up m8* then I'll combt log if I goddamn want to. Half the time I surrender and state my intentions and the mute bastard ghosts me or just pops me straight away Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judopunch 523 Posted January 18, 2014 Same here, I enjoy fighting the good fight. But I could not bandage my friend or un-sling my rifle. At that point its not combat logging, its lag logging. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nighhawk 41 Posted January 18, 2014 "I combat logged"Would you like a medal for that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KnightFall1856 24 Posted January 18, 2014 Did you initiate combat? I feel like if you were attacked and it was lagging its perfectly ok, not really your fault....however if you went shooting at a chap or prepared your axe for a shiny new red coating and then combat logged...meh. Grey area. Sorry to hear about that lag Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted January 18, 2014 Can I just ask; is it ok to combatlog when the server is lagging like a broken record, won't register actions (such as drawing a weapon) and you're being attacked by an invisible zombie? Nope! Lag or bugs aren't an excuse for combat logging on someone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazykage 1063 Posted January 18, 2014 (edited) Everyone's done it. Its like masturbation no one really likes to admit they've been a wa**er I have NEVER blatantly combat logged. One time I did, but I needed to be somewhere IRL, and just before I was about to log, I hear a zombie scream and a gunshot. I even stuck around for 30 seconds or so, to let things play out. But nothing else happened, and I had to go. Later, it was pointed out to me that what I heard was the volume slider in the menu, which I accidently adjusted without realizing it. So actually, yeah. I have NEVER combat logged. Seen others do it. Been killed by a ghoster. NEVER done it myself. NEVER will. EDIT: In your circumstances, if what you say is true (lag, could not pull out weapon, invisible zombie), I think you have not commited what I would call a serious offense. Especially considering the fact that it was a zombie (and an invisible one) threatening you, and not another player. So its not like you denied someone the satisfaction of the kill for successfully stalking, sneaking, ambushing, etc. you. In this circumstance, its not even clogging, IMO. Its "this is a buggy alpha, and I don't want to die to yet another fucking bug". Edited January 18, 2014 by Crazykage Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twingunz 308 Posted January 18, 2014 Arj? shouldn't you be writing jokes not killing men for their tuna?If it's not a person i don't think it's 'combat logging' especially if you've desyc'd ... damned if you do damned if you don't! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soulfirez 901 Posted January 18, 2014 Can I just ask; is it ok to combatlog when the server is lagging like a broken record, won't register actions (such as drawing a weapon) and you're being attacked by an invisible zombie? Because this is what I did and I'm starting to feel remorse for my actions, I myself have been a victim of a malicious combatlog (caught a guy eating tuna, but logged after I hit him with my crowbar). I understand if you die, you die, that's it, the game would be crap otherwise but this time it just felt unfair.. What are your opinions? Totally Justified? I should go die in a hole?Ah say 5 hail marrys and whip yourself with rosery beads till there is a small amount of blood and you and the god of gaming are even LOL ... Seriously i am totally against combat logging even when it is with a AI zed but to be honest in this situation id probably do the same but id say dont make a habbit of it once you start down a dark path ya da ya da Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazykage 1063 Posted January 18, 2014 If I want to keep my gear safe from some KoSer who is too mentally r*&**rded to have any form of interaction *s8x me up m8* then I'll combt log if I goddamn want to. Half the time I surrender and state my intentions and the mute bastard ghosts me or just pops me straight away I find this perspective extremely childish. I admit, getting KoSed sucks. But I can hardly judge, as I do it too. Ghosting has NO excuse or justification. If I KNEW I was being ghosted, that there was NO DOUBT, I would clog. Ill gladly deny a cheater victory (although I doubt I will ever see that circumstance, and be %100 positive). My problem with this perspective is this: Why should you tell ME how to play a sandbox game? So you lost all your gear and I didn't say a word? Cry me a river, man. Then build a bridge. And as you are walking across it, I will snipe you in the head, and laugh as your lifeless body rag dolls over the railing and into your river of tears. I am ALL FOR player interaction, RP (or NOT roleplaying. Im not always in the mood..), and what not. But you know what? Sometimes I like to roleplay as a hunter. Ill find a good spot, scout it, do some test shots to get my range and then leave. Next, I join a hi pop server, and infiltrate back to my "hide" (I don't server hop right to my spot), and wait patiently for my prey. And when I see a fully kitted IDIOT running in the open on the road in a straight line, I put a 7.62 in his face! No warnings. No "hai, r u friendly?". No "F2! F2! HIT F2!". Nothing but the sound of my Moisin and the brief jolt of adrenaline you get as your screen turns black. Another satisfying kill. And the only interaction you will get from me is my bullet in your skull. Or chest. You know how these guns are. Such terrible spread... Now, you may ask, why I find this so satisfying...Well, theres the preparation (getting the necessary equipment, picking a spot, ranging it, getting back in on a hi pop), then the anticipation (waiting, sometimes for an hour or more, patiently for a good target), and latsly, the SATISFACTION (taking the shot, risking being discovered, possibly missing, OR getting the kill). Now lets say that YOU are that same idiot, fully geared, running out in the open, on the road, in a straight line. First, your an idiot, but travel how you like. Next, I take my shot, and miss. Fair enough, it happens. But I have more bullets, ill take anot...gone. Clogged like a coward. You Clog because you think its "unfair" to lose all your gear just because the guy wouldn't talk to you. But you just denied ME the satisfaction of having all my hard work and preparation pay out. I don't even get the satisfaction of seeing my prey successfully escape the trap, with me giving him a tip of my hat and a small nod of the head for being lucky, or smart, or just quick. OR of having the roles swap, and the hunter becoming the hunted! NO! An hour and a half wasted sitting here just to watch someone DISSAPEAR. This is a survival game. You survive. EVERYTHING. Zombies, the environment, your own stupidity, and yes, THE OTHER PLAYERS. Only the strong, smart, lucky (or all three) survive. Well, that, and cheaters... Explain to me why YOUR perspective, the way YOU play the game, is any better than ANYONE elses (that isn't cheating or using an exploit. Oh, wait. That's you...). 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 12 Posted January 18, 2014 Sometimes I like to roleplay as a hunter. Ill find a good spot, scout it, do some test shots to get my range and then leave. Next, I join a hi pop server, and infiltrate back to my "hide" (I don't server hop right to my spot), and wait patiently for my prey. And when I see a fully kitted IDIOT running in the open on the road in a straight line, I put a 7.62 in his face! No warnings. So you scout a great sniper spot on low-populated servers and then switch to high-populated ones to get kills. How are you in a position to hate on combat-loggers, when you clearly are exploiting the game yourself? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheNorCalSniper 63 Posted January 18, 2014 I only see a real issue if you're in a fire fight and not having any issue at all. If it's a zombie - meh. That's whatever, I guess, but if you log out the moment you see another player or log out during a fire fight... Then yeah, that'd be a problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
broguenz 333 Posted January 18, 2014 I have NEVER blatantly combat logged. One time I did, but I needed to be somewhere IRL, and just before I was about to log, I hear a zombie scream and a gunshot. I even stuck around for 30 seconds or so, to let things play out. But nothing else happened, and I had to go. Later, it waspointed out to me that what I heard was the volume slider in the menu, which I accidently adjusted without realizing it. So actually, yeah. I have NEVER combat logged.Seen others do it. Been killed by a ghoster. NEVER done it myself. NEVER will.EDIT: In your circumstances, if what you say is true (lag, could not pull out weapon, invisible zombie), I think you have notcommited what I would call a serious offense. Especially considering the fact that it was a zombie (and an invisible one) threatening you, and not another player. So its not like you denied someone the satisfaction of the kill for successfully stalking, sneaking, ambushing, etc. you.In this circumstance, its not even clogging, IMO. Its "this is a buggy alpha, and I don't want to die to yet another fucking bug".I was over generalising and not taking things to seriously. my wild accusation was referring more to 'environmental' factors, so not 'in combat logging', just accepting your fate and getting off that server Cant use a weapon and getting mugged by glitchy infected, going unconcious while they eat you alive is not very entertaining.more commonly known as rage quiting Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazykage 1063 Posted January 18, 2014 I was over generalising and not taking things to seriously. my wild accusation was referring more to 'environmental' factors, so not 'in combat logging', just accepting your fate and getting off that server Cant use a weapon and getting mugged by glitchy infected, going unconcious while they eat you alive is not very entertaining. more commonly known as rage quiting Ah. I apologize for my misunderstanding. On a side note, I also freely admit to "spankin it", now and then...just not in down town San Francisco.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
broguenz 333 Posted January 18, 2014 Ah. I apologize for my misunderstanding.On a side note, I also freely admit to "spankin it", now and then...just not in down town San Francisco.... TMI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazykage 1063 Posted January 18, 2014 So you scout a great sniper spot on low-populated servers and then switch to high-populated ones to get kills. How are you in a position to hate on combat-loggers, when you clearly are exploiting the game yourself? yes, to a certain degree. But try to understand, that once I have found a good spot, and figured out the range, I don't NEED to scout it again. I can use that spot over and over. The only reason I do the scouting on low pop is to avoid issues while getting the range with my weapon. Its kind of hard to just shoot, and do so accurately, on the fly, AND at long range, with weapon accuracy the way it is. IRL? I could absolutely do it on the fly. In a game, where perspective is skewed, along with peripherals and judging distances? Its not impossible, per se, but it is a lot harder to judge 500 meters by eyeballing it, than it is in real life. The other reason? Lag. I can deal with it to some degree if im in my sniping position, just sitting there. But while im constantly on the move? Or trying to take a series of accurate shots? Or simply trying to load my gun? Or HELL, just trying to PULL THE DAMN THING OUT! Is it really not enough that I LEAVE my "hide" (by leave, I mean I go to like, the next nearest town, in the treeline), log into a hi pop, and infiltrate back in? Im honestly asking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites