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suggestion against slaughter players....

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hello survivors,

i know bandits and killing peoples is a hot topic.

my suggestion what i think is simple.

killing more then 5 peoples the hero becomes "Sick". kinda berserk status.

-hands are shaking for rage (aiming is impossible)

-the view is kinda red bloor.


at the end the hero becomes uncontrolable and becomes a zombie with nice loot?


my suggestion for this berserk cure is: smoke some weed and wait 15-30min.


this should stop obviously the slaughting other players.

i hope dayz becomes more player vs zombie :)


what do you think about my suggestion!?


ps: sry my english isnt my main langue but should be enough for sharing my mind ^^

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ähhhh, NEIN....

ps: sorry my english isn't my native language but should be enough for sharing my mind ^^

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its hard to downvote anything involving drug abuse, but nevertheless - nope.

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You're obviously high as F'ck!

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It's not the Bandits who are to blame, it's the KoS spawn/coast campers who are.

If you do not want to get killed as often, improve your level of skill, be more cautious or find a lower populated servers, and avoid places like NWAF/Cherno/Elektro/NEAS ect. during prime time for that server.

I personally enjoy the threat that Bandits/KoS'rs give to my gameplay, it makes me act more thoughtfully and take notice of more things before just charging into a place, and as this game grows, there will be more to do and thus lowering the amount of times Bandits/KoS'rs kill people, because there will be more to do, like base building, those Bandits/KoS'rs won't be wanting to draw attention to them from a vengfull player or players who find their base and take revenge, lol...

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It's not the Bandits who are to blame, it's the KoS spawn/coast campers who are.

If you do not want to get killed as often, improve your level of skill, be more cautious or find a lower populated servers, and avoid places like NWAF/Cherno/Elektro/NEAS ect. during prime time for that server.

I personally enjoy the threat that Bandits/KoS'rs give to my gameplay, it makes me act more thoughtfully and take notice of more things before just charging into a place, and as this game grows, there will be more to do and thus lowering the amount of times Bandits/KoS'rs kill people, because there will be more to do, like base building, those Bandits/KoS'rs won't be wanting to draw attention to them from a vengfull player or players who find their base and take revenge, lol...


well ok.

seem nonstop-PK is standard on dayz without any penaltys.

looks like its okay for the most players here, so i dont care this anymore.


mod u can close this topic :)


@trolls try atleast to be funny ^^

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How are there no penalties? When you shoot, others shoot back. That's enough of a penalty. If you can defend yourself from bandits then it's not an issue and shouldn't be ever discussed on these forums.

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