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Any stories you feel bad about?

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I've had several times as a bandit where I've felt really bad over my kills, sometimes it was a temporary alliance, or other times I lured them in over side chat. For example, I met up with this guy while I was talking over side chat, none of my clan members were on and I was desperate for blood (I had a couple in my bag). So this guy comes running along the coast and we exchange greetings, and he gives me a blood transfusion, while he is doing this, I get a call on Skype and it's one of my clan members, he tells me how he died last night and he really needs new gear. So after this guy is done with the blood transfusion I ask my friend if I should kill this guy, he screams YES, so I kill him, then the same guy comes up on side chat asking why I killed him, I made this story about a sniper in the trees and how I killed him, and he said "Oh, ok, well take his gear for me!" And that just made me very guilt about the whole thing!

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In Cherno with my newb fellow from our team. He's already managed to get some meds and Alice while I managed to get to him. He have only axe and I have shottie. We see some gal being eaten by zeds near hospital. Being gentlemen like we are we just killed zeds and my bud just chopped her to pieces. So I decided to loot her while he's gone to the roof to scout our way ahead. Then he screams "2 survivors! Other side of the building!". I respond "Where?". I look over the corner and see no one. My hands start shaking, my trigger finger is itching, and I’m all up for the kill. I repeat " Where?! Where?!". He says "Oh boy, we better avoid them! They all geared up!". My nerves didn't endure the torment and I yell "For the F*cks sake! Where?!! Go kill them already or they get us!!!". So my fella ready his axe and jumps off the building... /facepalm.jpg

I looted his body and managed to save some of his gear for our next meet by the coast. But I felt a bit bad for being so mean on the newb guy.

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I was running through Cherno with about 5 zombies chasing me, so I headed towards the church to find a fresh spawned player trying to scavenge for anything, so of course I went in. I don't know why but I shot him in the face after trying to speak to him over D/C. I just felt bad considering he wasn't in any position to fight back.

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I was being shot at, so I logged out and went to a different server and got behind the guys, jumped back onto the original server and came up behind the two and just unloaded my M14 into them.

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Was in Berenzino when attacked by two axe wielding survivors

i killed them both

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I was in electro on the office building roof with a 12 guage. I witnessed 2 guys kill another. Over Direct Chat you hear them celebrating with eachother for their first ever player kill. They didnt know they pulled 2 zombies though. While they looted the corpse I shot both of them once. They didnt die but were knocked incapacitated. I sat there watching them get eaten by zombies.

Afterwards i felt bad. They were turning into little bandits themselves, and I know how much a pain it is to find your buddy, but hey I had fun.

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I spawned on a server. I was on the roof of the highest tower in Cherno. Saw some guy shooting on some newbies with an L8 (The gun with the thermo scope). I decided to kill him and take his beans. I took his beans and hid the body so when he comes back, he couldn't get his stuff. Felt bad afterwards.

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I was being shot at' date=' so I logged out and went to a different server and got behind the guys, jumped back onto the original server and came up behind the two and just unloaded my M14 into them.


Do you feel bad because you killed them, or because you abused a big no-no (logging out to avoid death), and then outright exploited the game (abusing servers to move someplace else)?

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I had a guy one time who got hurt outside of Chenro and had a broken leg, he was crawling forever and ended up in the building I was in.

He asked if I had Morphine, but noticed he was spotting a M1911. I only had an Axe.

So I proceeded to cut off his legs and arms. I felt a little bad about it, but... Hey, now his legs were no longer broken.

I still use that M1911.

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I play dayz for ~30days and i shot only 3 people.

1st. I was close to deer hut shoting to zombies, i see one guy prone behind tree and i shot him.

2nd. I found dmr with 4mags and i go to cherno to try it, i shot a good guy who help others players.

3rd. I was in Berezino 1 guy shot close to me maybe to zombies i dont know. I run to woods i track him and kill him with my dmr. 20min later i was dead.

I play dayz for ~30days and i shot only 3 people.

1st. I was close to deer hut shoting to zombies, i see one guy prone behind tree and i shot him.

2nd. I found dmr with 4mags and i go to cherno to try it, i shot a good guy who help others players.

3rd. I was in Berezino 1 guy shot close to me maybe to zombies i dont know. I run to woods i track him and kill him with my dmr. 20min later i was dead.

I play dayz for ~30days and i shot only 3 people.

1st. I was close to deer hut shoting to zombies, i see one guy prone behind tree and i shot him.

2nd. I found dmr with 4mags and i go to cherno to try it, i shot a good guy who help others players.

3rd. I was in Berezino 1 guy shot close to me maybe to zombies i dont know. I run to woods i track him and kill him with my dmr. 20min later i was dead.

I play dayz for ~30days and i shot only 3 people.

1st. I was close to deer hut shoting to zombies, i see one guy prone behind tree and i shot him.

2nd. I found dmr with 4mags and i go to cherno to try it, i shot a good guy who help others players.

3rd. I was in Berezino 1 guy shot close to me maybe to zombies i dont know. I run to woods i track him and kill him with my dmr. 20min later i was dead.

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A surviver with just a pistol ran past me and my friend in cherno he had a huge horde behind him so we shot him in the back as he ran past; It wasn't a pointless killing he brought the attention to us so we took him out.

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At the Cherno apartments yesterday or the day before I saw someone crawling into the shorter building adjacent to the hospital. Without hesitation, I shot them with my Lee Enfield. I didn't even think. After looking at their body more closely from my vantage point, it appears they were entirely unarmed. Not even a hatchet. I heard shots and just sat in my building for a bit, then left without even looting. Feels bad.

Today I was walking by the same building and I got aggro'd by a zed. As I hear the thing growl and hiss at me the sound of a soda can being opened filled my ears. I popped the zed, and sat by the entrance to the building. A new-looking guy with a crowbar on his back stepped out of the entrance and turned right, heading North. Sitting in the bush to the left, I placed a bullet between his shoulder blades and he dropped, although he was not quite dead. A nearby zed heard the shot (It's the damn Enfield, of course they did.) and quickly ran over and started munching on my victim. I watched, and soon heard a shrill cry of pain as he spent his last moments being eaten alive. Then, he died. I shot the zed eating his now-dead body, and checked him for loot. Turns out he had a revolver so he could have hurt me, but I still felt a little bad. I switched out my 9/10 Enfield clip for a fresh one from his pack. It's a bad feeling when you kill someone and only take from them a single bullet to replace the one that ended their life.

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I was driving a bus with my friend, then this blue camper van came out of nowhere. pulled up by the side of us and a female got out, and saluted and i shouted "OI you friendly?" swiftly jumping out with my AKM pointing at her. So i say in skype to my mate, "hey you think we should kill the bitch?" take her camper van etc, next thing i know he jumps out and blasts her in the chest.

so shes laying on the floor pissing out blood, unconscious, while we are standing over her, arguing over why he killed her. All the time he was transmitting what we were saying on skype in local accidentally. We heard a female voice like "pleeeasssseee noooo, i want to live", After we realized she was still alive my friend goes and blasts a full mag of AKM in her ass lol.

Then he says "Well, The bitch is sure dead now"

Then he casually strolled up to the van, got in, and said "you ready?" I felt bad at the time but i did lol quite hard after driving away.

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We heard a female voice like "pleeeasssseee noooo' date=' i want to live", After we realized she was still alive my friend goes and blasts a full mag of AKM in her ass lol.


killing unconscious or bugged players with a pointblank shot is always remarkable.

I finished off one player yesterday, after he survived my frag grenade.

after staring at his suffering for a brief few moments, I sent him to the afterlife (and his fellow teammates expected him there already)

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Just last night I committed my first and only murder (I have been playing pretty solidly for over a month now).

I was on uk5 on about 7000 blood (with no axe remaining on account of the previous glitch) and had just ventured to the most north-western farm settlement to find it almost completely empty. I didn't really want to venture into any cities because the low blood meant I'd be easy prey for other players, so I figured I'd skirt the edge of the map to the dam.

Anyways, after quite a run, I come up to the edge of the water east of the dam and what do I see? A player ~50m away, shyt! But then I realise, he's crouched over a boar gutting it. I'd been toying with the idea of killing a player for a week or so, but my conscience/survival instinct had always gotten the better of me. Not this time though! The adrenalin hit me like a bus, I popped out from behind a bush, brought my trusty akm to the ready and, while he was still gutting his boar, popped 4 rounds into the side of his chest. What a rush!!! Not to mention the reward of the axe I really needed, extra meat, gps, some other bits and bobs and an m4 cco with loads of mags! :)

I was so pumped with adrenalin that I was shaking, had to retreat a safe distance away, logged out and went and sat outside 'till the shakes went away lol. I feel really bad about the kill, but was just too curious! Needless to say, I won't be committing any more murders, but wow, what a rush! Also, sorry to the bloke gutting the boar on uk5 last night...!

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Guy came running towards me in Chern with no weapons but a couple of zeds on his tail. Thought I'd be nice and kill them to help him out. He seemed surprised cause he didnt really know where to go so he just stood there and gave me a salute.

How can I not put a bullet in his head when he's going for the salute? Its a way too good pose..

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I saw 3 people standing next to a large vehicle in the middle of a forest. It looked like they were making some simple repairs. I heard over direct chat "Finished in just a sec, found a tire in that town."

"Awesome!" they all shouted and then awaited him to attach the wheel. He took his time putting the wheel on, I suppose them being in the middle of nowhere had made them feel safe. I sat in the bushes waiting.

The man repairing stood up and said "All aboard boys!"

That's when I shot. I took two of them out and broke ones legs. He was new, didn't have any items on him. Screaming in chat about what was going on I went up to his friends that hadn't quite took the hint that I wanted them to die. I put the last bullet in their heads and looked at their friend shouting simple questions like "How do I pick up your gun?" and "I fucking see him, how do I kill him?"

I laughed over the mic and put a bullet in his head. I hopped in the car, it was fully equipped and entirely repaired. I didn't even have to think as to what I did next. I drove the vehicle into a tree, got out and popped the tires with a pistol. I grabbed all of the loot in the vehicle. It mainly consisted of meat and other items such as STA-NAG Mags and bandages.

Taking whatever I could carry, I walked approximately 500m from the car and started unloading into it with my DMR. The car was completely trashed.

I went offline for five mins to have my daily meal of children's blood and came back, I lay there waiting in the grass for the poor survivors to come back and see what I had done to their precious.

When they arrived they stared at the car and shouted over the mic "What type of fucking cunt would do such a thing?"

"That's the last 3 hours of our lives wasted. At least he didn't loot our bodies."

That's when I threw the grenade...

I'm accepting nominations for the most evil man in the world, I hope you all vote for me.

And remember kids, heroine not only looks nice - it's good for you!

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I'm not really a bandit but recently I have been killed with an M16A2 with 9 mags, GPS, compass, alot of medical stuff and food & drinks. It might not be much for some of you, but I haven't been playing for long and I think it's been a pretty good achievement to already have such good gear a few days after i bought the game.

I got killed (so did my brother, who had a sniper (not the CZ550 one but not the DMR on either, can't remember the name)). I felt quite frustrated cause it took pretty long getting that gear. I decided to run up to Berezino to get alot of stuff back since not many people go and loot there. My brother and I ran in there with a makarov and a m1911, saw 2 guys and just unloaded our clips on them even though they kept shouting 'friendly' in voice chat.

I don't know... I felt pretty bad afterwards cause I basically got all my gear back from them (we won the gunfight cause they didn't shoot at us, they were too busy shouting friendly in voice chat).

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I decided I wanted to try my M107 on a player.

Went to northeast airfield and saw a player named spanese going prone across the tarmac from one hangar to the other.

He didn't even get to hear what killed him, when that gun fires, its insanley loud, but the bullet travels so fast that you hear it wizzing past you (if it happens to miss) before hearing the gunshot about half a second later.

Poor guy had no chance.

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Another story from me: Me and my friend were camping on top of the Balota Airstrip Air Traffic Control tower, as newbies with good weapons. So we got this new spawn with no items at all to come up to the top with us, where my friend shot him in both legs, twice. He was rolling down the stairs trying to get away where my friend shot him gain in the leg, causing him to go unconscious then my friend bandaged him, dragged him out to the middle of the runway and threw a smoke grenade down on him. We listened to his screams as he was eaten alive.

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dragged him out to the middle of the runway and threw a smoke grenade down on him. We listened to his screams as he was eaten alive.

Incredibly cruel yet hilarious!

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dragged him out to the middle of the runway and threw a smoke grenade down on him. We listened to his screams as he was eaten alive.

Incredibly cruel yet hilarious!

He later cam back with his friends who had Winchesters and Enfields, while we had cover on top of the tower, with AK's!

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This was on a US server (Probably Chicago), in Electro, near the market and school, around 1:30 US central time. The victims were Guardian and his/her friend (Might have been Rick I wasn't paying attention).

We are sorry we killed you two, but our ROE is shoot first ask later if we see a gun. Both kills were counted as murders. Sorry. You had a-lot of gear, the map and gps and bloodpack will come in handy. We left your Lee enfields and ammo on your corpses, along with the Czech pack and ALICE pack. We searched your custom mark on the map named "Krann". There was a dead survivor on the third floor when we got there. Nothing on him.

I (Wills) killed the unkown/Rick. Chris (Team mate), killed Guardian. We don't take any chances with other people outside of the squad. Especially if they are armed. So that is why we shot you both.

Better Luck next time.


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