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We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

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If you want, you could even treat that as "natural selection" if people shoot other people wearing certain things on sight, and others not.


Means the nice guy could backstab you, simple as that. While you might fire upon friendly geared players (or a group) and get your ass handed to you.


I personally wouldn't go as far as say: YES, a guy wearing (insert here) is definitely bandit / hero.


You could say that if there was "fake" karma skins you get after doing certain stuff. Then you could say it, but even then it might not be true completely, depending on how these skins would be applied.

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It's ridiculous to claim that everyone in full military gear is a bandit. At the moment (never get attached to anything in DayZ) I'm in military clothing and gear and I never kill anyone unless it's self defense. 


The ability to customize clothing would help. Bandits could still duplicate the appearance of the item but if a player wants to be a dedicated medic they should be able to paint some kind of symbol (like a red cross or crescent) on gear or make armbands.


I vehemently oppose any system where your appearance is changed solely based on your behavior. This is not Fable.  

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I just can speak for myself. I'm not a bandit nor a hero. But if someone is doing a stupid move, he will earn a bullet through the head.

For me it doesn't matter, whether he is fully geared and wearing camo or he is wearing a fancy armband, which indicates that he is might be a good guy. I don't trust anyone, whom I don't know.  :D

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Wow, then it's easier as I've thought. Someone wears camo and gasmask, he's definitely up for no good.

Strange, I'm quite sure, last time I've been shoot by a guy wearing blue jeans and an orange raincoat. Must be something with my eyes or at least with my graphic settting in game. 


I either don't know if brain flu has already been implemented or the gasmask is providing a suitable protection against it. But as soon as it will...Boy...there will be a lot of bandits around.  :huh:


PS.: I wonder whether the skin color of a player's character also shows his intensions.  <_<


Yeah, it's been suggested over and over that players that wear X are all bandits.  Unfortunately they've said that for about 1/2 the items in the game.  So basically if you're A. Alive and B. Moving........you're a bandit.


I'd also be fine if bandits had "bloody" clothing, civs had "clean" clothing, and heros had "dirty" clothing.


And the PS is a bit racist man, don't need that crap here.

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And the PS is a bit racist man, don't need that crap here.


I don't remember who is using this signature, but currently it fits.

Serious people take things seroiusly.  :rolleyes:


Why don't start a poll,asking people to choose whether they want your suggestion to be implemented or not. Because this (meanwhile) 27 pages long thread leads to nowhere. 


PS: And btw, the whole bandits wear "bloody" / ruined clothing isn't a bad idea. This might bring some new dynamics into the game. I can imagine, some bandits hold up a nice guy, handcuff him, change his clothing and then letting him travel along just to watch him being beat up by heros, thinking he is a bandit.  :D

Edited by TiKilla

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so you think the military is evil and the press are heros????


I'd rather be a bandit, thanks.

My beans. You can have them all!

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The nice thing about the interactions is the uncertainty about the other persons intentions. 

You have to make a judgement yourself and that's an element which makes this game so good --> realism.

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We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.  


At a bare minimum this should be an easily implemented mod for future private servers.  We're paying for it, it should be our choice.

You don't like it, don't play on my server.....lol




1.  Some of you like to be a KOS bandit.  Got it.


2.  Some of us would like to be Heros.  But we can't do it with the way the game currently is, unless you like being a bullet / axe sponge.


Something to identify heros and bandits "at distance" is needed to enable 2 to happen.  Something visible if you can actually SEE the person.  It could be an armband, face wrap, mask, whatever.  Don't care what it is.



Just your eyes = maybe see it at 50-100 meters

Short range scope = see it at 100-200 meters

Long range scope = see it at 200-400 meters


EDIT:  It can be something like an armband that you would select "Yes Wear" or "No Destroy" when you spawn each time.  You get to CHOOSE if you want to have the armband on or not.  It would not be a lootable item though.  That would make the system pointless / broken.


I really LOVE that Rocket's videos all have a bunch of friendly players that he meets in a private locked server.....lol  I would love it even more if he went into a full public server and ran around Electro or Cherno for a couple of hours.  It would be a shit video and not a good advertisement for the game, because he'd get KOS'd over and over and over.  I would love to see Rocket getting chased for 20-30 minutes by some 12 year old with an axe.


Having something visual that would tell the difference between Hero and Bandit would NOT ruin your gameplay.  You can STILL KOS.  It will NOT prevent KOS style gameplay or ruin the game.  However it would ENABLE people to be Heros if they wanted to.  YOU get to play as a KOS bandit, but we can't play as a Hero unless we want to eat bullets or an axe in 90% of player interactions.


Honestly I think all the hate (and I'm sure troll posts below) from the KOS guys is because they are scared to death of groups of Heros leaving other Heros alone, and hunting them down.


Also for those that WHINE that it's a huge disadvantage to have identification..........guess what.........being a KOS bandit is a HUGE advantage over Heros who have to try to interact with other players.  Everyone you see.....you kill.  No questions asked.  Heros can't do that, so there's an inherent problem with the BALANCE of gameplay.  We can't identify other heros, and can't KOS everyone.


If you're not scared, why hate on the idea?  Can't up your game to deal with a few Heros?




Followup Post:


Yep, arguing realism doesn't work.  If this was real, you wouldn't have to eat every 3 minutes to survive, or die from not eating for 1 hour.  Loot wouldn't respawn magically at a certain time.  The cities like Cherno and Electro would be hellholes full of millions of zombies you wouldn't even go near.  Not everyone is trained on weapons, and those that weren't "should" have bad accuracy.


This game is not real, while they want to strive for realistic gameplay, some things need to happen to facilitate gameplay (respawning loot, everyone having equal accuracy while shooting, etc).


You can make the humanity system relatively unexploitable by issuing different points for kills:

Kill a hero = -1000 humanity

Kill a civ = -500 humanity

Kill a bandit = +250 humanity

* No humanity gain or loss from any other actions.  No healing points, zombie killing points, etc, etc.  Just strictly based on player kills.  You'd have to kill 4 bandits for every hero killed if you wanted to stay positive.

* Maybe add a double penalty for killing 2 heros or civs in a row.  That would definitely fix people farming humanity, just so they could KOS later.


Right now approaching another player is the easiest way to force the KOS issue.  Of every player I've ever approached, 90% of them have tried to kill me if they at least had a melee weapon.  So if you want to be a bullet / axe sponge, keep doing that.  I'd rather have a way to IDENTIFY that someone is a hero, so I don't necessarily have to shoot them.


I want to play as a Hero without playing a Hero Bullet / Axe sponge.


If we had some way to identify Heros, Civs, and Bandits, you could stop raging at the crap tons of KOS topics because 75% of them would stop overnight.


Otherwise you can keep saying NO NO NO NO NO to every possible solution and put up with a million more KOS topics in the forums.  Your choice.......lol




Followup Post:


Hell, I'd even be fine if you could DESTROY your armband, as long as it's NOT a lootable item.  If you don't want an armband, rip it up.


Heros and civs would probably keep theirs on.  KOSers would rip theirs off.


Problem solved.  You don't HAVE to wear it.




Decided to make an example of what it might look like.  Please note the color is brighter just for illustrative purposes.




I found the perfect skin for all you humanity loving Hero's, may not reduce your KOS probability though!



Edited by Easy_Tiger
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I'd also be fine if bandits had "bloody" clothing, civs had "clean" clothing, and heros had "dirty" clothing.


thats bs. the biggest bandits on earth wearing fine suits with tie, not bloody clothes...


take a look at RL:



no. no need for different skins or clothin. you can differ them from their actions.

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That would be pretty funny if you could get politician clothes.  Kinda impractical though as "which ones do you choose"?  All USA ones?  All European ones?  What if you have a politician you really don't like, but only their rival's skin is available.


So bandits KOS instantly whenever they see someone.  <------super easy mode


And heros are forced to creep around trying to get a "feeling" of what a player might do if they approached them.   <-----yawn, boring and a pain in the ass


Seems like a very one sided advantage for bandits, and super boring for heros.

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takes balls to wear a bandit mask as you may as well run round with a big sign saying shoot me please, being a hero aint so easy you need good DayZ instincts. I enjoy playing both..

Edited by Calibre

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Yeah, it's been suggested over and over that players that wear X are all bandits.  Unfortunately they've said that for about 1/2 the items in the game.  So basically if you're A. Alive and B. Moving........you're a bandit.


I'd also be fine if bandits had "bloody" clothing, civs had "clean" clothing, and heros had "dirty" clothing.


Yeah, dude. We get it. You're "fine" with anything that lets you immediately identify bad guys so you never have to take any risks in approaching them and can fire from a safe distance without thinking about your decisions.


We. Get. It.


Anything that accomplishes this you're totally fine with. It's all quite fine, so long as some magical wizard swoops down on Chernarus and labels all the bandits for you. It's pretty clear you don't give a shit what form that takes. Someone could suggest that only the good guys can wear strap-on dildos and you would be totally fine traipsing around Chernarus shooting anyone that didn't have a rubber cock dangling off their waist.


How many different ways can you say the same goddamn thing? 27 pages and all you have ever said is "I require the ability to immediately identify bad guys from any distance."


That's it. That's what you want and here's me again praying you never get it because this isn't Lord of the Rings and you're not Gandalf.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Anything that accomplishes this you're totally fine with. It's all quite fine, so long as some magical wizard swoops down on Chernarus and labels all the bandits for you. It's pretty clear you don't give a shit what form that takes. Someone could suggest that only the good guys can wear strap-on dildos and you would be totally fine traipsing around Chernarus shooting anyone that didn't have a rubber cock dangling off their waist.


That's it. That's what you want and here's me again praying you never get it because this isn't Lord of the Rings and you're not Gandalf.


Actually I think dildos would be a little over the top.  I'd probably just say screw it and be a bandit then.


So what would you do to balance out the gameplay so bandits that KOS don't have a huge advantage over heros that don't?


BTW how do you know that I'm NOT Gandalf?  YOU SHALL NOT POST!  <-------------did it work?


Oh and another BTW thanks for posting again.  I'm starting to question if your real intention is to help me keep this topic going.....lol

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And this thread still lives because people keep posting.  Dude, Airborne, we get it - you have your opinion.  Which it seems most of the people in here disagree with.  Maybe try the new player discussion and see if the first timers agree since nobody here likes your idea.

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No he's right, its a bandit player. Currently every bandit wears full camo, and if someone is trying to stand out or be helpful they choose other clothes for example black or blue tact vest with a checked shirt. Not everyone wants to be a stealthy KOS camo army dude. Some people actually play like its a survival apocalypse, and no you wouldn't be running 10miles with a gasmask on.

No, look at photos of friendly clans, they're all wearing camo. I wear camo and i play a vigilante, hunting bandits. Thats why this fucking system we have now is so damn limited, because if you see me up high in Cherno somewhere with a scoped Mosin, trying to protect a survivor making his way through the city, your going to think im a bandit and kill me and possibly put an end to a 10+ hour loot run right then and there. Just about everyone wears camo if they can.


Furthermore. If you were stuck in this situation for real, and the zombies were very seriously dangerous and you had to sneak into towns to get food where zombies were, you would wear camo too because ZOMBIE VISION = HUMAN VISION. CAMO WORKS.

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I vehemently oppose any system where your appearance is changed solely based on your behavior. This is not Fable.  

As it is, it is a fable. Being that the only violence in this game that is semi-realistic is when people surprise come up on each other and surprise each other, it already is completely improbable, fake reality. Its a retarded, pantsless WW2 out there...


Giving just a simple small faded red armband to those to constantly kill others not having the armband who are survivors or vigilantes will make the violence make sense if they say that the armband designates those to be part of some loose group of people whos job it is IS to kill people for some valid, but questionable reason, so as not to label them as to be evil necessarily.

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As it is, it is a fable. Being that the only violence in this game that is semi-realistic is when people surprise come up on each other and surprise each other, it already is completely improbable, fake reality. Its a retarded, pantsless WW2 out there...


Giving just a simple small faded red armband to those to constantly kill others not having the armband who are survivors or vigilantes will make the violence make sense if they say that the armband designates those to be part of some loose group of people whos job it is IS to kill people for some valid, but questionable reason, so as not to label them as to be evil necessarily.


I really laughed my ass off at this:

 Its a retarded, pantsless WW2 out there...


Maybe they could use that in ads for the Standalone?  Want some retarded pantsless WW2 zombie mode????  Try Standalone!  Kill everyone you meet!  Beat a fresh spawn to death with nothing but your fists!  Kidnap an poison other players!  No humanity, no repercussions, just free for all murder mode!  KOS your way to happy land!


And the KOS haters ignore all the posts like this.  There are posts all over this thread that agree.  37 people gave beans to the initial posts.


It "seems" like we're not alone.  Unless you ask the KOS crowd.

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No, were definitely not alone. Look at how popular the mod was, and i never encountered a server that didn't use them. Only during the beginning period where Rocket took them out as an experiment were they not there, then they were back in. Only a small fraction of the player base post here it is said and IMO not many people like to get involved in discussions at page 28.

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I'll probably repeat myself here or at one point, but I'd really like to see a GROUP identification system.


No karma skins you magically get for doing X or Y, but displaying some sort of group membership or perhaps playstyle. One of the best / unique ways would be using squad.xml or anything including that.


But hey, people can already use some types of clothing to display their...well, let's call it karma. Bandits should stick to payday masks, heroes to UN berets or whatever. Or at least, that's a viable option but no guarantee anyway.


As for group ID, it would already result in more interaction. Bigger or known friendly or bandit / hostile groups could be identified, resulting in various response to that.

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I'll probably repeat myself here or at one point, but I'd really like to see a GROUP identification system.


No karma skins you magically get for doing X or Y, but displaying some sort of group membership or perhaps playstyle. One of the best / unique ways would be using squad.xml or anything including that.


But hey, people can already use some types of clothing to display their...well, let's call it karma. Bandits should stick to payday masks, heroes to UN berets or whatever. Or at least, that's a viable option but no guarantee anyway.


As for group ID, it would already result in more interaction. Bigger or known friendly or bandit / hostile groups could be identified, resulting in various response to that.


I'm for squad ID as well.  WarZ actually had a pretty good squad ID system.


Everyone in your clan had a chevron over their head.  It showed through walls / hills too.  I guess the distance / display would be up for debate.  I can see the "purist" mentality of not seeing it until you can physically see the player, but I can see the other side too where you can see it through walls / hills.


The only real downside was getting other players "not in your clan" into your squad.  WarZ did have a "group" ID as well, but it was klunky, pain in the ass to manage, and didn't work well overall.


The humanity system in WarZ was hosed as well.  Pretty much basically like the mod humanity system.  Good concept, extremely flawed implementation.


The problem with only having a Squad ID system is.........too many random people that server hop / only play in a server once / etc.  You'd have a constant rotation of groups / individuals in and out of the server, rendering any type of Squad / Clan ID system marginal at best.  You'd meet a friendly or hostile group, try to remember that they were friendly or hostile, only to have them never play in the server again.  Multiply by X number of days, and the system kinda drowns itself out.


It would work well for established clans that didn't server hop.  I'd love to go find a bandit clan to go pound on repeatedly.......lol

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Tell you what.  If I don't shoot you, I'm a hero.  If I do shoot you, you were a bandit and I'm still a hero.  



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28 pages dedicated to what is ultimately a crap idea.  I don't wanna have a quick glance at the screen to enable me to go about my business if I stumble upon another player.  I wanna sit there shitting my pants worrying about where he has gone, if he has seen me and what his intentions are.  I'm not even totally sold on the group ID idea either.  The panic and confusion is what gets the heart pumping, a chevron would eliminate that. 

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I totally agree in principle but think its kinda evolving naturally. I am alot more distrusting of a crew wearing masks than anyone in military gear. The berets especially. It would be cool to have your characters having slightly different stats or appearance based on your actions overall.

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I think like human behavioural things similar to the good old elevated heartbeat when looking at another bandit.

 The only problem is, is that there's no humanity system. Having it work properly would only limit it to players who have killed other players recently, and that totally discounts a majority of random new spawns and players who still KoS but have yet to kill someone in this life. 




I'll probably repeat myself here or at one point, but I'd really like to see a GROUP identification system.


No karma skins you magically get for doing X or Y, but displaying some sort of group membership or perhaps playstyle. One of the best / unique ways would be using squad.xml or anything including that.




As for group ID, it would already result in more interaction. Bigger or known friendly or bandit / hostile groups could be identified, resulting in various response to that.


It is a very cool ID system for when housing comes into play. Groups of players are more likely to stay in a server that they create a base/compund in so the system will actually be useful to both the group (for group pride and friendly-fire mishaps) and for non-grouped players being to identify that groups play style. All players would need is like a sewn on badge or an armband that displays their squad xml logo. It doesn't have to stand out to a degree, it can be very very subtle, similar to the way your emblem in BF4 displays on your unit insignia. Probably the only reason it would stand out is if the logo was insanely bright colours.

 It's a flawless system that only needs to be implemented later on in Alpha/Beta. Right now, there's no point to it.

Edited by dickflip

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