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Confessions of a KOS'er!!!LuLz

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Pro KOS Replies only..NO Bitching


Tired of all the raging posts about people being KOS'ed and all I have to say Is I am sorry..and it happened to me a lot when I was a nub as well :P Once you guys figure out the game trust me..you'll be doing the same thing. The point is your not going to live forever. And once the game is release you can set up a camp to store gear. Plus it's a video game so stop getting so butthurt!!! 


1. Was on the rocks of Kamyshovo with a Moison yesterday morning dialing my rifle in shooting at re-spawns obviouslyv :P When I went afk to smoke a cigg and came back I was unconscious :P Paybacks a bitch right hahah


2. My friends were camping the Balota airstrip while I was gna run in and grab some gear. As I was running a guy passed me with some gear and I shouted "waddup niggah" as I passed him. Then I noticed he had a Moison so I stopped and turned around. I asked him "what's going on??" in game chat while I told my buddy in the tree line to take the shot. With 1 bullet I was half way geared without even having to fight :P



Share some of your stories!!!!

Edited by vTACv
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1) Was walking into a barracks, a zombie got me on KOS

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you'll be doing the same thing.

No I won't


Plus it's a video game so stop getting so butthurt!!! 

No! :(

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1) Was walking into a barracks, a zombie got me on KOS

I got hit by a zombie once and died before...I feel your pain.

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i'm a scum too.. i have been alive for 2 days now and killed a total of 10+ people on sight... no talk just murder


last night i ran back south from neaf to berezino.. killed two fully gear buddy guys in the lumber yard... close range -100 meters with m4.. one died instantly from my surprise attack and the other died while looking around to see where the shots came from.. 


then i headed to building next to the cranes and killed another two buddy/squad mofos who tried to ambush me.. 1st shot with my mosin square in the eye of one.. traded shots with his buddy.. ran out of mosin ammo.. dropped the mosin and bust out the m4.. his buddy ran out of mosin shots too.. rushed me with i donno what.. he had no m4.. i shot..he flopped.. i loot.. he cried.. thanks for all the ammo if you're reading this.. lol you guys had shit load of gear


looking out the window of a house in berezino.. see a bambi with ax running.. fire mosin .. miss.. he rushes into the house trying to box me.. i miss 3 point blank mosin shots.. epic i know.. i take off running.. bambi is fast as fuck.. punches me a couple times.. im gonna get knocked out soon.. i bust out my scum tactics.. combat log.. wheeww saved.. go to another server.. get to safe area.. bandage.. join back the server.. sees the bambi running out of a house with another bambi.. two mosin shots.. two kills.. 


no shame.. i played how the game lets me play.. lol go bitch to dean

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i'm a scum too.. i have been alive for 2 days now and killed a total of 10+ people on sight... no talk just murder


last night i ran back south from neaf to berezino.. killed two fully gear buddy guys in the lumber yard... close range -100 meters with m4.. one died instantly from my surprise attack and the other died while looking around to see where the shots came from.. 


then i headed to building next to the cranes and killed another two buddy/squad mofos who tried to ambush me.. 1st shot with my mosin square in the eye of one.. traded shots with his buddy.. ran out of mosin ammo.. dropped the mosin and bust out the m4.. his buddy ran out of mosin shots too.. rushed me with i donno what.. he had no m4.. i shot..he flopped.. i loot.. he cried.. thanks for all the ammo if you're reading this.. lol you guys had shit load of gear


looking out the window of a house in berezino.. see a bambi with ax running.. fire mosin .. miss.. he rushes into the house trying to box me.. i miss 3 point blank mosin shots.. epic i know.. i take off running.. bambi is fast as fuck.. punches me a couple times.. im gonna get knocked out soon.. i bust out my scum tactics.. combat log.. wheeww saved.. go to another server.. get to safe area.. bandage.. join back the server.. sees the bambi running out of a house with another bambi.. two mosin shots.. two kills.. 


no shame.. i played how the game lets me play.. lol go bitch to dean

For some reason I believed everything in that post hahaha But I would of did the same thing If I was playing by myself. I bet both group of those guys would of killed you first knowing you were alone.

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Pro KOS Replies only..NO Bitching


Tired of all the raging posts about people being KOS'ed and all I have to say Is I am sorry..and it happened to me a lot when I was a nub as well :P Once you guys figure out the game trust me..you'll be doing the same thing. The point is your not going to live forever. And once the game is release you can set up a camp to store gear. Plus it's a video game so stop getting so butthurt!!! 


1. Was on the rocks of Kamyshovo with a Moison yesterday morning dialing my rifle in shooting at re-spawns obviouslyv :P When I went afk to smoke a cigg and came back I was unconscious :P Paybacks a bitch right hahah


2. My friends were camping the Balota airstrip while I was gna run in and grab some gear. As I was running a guy passed me with some gear and I shouted "waddup niggah" as I passed him. Then I noticed he had a Moison so I stopped and turned around. I asked him "what's going on??" in game chat while I told my buddy in the tree line to take the shot. With 1 bullet I was half way geared without even having to fight :P



Share some of your stories!!!!

Not a Kos player but not butt hurt at all if thats how you want to play its your right lol and it does make the game tense ( with a lack of zeds or survival dangers.)


You KOS and hapilly addmit it i think you could find more in the game but its your game lol your story your not trying to dress it up keep trucking mate.


One day i may see you and well i dont KOS but a guy sniping there ill do my best to kill ya or you will see me and snipe me and ill go fuck why did i stop sneaking/ take that valley what ever and ill be bummed i am starting again but its not like it that hard to start again .....


have some beans...

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Not a Kos player but not butt hurt at all if thats how you want to play its your right lol and it does make the game tense ( with a lack of zeds or survival dangers.)


You KOS and hapilly addmit it i think you could find more in the game but its your game lol your story your not trying to dress it up keep trucking mate.


One day i may see you and well i dont KOS but a guy sniping there ill do my best to kill ya or you will see me and snipe me and ill go fuck why did i stop sneaking/ take that valley what ever and ill be bummed i am starting again but its not like it that hard to start again .....


have some beans...

I don't only play that style bro...It's only when I'm by myself or at a disadvantage or just plain ol target practice. I do a lot to help peeps as well. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164085-day-z-alpha-play-styles/#entry1657425

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KoS'd many times on airstrips and airfields. 


Because I was scared. It was just that simple.


Your way of KoSing is in fact griefing. But there would be no thrill without these noobs- so I'm okay with it.



I just bumped into 2 Guys, which i saw first. Talked to them. They were like OMGWTFBBQPANIC and ran upstairs in a building. After some minutes of communication,

I had the balls to go upstairs to these armed people.

Then I just offered saline, a PU, a RDS, Ammo, Food and was so good geared, that I didn't wanted anything in return..... why? Because I can. Because I was able to master this situation and was overgeared. ...instead of "OMG ;( Clickclick".


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KoS'd many times on airstrips and airfields. 


Because I was scared. It was just that simple.


Your way of KoSing is in fact griefing. But there would be no thrill without these noobs- so I'm okay with it.



I just bumped into 2 Guys, which i saw first. Talked to them. They were like OMGWTFBBQPANIC and ran upstairs in a building. After some minutes of communication,

I had the balls to go upstairs to these armed people.

Then I just offered saline, a PU, a RDS, Ammo, Food and was so good geared, that I didn't wanted anything in return..... why? Because I can. Because I was able to master this situation and was overgeared. ...instead of "OMG ;( Clickclick".

Never stated I always KOS'er..This is a thread for KOS stories on so PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC!!! (trying to balance the forum out a lil with all the hate)

Edited by vTACv

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I saw can of soda throught window of a house in Kabanino so I went inside to pick it up.


When in house I hear voice: "You in the house, are you friendly?!"


Combat log, server hop, went to get a good position outside of the house, log back on original server.


Ghost killed 2 geared people that thought they had me cornered in the house.



no shame.. i played how the game lets me play.. lol go bitch to dean

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I saw can of soda throught window of a house in Kabanino so I went inside to pick it up.


When in house I hear voice: "You in the house, are you friendly?!"


Combat log, server hop, went to get a good position outside of the house, log back on original server.


Ghost killed 2 geared people that thought they had me cornered in the house.


high five bro

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Lurking in a coastal town with a crew of 4-5. Racking up to 50 kills per evening.

4-5 decked players killing unarmed fresh spawns?  50 kills a day between the 5 of you? 


Fucking MLG.

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I was in the east once. I noticed this group of fresh spawns that were accompanied by an armed man with a Mosin, so I decided to loot him. After I shot and killed him with my M4, his fresh spawn buddies tried to kill me while others went for the dead guy's Mosin. I first took out the guys that were going for the gun and then shot at the people trying to knock me out. Sad to say, that the man didn't have any worthwhile loot. Spent 50 M4 shots on my 60 round magazine on that group of what seemed like 6 people.

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a guy was on a island near kamy...he killed me twice came back with my fist behind him....try to beat is ass he combat logged ARE YOU KIDDING!?! you got a fuc**** gun with a fuc**** axe...and maybe a pistol...

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I was in the east once. I noticed this group of fresh spawns that were accompanied by an armed man with a Mosin, so I decided to loot him. After I shot and killed him with my M4, his fresh spawn buddies tried to kill me while others went for the dead guy's Mosin. I first took out the guys that were going for the gun and then shot at the people trying to knock me out. Sad to say, that the man didn't have any worthwhile loot. Spent 50 M4 shots on my 60 round magazine on that group of what seemed like 6 people.

60 bullets= no loot is not worth it. It was probably funny to piss them all off though hahah

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Edited by Mcleane

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60 bullets= no loot is not worth it. It was probably funny to piss them all off though hahah

Yeah, well, I took quick looks at his inventory because I spotted more fresh spawns behind a house trying to see what's going on. Don't know if they too were part of that group and I was afraid that they might come to punch me and make me waste more ammo.

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^^^^This guy is a hater :P It's a play style bro not a flame thread!!!

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i'm a scum too.. i have been alive for 2 days now and killed a total of 10+ people on sight... no talk just murder


last night i ran back south from neaf to berezino.. killed two fully gear buddy guys in the lumber yard... close range -100 meters with m4.. one died instantly from my surprise attack and the other died while looking around to see where the shots came from.. 


then i headed to building next to the cranes and killed another two buddy/squad mofos who tried to ambush me.. 1st shot with my mosin square in the eye of one.. traded shots with his buddy.. ran out of mosin ammo.. dropped the mosin and bust out the m4.. his buddy ran out of mosin shots too.. rushed me with i donno what.. he had no m4.. i shot..he flopped.. i loot.. he cried.. thanks for all the ammo if you're reading this.. lol you guys had shit load of gear


looking out the window of a house in berezino.. see a bambi with ax running.. fire mosin .. miss.. he rushes into the house trying to box me.. i miss 3 point blank mosin shots.. epic i know.. i take off running.. bambi is fast as fuck.. punches me a couple times.. im gonna get knocked out soon.. i bust out my scum tactics.. combat log.. wheeww saved.. go to another server.. get to safe area.. bandage.. join back the server.. sees the bambi running out of a house with another bambi.. two mosin shots.. two kills.. 


no shame.. i played how the game lets me play.. lol go bitch to dean


Wow.  You need to just fuck off and go play CoD.  And really?  Combat logging?  Scum of the fucking earth.  But hey at least you admit it.

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I saw can of soda throught window of a house in Kabanino so I went inside to pick it up.


When in house I hear voice: "You in the house, are you friendly?!"


Combat log, server hop, went to get a good position outside of the house, log back on original server.


Ghost killed 2 geared people that thought they had me cornered in the house.

Do you guys think you're clever or skilled by doing that shit?  It pisses me off that people not only do this sort of thing, but brag about it...


Seriously this thread is about people bragging about combat logging and ghosting just so they can get their 2 inchers up by killing people who play fair.  Can we close this shit please?  Damn.

Edited by Mdogg2005

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Pro KOS Replies only..NO Bitching


Tired of all the raging posts about people being KOS'ed and all I have to say Is I am sorry..and it happened to me a lot when I was a nub as well :P Once you guys figure out the game trust me..you'll be doing the same thing. The point is your not going to live forever. And once the game is release you can set up a camp to store gear. Plus it's a video game so stop getting so butthurt!!! 


1. Was on the rocks of Kamyshovo with a Moison yesterday morning dialing my rifle in shooting at re-spawns obviouslyv :P When I went afk to smoke a cigg and came back I was unconscious :P Paybacks a bitch right hahah


2. My friends were camping the Balota airstrip while I was gna run in and grab some gear. As I was running a guy passed me with some gear and I shouted "waddup niggah" as I passed him. Then I noticed he had a Moison so I stopped and turned around. I asked him "what's going on??" in game chat while I told my buddy in the tree line to take the shot. With 1 bullet I was half way geared without even having to fight :P



Share some of your stories!!!!


I will not contribute to this racist post.

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KOSing is legit.


But combat logging to get the jump on someone who out jumped you just turns you into a life/gear pussy. Add in you are missing out on the best part of Dayz to get a real ghetto COD fix.


Too each his own cause it's true. Theres nothing to stop all this so at this point it's just as legit as sneaking up on someone. Even though Dean himself has stated that combat logging etc are not meant to be part of the game so it's as close to cheating as one can get at the moment. Your fun will soon run out.


Everyone give a big thanks Dean for fixing the issue early! luls....


Have fun while you can cause this will all be changed come release. If not the game will die due to being a crap pot game full of sissys...





I don't ever remember the KOS kills. I only remember all the Mexican stand off's. That's were a pair of balls helps the game play...


That and nothing sounds more manly than. "Ha, Gentalmen this is my 3rd Mexican stand off today. You sure you wanna do this?".    (followed by silence as he/she logs with wet shorts).


Just my 2cents....





Question for the OP. Every been killed after logging back in, in a new area only to be killed on log? Cause people who have played enough like my group just fan out and sit and wait for you to log back in. Normaly in that top window or roof. Basicaly the closest high ground...


I don't even remember going back to Mod days when a Queen of the Hill logger killed one of us. But some poor beach noob who just bought the game and doesn't have any friends or know how to pull out the flash light would be standard pray I'm sure...

Edited by RyBo

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