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"I Nearly Sh*t Myself" or Startling Moments in DayZ

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So, what is the most startled / terrified you have ever been in Dayz?

For me, it was last night.

There I am, slowly climbing the stairs of an office building... Making my way with my revolver out, with hope in my heart that I can find a Mosin.

I slowly move up the stairs, keeping a careful watch on my left for someone coming down from the third floor.

I make it about half way, start to look to my right to check around the corner and BAMM a player runs right in front of my from that direction.

I panic and start firing my revolver. BLAM, BLAM, click, click... The first two shots go wild... He runs back the direction he came, and I run back down the stairs, out the building, and around a pub.

That is my biggest scare.

What is yours?

(I actually felt bad shooting at him. I just panicked. I even had a spare can opener for trade... And boy, I love the extra panic from running out of bullets!)

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So, what is the most startled / terrified you have ever been in Dayz?


I dared to run across NWAF.

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Any other person encounter is scary, you never know what they're going to do. 

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I think the most intense/awesome/but scary moment I had, it was my bro abd me, as usual. We were far behind the balita airstrip heading towards cherno.im following my bro in a wide open field and POP POP POP , POP POP POP. My bro now shouting out hes hit, then dead. I instantly start doing zig zags trying to find where its from. No luck but I find a bush and tree for cover. I sit and catch my breath. Take out my mosin and start lean peeking, and I see them. A damn firing squad in the tree lines. 4 total. 2 with m4s, 1 with a mosin, and one with a pistol. The one with the pistol moves up to my friends body. I dont mind him. I scope in and take my first shot at the other mosin. He died. But now they are looking for me. I see the one m4 running away for cover whilw the other is covering his friend loots my bro. I hear a full unload of a pistol clip. Right at me. They all miss. He does this for 3 clips. Not taking distance into consideration and I take him down. I look back towards the treeline and see nothing. I waited a good ten minutes before moving. no movement at the treeline. Put my gun aawy and ready to sprint.. still in a very open field. I ran and for the closest ttreeline away from where they were shooting me from. 10 seconds into my sprint. I hear m4 shots, all around me. Then a few cracks of the mosin.Both of them shooting and bullets wizzing by my head. It felt like 5 mins of pure m4 bursts and atleast 2 clips of mosin unloaded aat me and nothing hit. I make it past a hill and out of sight. I was shaking from adrenaline and shouting to my bro. Was fun. And scary lol

Edited by wRUKUS

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Dayz is a special game it has moments of joy moments of sadness and loss and moments of shear terror and that is why I play. Enjoy this game it's one in million.

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First time I played on a night server freaked me right out. Running through Cherno and just hearing all the zombies around me heading my way. A zombie had tried to hit me and when it missed it made a loud, ricochet like noise which brought all his friends right to me. I killed a couple and then decided to bail because I was alone with my splitting axe.

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When I got mugged for the first time on my fully decked character. They stole some of my stuff including 60 round magazines and my upgraded M4, they left one though, so I picked that one up.


I really thought they were gonna shoot me, but they didn't. They just took some of my stuff and went along their business. They even complimented me on the size of my genitals. And to top that off, there was a guy inside the police building watching everything from the jail cell. We both loled when I saw him inside and talked about the mugging.

Edited by AntonioAJC
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I just started, having no clue what I was doing. Suddenly, a Z floated through a wall while making a loud gurgling sound- I screamed/yelled and everyone on Teamspeak told me to stfu.


Floor zombies still scare me.

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When I first started playing I loaded into a random server.  Just finished installing the game.  I had no idea where I was.  I went to go adjust my volume settings and heard a zombie and a gunshot.  Shit my pants and closed my game.

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Creeping along the Elektro rooftops. I look down and see a group of almost ten guys walking in a straight line, fully geared up. I kinda panicked because one looked up, so I ducked back down into cover. They started blasting 'My nigga' over local chat, and started trying to get up to me. I took out a few of them before they decided to leave me alone and go.

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Happened today , I was heading towards NEAF during night and there were only 2 people on server some guy and me. When I was about to enter first police building I saw  armed guy with m4 getting out from doors, he looked at me , I looked at him and we simultenaously started shooting at point blank range. He missed all of his probably 30 shots and i mised about 35 shots but my last 3 hit the target i ran to cover , he start to reload, peak and 2 shots sent him 7 kilometers back to beach, I start to loot him and also find other bugged dead body inside, Happily exited game, about 20 minutes later I want to play again , and before I saw I heared the awfull sound of sea and I know I was punished by dayz gods. 

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mine was a military building in ne airstrip.. I'm on top floor with my rifle and i hear foot steps down below me... a guy opens the door, doesn't notice me at first, he walks straight into the room but he's banding about, probably too close to the beds, I take 3 shots at him, hit him once.. he retreats to landing, another guy is outside on the landing, I take a shot at him in blind panick... i sit there for what seems like  eternity.. I hear nothing.. I slowly look to the landing.. 2 dead bodies.... then i hear more footsteps downstairs so I rrush back into the room closing the door behind me..a guy then began having a conversation with me from otherside of the door asking if i wanted to party an if it was ok for him to loot the two dead bodies.... "sure i said"... I didn't leave the room :P

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I punched a rabbit a few times but the server lagged and 2-3 seconds later the punching made bullet ricochet sounds on the ground around me and I thought for a split second I was being shot at.  My chest hurt for about twenty minutes afterward from the adrenaline rush

Edited by pteryx

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mine was when me and a friend had just spent half an hour slowly combing through NWAF, carefully watching each others backs and all was fine. we got to the last hangar and were good to go, we ran out into the open and thought we were all clear. then suddenly while standing running across the airfield towards the southern barracks we hear a voice to our right ordering us to get down on the ground.. someone had the drop on us! we both immediately hit the deck and I turn towards the voice looking for targets (they should have shot us at this point) I see nothing but a red backpack protruding from the grass about 20 m away to our right. I shout 'contact right!' and begin firing into the grass. my shots hit the target but then suddenly we start hearing more m4 rounds cracking as they whizz over our heads as his two team mates begin opening fire. my buddy starts firing back as I crawl forwards, using the body of the dead bandit as the only cover I could find (hiding behind a body seeing the bloody spattering out of it django style - EPIC) then there is a lul in the battle and we both stay lying on the deck when the bandits make their second mistake, one gets up to move position and we instantly bring him down with semi automatic fire. the 3rd then takes a knee to get a better view and begins firing at us again but he too is quickly dispatched.

was such an epic fight, caught in the open 3v2 but we somehow came out unscathed, we were buzzing! 

its also the reason iv never used a backpack other than the hunting backpack since, due to the fact it sticks out like a sore thumb!!

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Easily bashyna for me. Was in the bottom back room looking for a hunting pack. Two seconds out of the doorframe, myself and some barracks rat make eye contact and freeze. Thankfully, I always keep my magnum up and ready to fire, he had his m4 at rest. Sent two rounds at him, both ate wall. He was a quick little military leg humper though, and sent half a clip at me. I ducked back into the room. If we had shrapnel, I'd of been dead from splinters.

Somewhere off in the distance, William Defoe screamed "there was a fire fight!"

This part might of been in my head.

I sent four rounds down the hallway at him. Apparently, he knows .357 rounds hurt, and ducked back. I didn't even reload, just swapped to my bare bones mosin. Mashed the range to 200 in case, and brought that beast up. Good thing to, cause all I saw was his scared little ass kicking rocks out the door. Instead of juking left or right, out of my target range, he thought it was best to make for the propane tank. A quick rightclick brought me where I needed to be at, and I sunk one nice and deep between his shoulders.

Went down like I paid him. Sprinted to the body, and sent one more into the back of his head to be sure.

Checked his neon green 35 slot pack, kids a server hopping hero. Mags, clips, all the usual beach camping gear. All ruined. Decide my brown civie gears better then his crap, when two yellow cases catch my eye. Pop em open and find two stacks of magnum ammo, a compass, and the mother of all loot, a completed map.

Then the scary part happens.

Neither him nor I killed the damn zombie in the yard. It sneaks up behind me and yarls, about pissed myself......

Now that I think of it, I'm running across more and more people at Bashyna. I only visit for the hunting pack, might be worth setting up shop in the woods.

Edited by Ineedscoffee
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Ha ha!


The scariest thing happened to me yesterday in game....well....maybe it was the scariest for the other guy.


I'm extremely sneaky, and always wait a while and look before approaching a dangerous area. Was in a far away town, away from the busy and overrun areas, and approaching an office building with a good third floor weapons spawn. Watched for a while holding my Mosin ready, no one. Proceeded in, stopped, listen a long while before heading up to the third floor. No one.


Went into the small room where weapons and ammo generally are....stuff was in there, no one had made it this far out before me.


I walk up to a shelving unit- there's a magnum ammo there. Before I can reach for it, a guy, who apparently was server jumping around in this room, pops between me and shelf...he's like two feet directly in front of me- so close I slide backwards away from him.


About crapped my pants. He's got the auto-rifle, but it's slung. My long rifle is pointed at his stomach, nearly touching him.


I keep enough of my sense about me to not shoot wildly, but back up, keeping the rifle in his stomach, in case he draws.


He starts punching me, charging forward.


I blast him, down he goes. If he had simply raised a hand or yelled friendly, I would have let him go- but nooooo, he has to start hitting me.


Of course, he has no ammo for the weapon, which makes me feel bad, but, at that range, and with that sort of extreme surprise of him spawning on top of me, there wasn't much time for deliberation.


Still, it was an absolutely terrifying moment the way he popped in between me and the shelf of ammo, and one I won't soon forget.

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IYesterday was the first official game i played in Day z standalone. So i spawned in i believe berezin. Started moving toward electro. I happened to see a house i could search for food and water, so i went in. I opened the door, and i saw a fireaxe laying next to the flipped table. I took it and equipped it but when i turned around, some bandit spawned right behind me with a mosin. He said "hands up or i shoot", me as a noob didn't knew the button for it yet. And out of panic, i lunged out with the axe. Hitting him straight in the head and a kill. I shat my pants, but. He was loaded! Mosin with 30 rounds, prestine canteen, enough food to fill my belly with, had a prestine scope for the mosin and most importantly, he had a fn with 3 mags and an ammo box containing both mosin and 45. rounds. When i finally made sure of what happened. His buddy must've spawned aswel in another house, he began shooting me through the window. Hitting me in the process. When he began reloading, i popped out of behind the window and blew a bullet right through is skull. I bandaged myself and checked his body. They were fully loaded with guns, his buddy had a M16. but i had no space to carry both. Then somebody shouting "friendly" takes cover behind outside. We made a chat and his name was jackson. I gave him the weapons and stuff on the other body, and we began an alliance. In the end Jackson died due to sniper fire near cherno. But i avenged him and killed 6 more bandits near balota. there i made a new friend ^^.


I had the most wonderfull, but at the same time super terrifying first day in dayz. I killed somebody who spawned behind me with a mosin with an axe. His buddy with his rifle. Saw my first friend die right next to me while we were scouting the apartments outside cherno, avenged him, killed 6 bandits (should have been 7 but the other one left before i could get to him) and made a new friend called Peter...


I will never forget this, this game is excelent! Worth my 23 euro's even though it's in alpha...

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You also leaned something. No matter where you are, never log out inside a building.


Yeah, i notice it's a bad idea. I logged off today in  the woods in a bush in prone position far away from a road. so i should be good the next time i respawn.

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I ran into a guy who had a rifle, but didn't shoot me in the face immediately.  


I was so confounded and frightened by this turn of events, I shot him in the throat and took his shit.

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sneaking around in the south west military base at night on a high pop server, when suddenly a proud evangelist screams out the glories of Mucinexnasal decongestant....scared the shit out of me.

a few moments later I realized it was the advertisement on the dayz SA web browser map, which was open in the background...

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Falling down a ladder and holding my breath for the next 5 seconds, waiting to see if i died or not. One of the most traumatizing experiences to date (and it happens quite commonly  :D)

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