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Blood Bag IV vs Saline Bag IV

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This is really confusing me and it really doesn't make much sense to me. Maybe somebody can clarify it to me or explain that it's a bug.

But why is it that a Saline bag restores 5000 blood, but a Blood bag only 1000? If thats the case, why would you even bother going through all the trouble of finding a blood test kit, and a proper donor if the Saline bag can just solve all the bloodwork problems. Not only that I thought Saline was used to fight dehydration, not to restore blood. Is it a question of rarity of loot maybe? Because I find Saline bags much more frequent then blood bags.

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It does seems kind of backwards at the moment, I assume some balancing will be done later on and they just used arbitrary numbers.

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I hope it's something that's going to expanded on in the future, it must be some rough placeholder mechanics for the initial alpha release. Makes no sense that you can simply replace all your blood with salt water and then be back on your feet in no time.

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I think like, this the proper time to exploit it, because blood is more realistic in this game, so it's best to use saline and not get blood poisoning. Also I thought that saline was those IV bags that give your blood nutrients and stuff, I don't know man, just go with it...

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Yeah I figured it would be changed as development goes on, because it makes zero sense. I mean I can see the use of saline for dehydration or some other aliments down the line.

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Saline is 0.9% sodium chloride (table salt). I've cut one open and tasted it, its a little less salty than pool water. It is used as a base for injecting drugs, but by itself is used to combat dehydration and hypovolemia.


So it can/should restore blood AND water, but the numbers right now are a little wacky. I think a blood transfusion should give A LOT more blood than a saline bag, whereas a saline bag should give A LOT more water than a blood bag.

Edited by Raptor05121

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Well, a saline bag (IRL) is used on critical patients who are hypotensive (their blood pressure is low and therefore their blood volume is low). We would insert an IV saline bag under such circumstances as the patient is likely to have lost a decent amount of blood. This is also known as decomoensated shock.

So if your still with me, the saline bag will add volume back to the blood. Sure it does not contain hemoglobin, but it gives the rbcs (red blood cells) a medium to travel in, which is adequate to supply the body with nutrients and expel waste. A healthy person over time will excrete the excess water while replenishing blood.

Hope that helps.

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