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About Asinine

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  1. Asinine

    Looking for UK Clan/Group

    Sounds like fun. I'm just signing up to your forum now :)
  2. I've been playing DayZ on and off for a long time so I'm not a full blown randy. I come from playing mostly console so don't have anyone to squad up with on here. Up to now I've just grabbed basic loot and stayed far as possible from other players so I don't get my beans stolen while I lay in a pool of my own blood. Anyway, I'm looking for a group/clan that's: - English Speaking - EU (UK Preferred) - Playing regularly - Mature (18+) - Up for a laugh I can be on most evening's. I'd like to be able to play and learn while we go along. I'm not great at PvP yet I've only had to kill like 3 players all that shot at me first. I have a mic and decent headset just let me know how to get hold of you and well get started.
  3. When sneaking around grabbing loot: Pink Panther - Theme
  4. I had to crawl for like 40 mins today to then be executed by bandits when trying to find morphine. Maybe they could just reduce movement speed instead.
  5. Asinine

    Any stories you feel bad about?

    Incredibly cruel yet hilarious!
  6. Asinine

    Tips for a New Character

    From what I have learned so far you need to be sneaky sneaky. If shit goes down RUUUUUN!!! If you see another player... RUUUUUN!! (I tried playing nice but it tends to be a matter of time till they decide your gear is worth more to them than your help) As far as what you need to do I found that sneaking into a city quickly grabbing supplies GTFO of the city like a bat out of hell heading inland for as long as you can (Take food and water) and grab supplies when you find any small villages. I'm new too but this has been the way I have played.
  7. Hey! Got the game yesterday but played almost non-stop. Problem is every time (except once) I meet another player they end up killing me... maybe not straight away but sooner or later I get stabbed in the back. I enjoy playing as part of a group. I'm 20, I have a mic (Blue snowball temporarily)and I'm from the UK. (only speak English) I am willing to join any group preferably EU but I'm not overly fussy. If your a clan then I am very loyal :P Would be great if we can play for a bit tonight :D I have a steam account, Skype and can get hold of any other speech software if needed. Thanks for reading :)
  8. Asinine

    Starting a comunity camp

    We could get a whole ton of flares maybe?
  9. Asinine


    I started last night struggled my ass off. The more I died the more I learned. Now I have a nice set of weapons ammo food and drink and off exploring. You just need to get better.
  10. Asinine

    Starting a comunity camp

    I'm interested. I'm still a noob really but somewhat useful. Could be good fun. As far as the other guy. Working as a group is a great way to learn. Forgot to add that I'm UK :P
  11. Asinine

    Barbed wire?

    Every building I find I end up faced with a line of barbed wire! I found out how to remove it but whenever it gives me the option to interact with it, it immediately disappears.. Ive been trying for like 30-40 mins to get rid of it and nothings happening. Any tips or anything to help me deal with this?
  12. Way to take the realism/fun out of playing.. I'm still installing getting ready to play :D