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So hi im new to the game!

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So yeah me and a friend just picked this up on steam yesterday. neither of us played the mod before and ive been following the development of the game but i havent really looked to hard in to it so im a totall newb. my friend knows even less then i do but it sounded like it could be fun so here we are.

Anyway had some fun yesterday i must admit.


So we started playing and as i suspected we wouldent start on the same spawning location.

so we spent a good i dunno 20mins? trying to find eachother, I had picked a server with no people in it. (i figured we needed to learn abit and see how things worked atleast a little before we threw the random people in to the mixture) so going against what ive read according to tips we did run on the roads or rather train track in an attempt to try and speed up the process, so when we finally found eachother we discussed it and decided to move inland abit in search of a smaller town to raid for some gear.  so we started moving. and wow the map is huge and im honestly supriced how good things look. anyway were sprinting along and spot a smaller village in the distance and decide thats the spot were gonna hit. so we start sprinting in that direction.

now once we get close we hunker down and start creeping? crouch running? lol in not sure what to call it but we hunker down and start moving closer in an attempt to avoid any zombies (at this point we havent seen a singel zombie but we figured  town= zombies) anyway were there now and we start moving around in the town searching building after building. we managed each to find a backpack and 1 axe each.and im thinking,hey this isent going to bad. we got packs to help us gather stuff we need and we each got a weapon now to help defend ourselfs a little better.


At this point due to the totall lack of zombies were getting overconfident. my guts is telling me we need to search the buildings as a team. 1 searches 1 keeps lookout or helps to cover atleast so we cant get snuk up on (no real clue how the zombies works so not really sure how noticable or how fast / stealthy they are) but we end up splitting up to to speed up the process of raiding the town. (now mind you were sitting on steam voice chat so were talking while doing this)


ok so now we have split up and are each in a building on our own searching for something usefull. i hear him saying something about that he just found something nice "cant remember what" when all of the sudden i hear him shout Hey theres someone here trying to kill me he shouts at me !

for a split second i think to my self Shit we got to careless and now zombies snuk up on us. I hear the panic in his voice and i rush to action,

i start shouting to him run out of the building ill help, (i do this cause im unsure wich of the buildings he's in) while i start running down the stairs of my own building rushing as fast as i can to get out.

so i get outside my building and look around at the buildings near me trying to get any hint of where he could be, when he starts shouting: Shit he's got an axe and he's killing me.


then it hits me its not a zombie but a player ! (crap i thought we were alone here.)

Where are you i shout at him and at this point i hear some cursing shooting out of him and at the end he tosses in the words, im bleeding and he's standing ontop of me on the doorway in to the building.

i star running in one of the directions in an attempt to spot him and his assailent.

i turn a corner in a stroke of luck it tourns out i had run in the right direction.

i hear my buddy goes damnit im dead and now he's looting me.

ok so here's the scene im looking at.

my friend is lying on the ground in the middle of the street dead, (not in the doorway for some reason) and ontop of him i see his assailent.  some random guy with a pink motorcycle helmet and a axe in his hands. white shirt and blue jeans. no pistol or rifle i note to my self. the guy seems to be totally obvlious to my presence as i creep closer in a half circle trying to come up behind him,  so there im standing right behind my friends murderer and i take a swing with my axe and i managed to get a clean hit on his left shoulder /upper arm.

the guy just topples over and ends up dead on the ground next to my friend.("im not sure if this is possible or if its just a bug or graphics glitch but on my screen it looks like i chopped the guys arm off)

at this point i must admit im feeling kinda awesome, but annoyed since my friend died.


I tell my friend to respawn and tell him lets try and hook back up again so we can contiue to skulk around.

when all of the sudden i hear footsteps and out of the building infront of me another pink motorcycle guy shows up with a axe in his hands.

i immediatly turn my attention him him and raise my axe in my hand and take a quick look around me to make sure there's no one sneaking up on me.

mr pink as i named him in my head turns on his microphone and starts saying somehting to me in a language i dont recognize. all at the same time while moving forward towards me in a threatning manner.

i activate my ingame mic and tell him in english sorry mate but ive got no clue what your saying,now if your with the guy who just killed my friend you and i got a problem. if your not i suggest you get out of here cause i got no beef with you and im not looking for any trouble right now.

the mr pink stops in his stride towards me and shoots off another couple of words in the language i dont know.

he does a attack with the axe in mid air (he's still got some distance) and backs up and then charges forward again.


at this point i figured its better to get out of here before he decides to try his luck and take me out.

so i turn around and bolt around a corner of a building stopping dead once im around it , i turn around and get ready to chop mr.pink if he comes running after me around the corner.

Luckly mr pink decided not to pursue,


Now this was my first experience in DayZ,  i must admit im finding it fun. right now im still hanging out on low populated servers trying to learn how things work so running around can get kinda empty. (my friend dosent game as much as i do) but still fun.

i must admit tho alot less zombies then i imagined.

anyway just wanted to share my first experience since i found it quite fun.

now to start day 2 in my journey that is DayZ!


anyway im looking for people to play the game with. im situated in europe my self GMT +1 i think and looking for people that wouldent mind playing with a newb and having fun.






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Epic story bro, good to have you here on the forums!


PM me if you ever need any help (click on my picture and it will take you to my profile)


Enjoy your time here, it's a great place


Enjoy Dayz

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Beans for a helluva 1st post.  :thumbsup:


Extra beans for not complaining about a very far from finished game.  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:

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Beans for a helluva 1st post.  :thumbsup:


Extra beans for not complaining about a very far from finished game.  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:



U so kind bro  B)

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Thanks guys for the welcome :) glad you like the post

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ah i remember my first time too, its an exciting game, still ways to go before its done but the fun factor is high right of the bat, and it is more fun to play with other people otherwise it gets lonely. Best of luck buddy, happy hunting and dont trust anyone.

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saw the post of the blurried vision and im actually having the same problem and saw that someone suggested using a sailin bag. i actually have one of those. and it says its got everything needed to use it. but i cant for the life of me figure out how to do it. anyone mind telling me how?

ive equipped it in my hands but cant do much else than that. and when i right click it i only get inspect option

Edited by Happy-

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You will need another player to perform the action on you.

Ahh cheers good to know.

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I'm glad zombies are here only to cover up the true nature of this game so we can get more interesting stories.

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U so kind bro  B)


I like to call it positive reinforcement.  :D

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YAY!  I love these kind of first impression stories.  Beans for you.   :)

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Hi Happy, welcome to the forum.  I'll be honest, I haven't read your entire post as it's 2.15am here but I will read it in the morning!  I just wanted to say hi before I dash off to bed. :thumbsup:

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got a question or 2 regarding items. first off, matches can you actually use them for anything? i noticed you cant palm them so just curious.

also found a M68 COMPM2 Optics wich takes a batteri. so i tossed one in "licked it first to check if it was charged" and then attached it to my m16 and turned it on. cant say im seeing any diffrence on it from on and off mode. anyone know what it actually does?

also can you actually cook food and or make up a fire?

ive found a portable cooking stove and the gas tubes. ive never actually had them both at the same time so far.

just curious if its possible if so ill hold on to the diffrent parts when i find them.


sorry for the newb questions but you know what they say. if you dont ask,you dont learn

Edited by Happy-

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and finaly someone nailed me. noticed the server i was on was empty on people so joined one that had some in it. PVE it said on the server name. figured i might meet some people and get lucky and find someone to group up with. hah 4mins in some guy finds me in one of the military tents im searching. and well lets just say the server wasent so pve after all lol.

Bye Bye my fully kitted out m4a1 with scope and my box of 300 ammo and military outfith!

Well time to start again.

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Welcome to the forums!

You seem like a cool guy, have some beans.

Good story tbh, much better than the average on here ;) hope to see ya around.

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saw the post of the blurried vision and im actually having the same problem and saw that someone suggested using a sailin bag. i actually have one of those. and it says its got everything needed to use it. but i cant for the life of me figure out how to do it. anyone mind telling me how?

ive equipped it in my hands but cant do much else than that. and when i right click it i only get inspect option





A Saline bag will heal your blood. Blurry vision doesnt come from low blood though but from low health the only way right now to regain health is by having full blood and having eaten and drunken a shitload. 

Having low blood is indicated by colour fading away. Also you can get rid off the blurrines at a whole by disabeling post processing in the options thats a good decision from a performance point of view too the only downside is youre disabeling the only indicator for your health.

Edited by Werodar

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