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Do you HOP or STICK?

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When I first started with Dayz Standalone, I used to look for medium populated servers with a good ping. However, I now only play on ONE server. This is the only server I log into. What about you? Do you have a favourite, which you stick with or do you hop about hoping for a better experience (more loot / more players) elsewhere?

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Once on a server during a session of playing I stick to that one but may well be on a completely different server the next day.

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I hop about for a better experience... Giggity!


Nah, I just pick a server and change when it loses connection or something.

Edited by Ratiasu

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When I can I stick to the same server.

I hop only when desynch forces me to find another server, because it makes my game impossible.

Anyway every session I choose the server with the best ping and a medium pop between the few I normally play on and stick to that (if as said before desync agrees).

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Since my internet is pretty bad, I have to change servers regularly. I only have maybe 8 - 10 servers with <100 ping, so if one starts getting laggy, I'll swap to the next one. Most of the time its not too much of an issue.

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I play on the highest pop server with a good ping.  I pick every time I log on and stay until the server resets.

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To be honest:

In the CURRENT STATE i am hopping to equip as fast as possible.

Cause without storage possibilities it makes no sense (for me) to search for loot laboriously.

In the current state of the game, there is no "survival"-aspect - It's all about PvP.

Edited by Gaint

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there are two reasons for me to hop.


- pitchblack night, as most graphical issues are then not visible

- joining friends - thanks to the wonderful "join game" feature of the steam friendlist

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I hop on a stick.


That's a matter of prefereances, I suppose.

There's still people who hopes for a stick btw, share.

Edited by Gugolas

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I don't hop to get geared up, that takes all of the fun out of the game. I love traversing the map. I have no idea why someone would jump from server to server just to get gear. That sounds boring as hell to me. 


I will hop during server restarts or other technical weirdness.

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I stick on the most populated servers,i change only if:


A:Server's full

B:Server's low on population

C:Massive lag on the server

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I only hop if the server is dark when i log in. i just can't handle it at the moment and i don't want to gamma "cheat".



EDIT: I've gotta admit that i've hopped for loot before but only because i was frustrated because i was only finding FNX45's when i only had mosin ammo and a magnum with one bullet in it.

Edited by Dchil
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Once on a server during a session of playing I stick to that one but may well be on a completely different server the next day.


I am the Same, when I played the mod we played on one private hive for the entire time and got to know the regulars on there, it was great as we probably were the first on the server when it first began and our group was known so that if people needed help or bandits killed they would just ask and it gave you something to do at end game.

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Server hopping for loot is boring as crap and only for people who want this game to be deathmatch only. The quest for loots while trying to stay alive is really the only content this game has for me at the moment so I stick to one server whenever possible.

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I only hop if the server is dark when i log in. i just can't handle it at the moment and i don't want to gamma "cheat".

sadly i kinda do the same sometimes i do a low pop night server but generally a fuller day server. I just dont want to gamma cheat but every time i have gone to decent night pop server i have been shot down lol in complete ( near to ) darkness and i am not using my torch.....


Once i am on a server i am there till death or server reset or i need to log for real life...


Ill wait till private hives show up( yes a long time from now lol ) or i find a real good public one i might stick but i choose now everytime i start .

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I currently server hop for loot .. Main reasons are...


1. takes forever to traverse the map... when cars or bikes are introduced will make it better..

2. There's not enough zombies in the game to play survival mode..only survival aspect of this game currently is a freshspawn with no weapons at all....(pking is really the only thing to do once you've got all your gear an enough food to last 3 winters...(maybe they should reduce the amount of food an drink loot)

3. I just died to an hacker an see no point spending ages collecting all my stuff again by running 500 miles...

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I tried 10 servers when i started playing, and added 2 to my favourites. I always play on those 2.


1. 3PP:Off server on which i play when my friends don't play. There are usually around 5 people on this one, most of which are hoppers.


2. 3PP:On 24/7 daylight server, if my friends play. They prefer this server. Usually 35-40 people on. This server restarts quite frequently, (every 2 hours, i think) and when it does, you can join back in right away. (We're always hoping for a restart when we're near a sweet lootspot)

Edited by Greaves

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I hop when I need to (bad connections, performance, etc..) .


I will sometimes gear up on an empty but typically try to stay on hi pop servers as much as possible. If i die on a hi pop server AND i know it recently reset, i will stick it through and scavenge there or else I'll hit an empty server. I hate scavenging on full servers that have already been pickedclean. Seems like a waste of time just trying to find the very basics that will get me to the next location in time to search more empty houses. I've starved to death too many times to enjoy that any further.

Once they redo loot spawning system, it will pretty much kill a lot of my hops. 

when I first started playing, it was low pop servers all the way, and a lot of hopping. I am slowly easing my way in to the desired experience, get on one server and stick it through. But there still needs to be a lot of fixes put in place such as the loot/zombie spawns, ghosting and combat logging before that dream is realized for me.

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I pick a different server every session. Medium pop, good ping. I change if server issues come up, and I sometimes join friends through Steam.

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All you loot hoppers, you do realise you're ruining the game for people who always stay on the same server?

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Bullcrap. Not ruining game for anyone. As long as it can be done it will be done. That's the same as saying the devs are ruiningtheir game by allowing this. It's still in alpha. It's being tested and put through its paces. I expect hop looting won't be an issue in final release. Please save your complaints until then.

I hate ghosters but feel confident is only temporary and not running the game (that isn't retail released yet).

Also loot spawning needs fixing.

Edited by Sinphaltimus

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All you loot hoppers, you do realise you're ruining the game for people who always stay on the same server?

You know what's also annoying about people that don't server hop. They clear out litterally every useful spawn on the map. Due to the way respawning works now, many servers end up being complete ghost towns in terms of loot. Now I know you might be thinking, don't stick to the coast. Well I've tried that, only to find that as I went further to either the north or the west, I still saw everything was already looted. The server regulars are completely kitted out with the best gear out there and would survive far longer than any newbie would until the server restarts.

I don't think I'll take responsibility until that has been fixed.

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I like to jump into a low-pop server when I'm trying to regroup with a friend(s), but mostly we stick on one high pop server if it keeps stable. If not, we change server.

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All you loot hoppers, you do realise you're ruining the game for people who always stay on the same server?

You are a clown, in alpha sticking to one server for loot is foolish. Its made for server hopping. Come back later when there is an actual lootspawn timer please.

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