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Honest Question

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With the huge incline of players into Dayz I am still baffled at how many complain about KOS.


Although its not how I play it's something that will always happen and honestly I have no real problem with it. Sure I'd like some sort of communication before I get my brains blown out, but I get over my deaths in Dayz pretty quick and move on, because clearly you are not going to live forever.


Now people talk about how PVE servers should be introduced and they wish you could play on servers with literally no other players. I honestly do not get this.


I mean when the SA becomes as good as the mod sure it wont be as boring but, how can you want to play this game without player interaction and killing. Can someone please tell me how they would find playing the SA in it's current state fun to play if you never saw anther player. To make sure I covered all my bases, assume all this is after you have seen most of the game because I can see finding new cloths,guns,gear etc fun for the first time or so but after all that it is in my opinion a endless loot simulator with no fear. no fear = no fun.


TL;DR - Please give me valid reasons as to why you (if you feel this way) think PVE or lone servers are a fun and enjoyable way to play Dayz and how they have any sort of replay value.


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I think it's exciting to not know what some-one's intentions are. We've met plenty of friendly people, and we've been shot at too. It encourages a stealthy mindset.

I don't know how you would enforce a PVE environment without some pretty extensive admin tools and omnipresence. If the zombie hordes are implemented and are a major threat (and have consistent AI that follow the physical rules of doors and walls) I can see it being a legit way to play amongst like-minded people. At the moment, I don't think there are adequate systems to make it worthwhile.

The thing is, there are people who are just not competitive. When I was young, me and a friend would play Perfect Dark. He often wanted to 1v1, whereas I preferred cooperating against a bot-army. These days I enjoy the odd shooter and coop play. If there is a way for those people to be accommodated in legit PVE communities, who are you to tell them they are wrong?

I wouldn't go as far as disabling "friendly fire", though. Accidents should still happen.

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I played on a UK server in the mod where there were not many players on after a given time zone change.The server featured several neat mods such as self blood bagging,more vehicle spawns,and AI hero and bandit squads roaming the various cities. They would engage each other and even zombies. If you fired at hero groups acting as a bandit then they would fight back and if bandit groups saw you they would attack on sight generally. This sort of PVE or at least AI playing was very fun for us as we set up camps and noticed that our camps and vehicles at times were stolen in front of us basically by the AI. So you could still be robbed and killed but the AI in some cases were predictable especially in how they did flybys in helicopters and shot at you. Still we had fun and still played with players on occasion but the survivalist single player was still fun. the option to have this is attractive but if it does not happen or ends up being only a mod in private hives again thats fine.

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I think alot of people who want singleplayer / PVE only servers are people with bad internet connections. Like myself, but I just deal with it, conserve the time when playing.

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A lot of people hate to see time and energy wasted, its just the way some of us are wired. I am absolutely that way, and had to work hard to change it in relation to video games like DayZ. As a digital artist I've lost tons of hours of work to corrupted files, crashes, and so on. These still bother me, maybe one day they won't but its hard to change the way your brain works.


I have ~60 hours in the standalone with around 3 characters that haven't been murdered at spawn/close by. My current character has been to every major place on the map, and almost every other place. Minor scrapes with other players usually resulting in an apology and a trading of goods, some new friends, all of this becomes a part of your time put into that character. For people like me its not just about the gear you have, truth is I've had the same stuff since a few hours into him. All that time and energy just to go to waste when some guy shoots you a hundred times for no reason and shouts "haha faggot" over direct chat gets to some people.


I've come to find the enjoyment and thrill in that, but some people cant. So, they wait for private and PvE servers. Right now I don't THINK they are allowed, but later on its great to have that kind of flexibility for people to play the way they want (as long as they can't come to PvP servers and clean house); that's what makes PC gaming great.

Edited by Hells High

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People confuse camping outside an airfield and sniping with 'combat'. I'm preying for co op servers separate from pvp servers based on a players pvp kill count (pvp server only) or zombie count (either). Im always at a disadvantage as I try not to kos, had a guy in my sights last night, and could have fired but waited... *blam* so my style is swinging to kos I think which isn't why I bought this game, as its the co op against z herds which I think will be more fun

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hahah PvE Servers. Joined one...got KoS´ed 2 mins later. IMO they have no place in dayZ. Its just a missleading Label.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel
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You said pve has no place in dayz. You mean it should be pure sb (which is looking like 90% pvp?) no rules? Id love love to try pure co op you see. Needs more zombies of course... but that will come.

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With the huge incline of players into Dayz I am still baffled at how many complain about KOS.


Although its not how I play it's something that will always happen and honestly I have no real problem with it. Sure I'd like some sort of communication before I get my brains blown out, but I get over my deaths in Dayz pretty quick and move on, because clearly you are not going to live forever.


Now people talk about how PVE servers should be introduced and they wish you could play on servers with literally no other players. I honestly do not get this.


I mean when the SA becomes as good as the mod sure it wont be as boring but, how can you want to play this game without player interaction and killing. Can someone please tell me how they would find playing the SA in it's current state fun to play if you never saw anther player. To make sure I covered all my bases, assume all this is after you have seen most of the game because I can see finding new cloths,guns,gear etc fun for the first time or so but after all that it is in my opinion a endless loot simulator with no fear. no fear = no fun.


TL;DR - Please give me valid reasons as to why you (if you feel this way) think PVE or lone servers are a fun and enjoyable way to play Dayz and how they have any sort of replay value.

i'd say that PvE servers and Lone servers would be fun if surviving itself was far more difficult than it is now. if you actually needed to team up because zombies were so difficult to survive against i think it would be great.

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I dont understand your question. Its day Z.

dayZ isnt meant to be 100% pvp. we don't want to play bloody deathmatch games! we want a different experience to all that boringness! 

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i'd say that PvE servers and Lone servers would be fun if surviving itself was far more difficult than it is now. if you actually needed to team up because zombies were so difficult to survive against i think it would be great.

You mean as hard as it was in the very early days of the mod where zeds where super fast deadly mofos lol


yeah we started teaming up more and we still had pvp it just wasnt the be all and end all of the game as it seems many people think it is now( i blame youtubers and there popularity often glorifying the deathmatch side and the general state of FPS mindset of years of playing BF and the hundreds of others that dayz wasnt ment to be


dayZ isnt meant to be 100% pvp. we don't want to play bloody deathmatch games! we want a different experience to all that boringness! 

Agreed i dont want to remove pvp its an important part of the Dayz experience lol i just dont believe its the only experience ( oh and i class pvp in the sense of fighting with other players for a reason i class KOS as usually something else but even that has a place in dayz just more in moderation lol )


it isnt cod there is no k/d your working on if you had fun some cool experiences you wont get in that game you won alot more than the guy hiding on a hill for 4 hours not dying but having killed 4 or 5 guys lol

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PVP is very important...but i play on PVE servers all the time cause they sort of already exist...


just look for night time servers...peace and quiet me vs the land...have yet to meet someone on a night time server with 5 or less ppl.


having dedicated PVE no kill servers is insanity and wont happen...this is your story not some story where a server tells you that you can not KOS

Edited by deebz1234

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 i blame youtubers and there popularity often glorifying the deathmatch side and the general state of FPS mindset of years of playing BF and the hundreds of others that dayz wasnt ment to be


yeah i agree here. unfortunately as well as massive success the youtubers also attracted lots of people who aren't in dayZ for the survival aspects, they just wanna deathmatch.

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Yesterday I've met someone. He was behind me with an axe, didn't see him at all (was 1st person). I turned around and he backed off. I told him I won't kill him and if he needed anything. He grabbed his gun and I warned him not to point it at me, because I didn't plan to kill him. What did this guy do.... He raised his weapon and pointed at me, ofc he got shot.

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Yesterday I've met someone. He was behind me with an axe, didn't see him at all (was 1st person). I turned around and he backed off. I told him I won't kill him and if he needed anything. He grabbed his gun and I warned him not to point it at me, because I didn't plan to kill him. What did this guy do.... He raised his weapon and pointed at me, ofc he got shot.

good. the guy was a butt nugget and deserved to get shot :D

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There's just nothing to gain from trying to talk to strangers for me. I already have people to group up with. A lot to lose if the talking fails, and nothing to gain from it. If I kill him, I gain a lot, and don't risk anything. It's not a deathmatch mentality, it's the most sound way of making sure you survive, which is what this game is about.

Edited by Ratiasu

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Not keen on PvE/ PvP servers don't want to separate the community, wolves and sheep need to be together on same server to make it fun but it just needs to be harder to be a wolf so everyone isn't one and some protection/more things to do for the sheep.

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dayZ isnt meant to be 100% pvp. we don't want to play bloody deathmatch games! we want a different experience to all that boringness! 



Buttville must be a lonly place. Who is "we" ?  Also...i agree on that there arent enough Zombies at the Moment but lo and behold they work on making them more present...

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Buttville must be a lonly place. Who is "we" ?  Also...i agree on that there arent enough Zombies at the Moment but lo and behold they work on making them more present...

>goes to play zombie game


>doesnt agree that 2 zombies per town is not enough


>should not be playing zombie games

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>goes to play zombie game


>doesnt agree that 2 zombies per town is not enough


>should not be playing zombie games

He actually agreed with that part.

It's more of a survival game in a zombie apocalypse setting, rather than a zombie game, for me.

Other people are threat number one. Surviving priority number one.

Edited by Ratiasu

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Oh boy, another KoS thread. We totally don't see a million threads of this every day.

Actually if you spent time to read the thread it really has nothing to do with KOS at all. Nice post though hope your post count makes you feel good deep down inside.


Ya guys I'm not saying 100% pvp for sure that's dumb, I love player interaction  a lot but with people playing on different types of servers all pvp players will be on pvp servers and all pve player will be on pve and the game will just be ruined.

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