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We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

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 I really enjoyed this on the mod...it would be nice to see here in SA as well.

Edited by Blades421
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Adding identification literally ruins the game. The whole point of player encounters is to add tension. With skins it completely removes that aspect of DayZ, unless you're straight up in a firefight. And please. The game is SOOOO easy right now it's not even funny. This is a cakewalk compared to the mod, and adding skins would just make it even easier.

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Right now everyone moving is a bandit.  

Fresh spawn = bandit

Clown mask = bandit

Military clothes = bandit

AFK hiding in a house = bandit


The system might get a little exploited, but is better than 90% of the server KOSing on sight.

A more correct way of saying this would be: "Right now everyone moving has the potential to be a bandit" which is EXACTLY how you should treat everyone in this game. I have no idea how you play, or what servers you play on, but I can confidently say that maybe 50% of survivors I've run into have killed/attempted to kill me on sight. 90%!? What do you do, run down streets and in open fields? Frolic in military bases? Run at people with your ax drawn? I am not sure if you're just inflating the number or if you play very differently than me.


If you want to initiate contact, get the jump on people and control them with your gun and their life. I do not want some BS cops and robbers "fix" for something I've never had an issue with in the game since getting used to it!


I mean no offense with my post, but I have failed to see how bad KoS is in the game's current state. I'm positive that as the game develops, that the level of KoS will go down. In the meantime, stay hidden and only initiate contact on your terms! :)

Edited by solodude23

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Humanity system in mod was broken and exploitable and it was mentioned and covered in this thread.


I really love how people don't read anything that's been said.  Fire off a useless / already covered comment.  Too many ADD kids in the forums....lol

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stop trying to ruin the game by steering people to become so called "heroes". if everyone was a hero this game will die.


there were some pve servers back on the mod and they were so fucking boring......it was cool for like a while then you realize that friendly guy behind you keep taking your supplies that you can have if he wasnt around.


pve server= no point to get gun and you run around eat food and drink...... no thrills boring zombies...... those private hives die really really fast because people get bored and started to shoot and admin ban them and then there was noone on the server left

Edited by BaitedHook

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stop trying to ruin the game by steering people to become so called "heroes". if everyone was a hero this game will die.


there were some pve servers back on the mod and they were so fucking boring......it was cool for like a while then you realize that friendly guy behind you keep taking your supplies that you can have if he wasnt around.


pve server= no point to get gun and you run around eat food and drink...... no thrills boring zombies...... those private hives die really really fast because people get bored and started to shoot and admin ban them and then there was noone on the server left


First off, not talking about PVE servers.  Where did you even get that from?????


Secondly it seems that most of the players in the game want to be bandits, so you can stop worrying.


An armband on your character will NOT stop you from shooting anyone you want to.

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Why is this thread still going?? The OP has insulted everyone and no one even agrees with him!!!


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zedsdeadbaby, for some reason my quote function doesnt work, so I have to reply to you in this manner. I hope you notice brother.


So if you get killed, you have to start again. Back at square one. Big deal! You can use the super sprint option and if you know the map be back with that group of yours in next to no time. I always play alone, so admittedly don't know the pain of being separated from a group. 


Then assuming nice people play to get a cookie in the shape of a hero outfit. When did I say I play to look good? Its the bandit skin that is important to me. You turn up in a hero or survivor costume just like the mod, it means I treat you as neutral. Only a fool would lower his weapon and open his backpack to a payer just cos he aint a bandit.


bandit skin? You have been up to no good. Anyone else is for the watching. This standalone can be a cunt and players kill, kill and kill again just to respawn again again and again, under the cloak of anonymity again and again is good for no-one in the long run.


zedsdead baby, before I finish my post I have a question for you. Who would you rather meet in game behind your back with an axe. A guy with a hero skin, a survivor skin or a bandit skin, or a random standalone guy. You value your in game life just like I do, so its an honest question.


My good man, I don't want to argue with a man who has promised never to agree with me, I am just posting as an honest good guy player who has never killed on sight. On the mod, and on standalone. I value my life just as much as any other serious player, and that's the point. There needs to be a basic bandit/hero system to save the game from the people that don't value their life, and just respawn to kill, kill and kill again.

Edited by Jock McScottish
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We seem to have hit critical mass in the obnoxious posters count.


The hero/bandit skin accomplishes nothing more than letting me know which one to drop on sight. If I see a hero, I'll treat him with the exact same caution as I would anybody else. If I see a bandit, I can assume he is up to no good and murder him before he tries to do the same to me.


This whole thing about "exploiting" the hero skin nearly has me in tears with laughter. If someone is truly dumb enough to lower his weapon based on a skin or shout of "FRIENDLY!!!," he deserves whatever happens to him. At the same time, it might give a survivor pause in just killing the potential hero off immediately.


If I get the drop on a bandit, he will die. If I hold up a hero, I will be far more likely to let him go unmolested and with his gear after I secure my retreat.


TL;DR - This system does not affect heroes at all, other than giving me a reason to not immediately open fire and instead watch events unfold. It mostly just points out the KOS survivors. There can be no exploitation if players treat other players with equal amounts of caution regardless of skin.


I am for the Bandit/Hero skin

Edited by ArithianFlame
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Why is this thread still going?? The OP has insulted everyone and no one even agrees with him!!!


OP has a link to this thread in every post he ever makes, and the shitty system he champions yearns for a nice fat "no" from everyone who sees it.

Edited by Dsi1
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OP has a link to this thread in every post he ever makes, and the shitty system he champions yearns for a nice fat "no" from everyone who sees it.


Somebody hasn't been reading the posts.......there are people that agree / like the idea.


BTW who are you?  Forum Signature Police?  lol


Thanks for posting and keeping the topic going.  <--------------------Yay!

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 There needs to be a basic bandit/hero system to save the game from the people that don't value their life, and just respawn to kill, kill and kill again.


That sounds like a vote in favor right?


I couldn't agree more Jock, good post!

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You are talking about removing almost all of the tension there is in player interactions, by doing this.


Whats to stop the "Hero" from killing you anyway or the "Bandit" from helping you? People play how they play, but dont force them into a role because of they're actions.

Nothing stops anyone from playing the way he wants to, therefore it is not removing anything. It is even adding a lot IMO. Especially after seeing those sick posts about gaining a hero skin only to backstab poor unsuspecting trusting fools later, out of mere boredom. We gotta admit that at least, while the guy who "pretends" to be a hero is farming his humanity in preparation for the ultimate bandit art, he is NOT KoSing, has an objective, and that's a an exemple of player interaction right there, instead of simple pure infinite KoS! Well in a way!

I'm typing this just to point out that while this method has it's flaws, it kinda works in some ways, by adding something considerable to player interaction without being 100% reliable. The effect should be taken lightly, it prevents dying for not having a single clue, it only provides one so we are not completely clueless. The first one with hostile intents has a huge advantage and a random spark of insanity can kill you, with or without armbrand.

Should this get implemented, temporary or not, I think it would create some more variety in player interaction, a good drop in KoS, at the cost of a potential increase in trolling (which is not a bad thing, even being trolled is funnier than yet another KoS death)


Here are some examples of things to think about, that this system or something similar would add to the game!

Bandit: This guy has killed people, nothing proves he was KoSing... yet (that poor guy might have been trolled big time!). But I should be extra careful and watch his movements carefuly.

Dumb move: HE BUNDIT! KIL IM!! (I watched all of FrankieOnPC's awesome videos, he always plays as nice and smart as possible yet sometimes manage to get a bandit skin)

Survivor: He's either dodging players, just going somewhere specific or a fresh spawn, depending of his gear. He might have killed very few or no players. Just in case, I don't want to be his first victim so I'll stay cautious.

Hero: if I'm not bleeding or need treatment of any kind, a hero armbrand doesn't mean I'll just allow any stranger near me. Oh you want to give me food? You don't have to breathe in my neck to drop it, thanks anyway dude, I can make a few steps to pick up your gifts.

Dumb move: Sweet a hero! gimme a hug! *thump* You are dead.

Anyway I think it's time to end this post, before I get TL;DR'd. I want to specify that since I posted this while reading page 1 to 3, this post might be utterly useless or mentionned already. I don't mind whether this system or something similar will ever be in DayZ SA but I think it'd be nice B)

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I couldn't agree more.


This system would not stop anyone from playing how they wanted to.


Want to be a bandit, you can do that.


Want to be a civilian, you can do that.


Want to be a hero (without being a bullet sponge), you can do that.


I'd even be cool with the armband being "tear off" as long as it's not an item someone else can pick up.  So when you spawn, you get this on your mousewheel:


Wear Armband (Yes)

Tear off Armband (No)


* If the armband is a lootable item, it 100% breaks the system and we're back to all KOS, all day long.


Want to wear it, you can.  Want to keep it off, you can do that too.

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Didn't read anything besides the first post but, I would not be fond of being able to tell if someone is friendly or not. People will still KoS (as I do...sometimes). But there are people who only act in defense, which is what happened for me when I started in mod, killing a guy who shot at me to save myself but getting the bandit skin.


Oh, and just read what airborne said about being able to tear it off....the people who do tear it off are most likely the bandits and the hero's are going to be the ones who keep the armbands on..

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Thanks for posting and keeping the topic going.  <--------------------Yay!


...you say, in resposne to a 3-day-old post. Seriously? That's pretty shameless.


Just say "bump" if you want to bump your thread. Or maybe put it in the Suggestions forums where it belongs. You've been plenty active on the forums these past three days, there's no reason why you waited this long to respond here except obviously wanting to push this dead discussion back to the front page.

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I keep wanting to create a thread called "What is your idea of what a bandit looks like and why your an idiot"


They already do it unintentionally. If you see someone running around in camo with a gas mask and a combat helmet? They are a bandit.

No, not even close. Just about everyone dresses this way and camo should be used since zombie sight is [based on] human sight. Camo helps hide you from the two main threats here. Gas masks are the same, and could be thought to protect people from getting the zombie virus.

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I can only assume that people who actually want this bullshit have not played the mod version of the game, it was an utterly broken system that only served to encourage KoS.

But the KOS wasn't so fucking one sided. With bandit skins, now players that only roleplay cautious survivors, oblivious of the  whatever situation is causing the [retarded, goofy amount of] violence can now join in and KOS too, but on their terms against a real threat that will kill others. Giving a name to asshat motherfuckers thats KOS people all the time, such as military out to cleanse the land, will give some meaning to their KOS, getting it to make sense in the DayZ universe other than just people bored and playing a video game. That fact that is was broken only meant that you still had to be careful around all unknowns.

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Oh, and just read what airborne said about being able to tear it off....the people who do tear it off are most likely the bandits and the hero's are going to be the ones who keep the armbands on..


Ding ding ding, we have a winner!


Heros and civilians would probably keep theirs on, and bandits would take theirs off.


Nobody is forced to wear anything!

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...you say, in resposne to a 3-day-old post. Seriously? That's pretty shameless.


Just say "bump" if you want to bump your thread. Or maybe put it in the Suggestions forums where it belongs. You've been plenty active on the forums these past three days, there's no reason why you waited this long to respond here except obviously wanting to push this dead discussion back to the front page.




Thanks for the post!  Keep up the good work man :)

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This is why Sanity needs to be implemented into DayZ.  Let the turds KoS, hide bodies, camp the coast, axe newbies, raid trader clans, kill friendlies, gank medics - just have Sanity work its magic.  If it was properly implemented it would penalize those who get a hard on for being a ganking bitch. 


Sanity brings authenticity into DayZ without compromising intensity of combat, confusion or obvious visual indications.


Examples of Negative Sanity:


- Total Paranoia: Murderers begin hearing Reloading/loading clip sounds and movement sound effects as murders increase.

- Increased dramatic blurriness: Increases per murder, have to take painkillers more frequently.

- Increased shakiness dramatically: Increases per murder, biotics are needed for the slightest decrease.

- When in Total Paranoia, players are more exposed to shock from blood loss and has a greater chance to become incapacitated.


They definitely have to consider adding Sanity above all other types of "KoS indication".  Obviously there will be some kind of slight increase to skills maybe if your Sanity is Positive on a your character.  Therefor, the players that want the "Hero Role" will be awarded properly & authentically through the Sanity MechanicRocket & Team, you must consider this! :thumbsup: :D :thumbsup:


Lidskjalf :beans:

Edited by Lidskjalf
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I'm also going to go with "no."  We do not NEED a way to identify good guys and bad guys.  One of the major selling points of DayZ is that you don't know who is good and bad, and you don't know what's going to happen.


You say that realism isn't a valid argument, but that's a false dichotomy.  If we didn't care about realism at all, we wouldn't have DayZ in the first place.  It's a question of balancing realism with gameplay. 


The issue is really artificiality.  Having a way to visually identify bandits--a way that the bandits can't control--would basically be like magic.  This is not a fantasy game, it's reality-based.  Shooting other players shouldn't magically cause your appearance to change.  DayZ is about player choice, and that includes being able to choose your appearance.


Instead, here is a way to discourage banditry in groups, and encourage good guys to stick together:


For every murder that a player commits, he should become less comfortable and relaxed near other players.  Eventually, after having committed enough murders, he should be very nervous when within 50-100m of other players.  Think about it: if a bunch of conscience-less people were in a group and murdered a lot of innocent people, how could they even trust each other?  If the people in their group are so comfortable with senseless killing, then why not senselessly kill one of their buddies if they want his stuff?


The primary effect of being uncomfortable and nervous should be a shaky aim.  It could also cause an increased metabolism, requiring more food and drink. and possibly reduce stamina.


As a result, bandits would be encouraged to go solo, because as they group up and as they kill more innocent people, their combat effectiveness will be reduced.  This will help reduce roving gangs of bandit bullies.  And on the other hand, groups of heroes will be something for bandits to fear.

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What I'd like to see is more dead man's switches. Say you can craft something from some rope, duct tape and a grenade or a paint-can etc. So when the typical KOS asshat kills you and tries looting you, he either gets a tasty explosion for himself or get's sprayed over with a shitload of paint. This way, it would be kinda-sorta realistic, and you would have an awesome way to know if a player looted a dead body recently. Seeing someone with a half green, black or orange face, odly sprayed weapon and half splattered TTSKO jacket would be a good indicator he had been necroing another body. The beauty in this is that the bandit himself, could lower his odd appearance by having to find new clothes, or even a weapon, washing his dumb face in a pond, or other means. And we could have small indicators, that he has looted someone recently if he has just left a little bit of paint on his face or back of the head, other survivors could not notice that until it's too late.


I think this would be best implemented, by having to seperately open backpacks when you are looting a fellow and you could even have a three digit shitty lock on them (so friendlies could safely retrieve their comrades' stuff if they know the number). So when opening a backpack you either have the option to enter a code, or brake it open. If you know or guess the code (good luck just sitting in the open and trying to guess it), then the loot is all yours, but if you force it open, you're not sure if the survivor had a dead-man's swich, or not, so it's more of a gamble.  This way banditry would have a bigger risk - reward to it, survivors who take the time to find the supplies and craft the dead man's switch would have some consolation, that the bandit will not take everything without any consequences, bandits would have more of an incentive to do hold-ups instead of KOSing, or would have to carry around a change of clothes with them, wasting precious space. Basically it would be a win-win situation, making the game that much more random and exciting., Oh, and this would also later work with tent's, cars and so on.

Edited by libera_avis

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I like helping. I haven't played like a bandit at all yet.... but I also haven't found a gun yet.

Buuuut.... if there was a reward for helping that made you appear to be a hero, I would work very hard to max that out, and THEN bandit, because unexpected dickery is hysterical.

I really think no labels is good.

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Only got through 4 pages before giving up reading.


Instead of forcing skins or other 'flags" why not use some sort of bulletin board system outside of towns.


ie: Bandit spotted in area, ( with a very vague description), and it won't come off/update until server reset so if you're gone from the area it can mislead people.


It could only be triggered if you killed multiple people within an area in a set time limit.

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