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About crimsonsoul

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. crimsonsoul

    Faith in DayZ players restored

    That's why if I give out a pistol I unload the mag and drop the mag pistol and ammo separately on the ground to give me time to get away from them lol
  2. crimsonsoul

    Do you dare to give a random a loaded gun?

    I've given weapons to players before but I take out the mag and unload it then set the pistol mag and ammo on the ground and back away. That way if they want to kill me they have to work for it
  3. crimsonsoul

    Hunting Bandits in DayZ

    This Bandit when we killed him the first time (it's not in the video) had an M4 with all pristine parts (m68 optics, bipod, etc) The second time he had a Mosin with pristine long scope, and bipod. Action starts about 2 minutes in
  4. crimsonsoul

    4 Bandits vs ME :)

    If you have a Geforce 650 or higher I'd recommend you download Geforce Experience for Shadow play it is optimized for Geforce cards and has an at most 10% performance drop when recording
  5. To the person that shot at me while I was saying friendly while we were both in the ATC at the NE airfield then ran back upstairs while I ran downstairs and bandaged. Thank you for trying to sneak down the ladder at the back of the ATC so i could kill you with my pistol while you were on the ladder. Your M4 was greatly appreciated.
  6. crimsonsoul

    Unreachable loot

    They have loot on top of the little shacks in game that have no ladder to get to the top of them
  7. crimsonsoul

    New Players Haven "DayZFriendZ" Public Voice Server

    If you use raid call you have a 10k player server and it's completely free.
  8. crimsonsoul

    How long would I last?

    How long would last if I picked a bible in the game went to a church stood at the pulpit and preached to any that entered? 2nd question how bad would my death be.
  9. crimsonsoul

    I'm a'scared.

    You can use your axe but you'll lose more than half the food out of the can
  10. crimsonsoul

    I tried to be friendly

    I met two people yesterday one I saline bagged and they went on their way the second called out friendly and so did I and we went on our merry way both were in military areas up north. Both times I was surrounded by 2 friends so that may have played into it as well
  11. crimsonsoul

    Medical Assistance

    My friend was hurt earlier, I used a saline bag on him and it really helped him hp wise, also I'm A+ in game
  12. crimsonsoul

    How do you craft a splint

    I've tried duct tape and Sticks and rope and sticks with no dice. I didn' tthink to try it with rags, I'll do that next time I see a stick
  13. Have you tried antiboitics, Vitamins, or an injection (combine a syringe and an injection vial)
  14. Where you standing in front of the sexy lady billboard at the time? ;)
  15. crimsonsoul

    Keep it Hard....... a thoughtful request.

    *looks at thread title* That's what she said... I'll just go now *leaves*