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Do you dare to give a random a loaded gun?

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So i have been playing for a few hours now, and since i was fully geared i had nothing much to do. So i decided to go down to the coast to see if i could interact with some people there. I had a spare gun in my backpack so i came up with the idea to make an experiment. And that was that i should give this gun, fully loaded to the first new spawn i saw and see what happens.


So i found this guy in the outskirts of Electro looting buildings (that was clearly looted 10 times before in the last hour). He was a new spawn by the looks of it since he was running around in he's starter gear. After going up to him he told me that he was running for 10 minutes to get there, so he begged me not to shoot him. He was dehydrated and hungry, and he was a little upset that he haven't found any good loot yet.


This was a perfect time to try out my experiment to life. I told him i had some extra gear and that he could get food, water, a loaded gun and a extra mag. All he had to do was to promise not to kill me after he got the stuff. He seemed very happy and he promised to not kill me. 


Since this man only had four slots to carry stuff i gave him my assault west with a loaded gun, 40 extra rounds, a open can of beans and a full canteen. What do you think happen less then a minute later?


You guessed right. He pulled out the gun and fired 5 rounds. But here is the part that you didn't guess. He shot and killed a guy running towards me from behind with he's axe held high. The guy i just gave a gun, used it and saved my life. We went trough the city together, talking about football, and we also found some good loot on the way. The story ended tragically when he fell off a ladder at the fire station and died. At the very least i got my gear back..lol


So this was a very successful experiment, and i felt like sharing the story for you guys. Hopefully this can give someone inspiration to try the same thing or something else beside killing strangers. Remember, a stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet..;-) 


So, do you dare to give a random a loaded gun?


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Pretty cool story. I tend to run up and around the coast looking for bandits to assassinate. In my travels if I come across a new spawn I typically give them something (almost always the axe or weapon off my back). I tend to only ever keep a pistol on me and I need that to kill bandits so I haven't tried that one yet.


I have had to turn around and kill people I give stuff to though. I gave an axe to a guy once who was friendly, but when we jogged to the nearest town (was showing him the way) he immediately tried to (and succeeded at) killing a fresh spawn. I had to take him down, I had created a monster.

Edited by Maia
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Nah, worked way too hard to get my stuff. I'm a lone wolf in the game, so I trust nobody.

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I have given loaded weapons to players typically when they could have attacked me when I was vulnerable say I was eating or drinking and they walked up to me and were non hostile or did not attack me. Just today I was in a town eating and a guy with basic gear and a fire axe entered the same room as me. I called out I was friendly and he backed off and we chatted. I gave him one of my Mosin rifles (I had 2) and gave him a box of ammo. He did not shoot me because he already proved to me that he was not a murderer and he got some gear off me without damaging it or each other in the process. If I find a player is a bit sketchy I may give them a trap rifle or pistol that only has a single round in the mag and if they shoot me and don't kill me in the first shot then they will have a bad day. No one says you can't boobie trap guns if you are unsure of a persons intentions. :)I trust almost everyone until they breach the trust by attacking. Then myself or one of my hidden mates will take care of the threat.

Edited by Canned Muffins
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I've given weapons to players before but I take out the mag and unload it then set the pistol mag and ammo on the ground and back away. That way if they want to kill me they have to work for it

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I just wrote up an encounter in the KoS/Hold up thread. We gave a 357 to a guy we knew had ammo for it because he was a jolly fellow. We just told him to keep it in his pack and I grabbed some cover behind a car and covered him with my rifle just in case. He gave us the biggest stash of fresh fruit we had ever seen.

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I have done it before, and all my attempts to be nice to fresh spawns have been successful. Even communications with fully kitted players outside of airfields have been successful. Show people you're no threat and talk on the Mic to communicate, ask them what they need and more than likely you'll live to tell the tale.

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Nah, worked way too hard to get my stuff. I'm a lone wolf in the game, so I trust nobody.


You're breaking the first rule of DayZ. Don't get attached to your stuff.


Its an interesting experiment, and I'm glad it turned out the way it did. I've given new-to-DayZ-players a bunch of food and medical supplies, along with a few fireaxes and showed them around a bit. Plenty of times I've been at a water pump or eating with them sitting behind me and haven't been axed in the back of the head once. It'd be easy, too. I guess it all comes down to the right person. You could say they were "good people" but its just a video game. Still, its nice to see people act this way in a virtual environment where consequences are meaningless.

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With mixed results. Running away like a madman straight afterward works

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I have have given ammo to a guy and been there while he reloaded, I did ask him politely not to shoot me in the back of the head, I got out alive.

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I've given out many loaded guns and have yet to be killed by one. Most people try to talk me out of giving them the gun, they're always like "nah, dude it's your gun", "Are you sure?" to which I have to reassure them "No it's yours, I don't want it", "I only picked it up to give to someone". I think it's somewhat important to not plant the seed in their head about killing you, I never tell them not to kill me with it, that just goes without saying.


I've also taken to dropping loot outside buildings in a main intersection. Like if I find some pristine masks, ammo, medkits, or just a bunch of beans and water bottles, I'll leave them in the street for people to find easier. I've even run into people and directed them towards the gun I left on the ground. Can't wait until servers don't restart constantly, then I can really build a nice pile of loot around water pumps and other places that players frequent.

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You got lucky. In my experience newspawns are psychos who will try to kill you with whatever they can find, or their fists, just to get your gear.

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I did it once, because i was 98% sure he wasn't gonna shoot me. He said he was new to the game, and he and his mate were shitting bricks while my mate and i were giving them stuff. Gave gim a loaded Magnum and some spare ammo for it. They thanked us about 10 times and we we moved on.

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Hmm something i havent done thus far in the stand alone is give a gun well a loaded one anyway .


Done it quite a few times in the mod id say i had around 70% positive reaction to this of varied levels eg been given stuff back had a quick chat found someone to team up with or just have lived with them not shooting me.


The other 30% you can guess the result lol .


I do agree with the communicating part it is definately the best way to survive a potentially dangerous situation where other wise you most likely would have died.


I have had a situation in a airport tower ( a dangerous and usual KOS spot and i realise this lol ) where i spotted 2 guys sneak in to the tower i waited behind the stairs at the top for them and when i saw them sneaking up the stairs i calmy said hey what you guys up to ( i knew they were up to killing me why else would they have snuck in when i had already seen them from a distance not being sneaky walking/running in open looting.


The fact i didnt shoot when i had the chance the fact my voice was calm and i said i didnt want to shoot them but i would if needed had them put away there guns and join me upsatirs for a short chat .


I cant say i stayed long as once upstairs my advantage was gone and the trust only went so far so i did bail from the tower not long after making sure they didnt follow lol.


I believe it could have gone far worse and had i not had mic and talked to them what was my option kill them before they killed me ( or likely killed one and then been killed by the other dependant on how good or lucky i was or they were lol )

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