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Rocket WHAT THE HECK??? when i saw rocket talk about the standalone on IGN or whatever place it was, he was explaining that most important about DayZ Standalone is to get rid of those "super hacks" (like teleport, raining cows..etc) and today some halfwit did the TELEPORT HACK in 40 people server! are you frikkin kiddin me?? almost 2 years and NO PROGRESS?

what a JOKE!

i got it all on video if anyone has doubts and wants to see proof.


i put video into reply, but i also edited this post with video. here it is! (its recorded by my friend coz my screen recorder messed up :( but dont worry its in SAME server and same situation)


Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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Horray! Another whiny thread! I can't believe people still make these posts. Hacking cannot be avoided in games. As I said in another whine post, join protected official servers, not community made ones. That, and if you get teleported, just hit escape and alt f4 or just disconnect from the server.

Edited by AntonioAJC
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I also got teleported from Elektro to the coast today.

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You guys hear about my new tat? Grew a sack and finally got a tramp stamp. So when I bend over, all y'all see is

It's Alpha

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Horray! Another whiny thread! I can't believe people still make these posts. Hacking cannot be avoided in games. As I said in another whine post, join protected official servers, not community made ones. That, and if you get teleported, just hit escape and alt f4 or just disconnect from the server.

All hacks can't be fixed, but big things like spawning and teleporting can be fixed and have been in many games.

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there is a glitch which teleports you backwards. as in like teleports you back 5 minutes ago but apart from that, and of course hackers teleporting themselves, nothing can happen.

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there is a glitch which teleports you backwards. as in like teleports you back 5 minutes ago but apart from that, and of course hackers teleporting themselves, nothing can happen.



rubberbanding is a possibility, if OP is so sure he should post the video his video. 

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You guys hear about my new tat? Grew a sack and finally got a tramp stamp. So when I bend over, all y'all see is

It's Alpha

That's like half of your posts.

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I also got teleported from Elektro to the coast today.

Were you running quickly from the coast to electro?

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Now I'm beginning to think that this is just a troll post. The OP hasn't replied back and he hasn't posted any evidence of the hack.

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Lulz. Tell there is a vid, I'm guessing troll or rubberband. Haven't seen a hacker since I've started and I have around 100 hours on populated servers.

Edited by Hefeweizen

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Some what unrelated, but here's a friends video/stream highlight of his where you can clearly see this guy is hacking. (watch the full video)

Though this was recorded on the 12th and uploaded on the 13th. I don't know how consistent BE is with their updates as i haven't played DayZ recently.


Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSg4fjjomlo

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I encountered my first hacker yesterday, and according to Steam I have 70 hours logged in. So it's not that bad...

Although I can't be 100% sure, I thought 10+ consecutive Mosin shots without reloading was kinda suspicious, plus my friends saw him teleporting. Sadly there are no names/report system.

Edited by Badass Preacher

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First off, DayZ isn't plagued by hackers but yes...there are hackers. 

To those people saying, "OMG! Haxxors?! I quit!"...go ahead...but tell us how EA and Activision have stopped hackers first?  No?  Shocker.

To those saying, "No wai! There's no hax! Whars your proofs?!" ...yes, there are hacks.


Among others here are many of the known features of popular DayZ hacks:

Aimbot, Script execution, Teleport Hack, Daytime Hack, Teleport items to your location

Player (Display name, distance, health)
Ninja Mode (teleport behind players)
Bullet Drop Correction
Movement Prediction
Frame Compensation
Aim point(red crosshair where the aimbot is aiming, along with target name)
Auto-Switch Target Toggle
Configurable Max Distance
Configurable Aim Angle(limits the aimbots aim vectors)
Configurable Prediction Limit
Configurable Aim Bones
Critical Distance(targets within this distance take priority over others)
Smart Target Selection
Aim at zombies/players only, configurable

Script Execution
No Recoil
No Fatigue
No Grass
View Distance
Instant Kill
Instant Hit
Super Bullets
Unlimited Ammo
Thermal Vision
Night Vision
Day time hack

Player (Display name, distance, health, weapon)
Zombie (Display name, distance, health)
Vehicle (Display name, distance, health)
Tent (Display name, distance)
Weapon (Display name, distance)
Animal (Display name, distance)

Shape ESP:
Player (Box, Sphere, Circle)
Zombie (Box, Sphere, Circle)
Vehicle (Box, Sphere, Circle)
Tent (Box, Sphere, Circle)
Weapon (Box, Sphere, Circle)
Animal (Box, Sphere, Circle)

Teleport hacks:
Teleport short distances (customizable)
Fully configurable with hotkeys for ease of use!

Configurable Color
Configurable Size
Configurable Structure

Proximity Alert (Configurable distance, color)
Aiming At Your Warnings (Configurable color)

2D Radar:
Show players/zombies/vehicles/tents/weapons/a

Show entity movement direction
Configurable Colors
Configurable Zoom/Scale Factor
Configurable Position

Profile System:
Save Settings
Load Settings
Delete Settings
Auto-Load Settings

Anti Cheat:
VAC Bypass

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That's like half of your posts.


Because there's a ridiculous number of fuckwits on here who seem to think they've bought a fully finished and functioning game, rather than an alpha.

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i love how people are surprised about hacks...


where have you been? hacking has been documented and talked about since day 1 on the forum


first they didnt even have battleeye running on the servers lol


google bra


popular games will never have protection from hacks..the end.

Edited by deebz1234

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I can confirm this annoying shit is back.


Hacker playing with his freshly bought hacks


Teleports everyone 200 feet in air


drops everyone at his feet in electro


Picks up gear from dead bodies


gives everyone godmode so u cant kill yourself to get an electro spawn to recover gear.





I totally get that this is alpha and there is tons of progress to be made but its just annoying. I'll have to come back in 6 months and see how its doing. For now there's not point wasting time.

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i know there are hacks that can never be stopped since there is always info the client has that hacks can exploit




what i REALLY REALLY don't understand is why people can still spawn fully geared / spawn gear.

Rocket said long before alpha release that every item in the database has a unique number now which will make duping / spawning

of items impossible since they would not have a legit number.


i really hope this will be fixed before beta/release

Edited by Broter

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i know there are hacks that can never be stopped since there is always info the client has that hacks can exploit




what i REALLY REALLY don't understand is why people can still spawn fully geared / spawn gear.

Rocket said long before alpha release that every item in the database has a unique number now which will make duping / spawning

of items impossible since they would not have a legit number.


i really hope this will be fixed before beta/release



considering beta/release wont be for at least a year... i think so.

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considering beta/release wont be for at least a year... i think so.

Really I don’t have a machine to play this right now as I’m rocking a 2004 Build. But I backed the new Elite game on kickstarter so have a copy of that in the bag.


Maybe I should wait even longer to get my new rig with people saying wait till the new intel CPu comes out and DDR4.

I thought it would gather a lot of pace and be Beta in four or five months.

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I had what could have been a hack.  My buddy and I were east of Elektro.


We were walking when something strange happened.  It could have been a hack I guess, but at the same time, it may have been a glitch.  I was trying to move gear before we climbed Sniper Hill when I accidentally tried to put a protective case in another (both were full).  I suddenly shot back 50 feet and thirty feet in the air.  I then plummeted and died.  My buddy had moved too but stayed on the ground.  He suddenly began talking to a new spawn who was right near him when suddenly he too appeared all the way on the far north side of the map at the very edge.


The server then was really glitchy with lots of rubber banding and the strange glitch where you rubber band and the camera is frozen where all you can do is crash the game to desktop.


Could have been a hack maybe?  Or just a glitch.  Seems glitchy more than a hack given the crazy crashes and rubber banding that the server did for the twenty minutes after when I was trying to get back to my body.

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