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Random reset to previous position, game stuck

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I've been having this issue too often lately, making it impossible for me to play. Every 10-15 minutes, unless extremely lucky, I teleport to previous spot. Often where I loaded the game or spawned. I am then unable to move and need to Alt F4 and reboot the game to continue. However, since this has been happening over an over again I kind of lost the appetite to play. Having to run all the way to Elektro every time, only to respawn before you're there is not fun ;) It's not respawn by the way, if I use an item or I fix hunger e.g., that doesn't come back. So it is only the position that is changed.


Any idea? I don't think there's been a patch since the one nearly a week ago, right? Because I have had succesful games since then.



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I've been having this issue too often lately, making it impossible for me to play. Every 10-15 minutes, unless extremely lucky, I teleport to previous spot. Often where I loaded the game or spawned. I am then unable to move and need to Alt F4 and reboot the game to continue. However, since this has been happening over an over again I kind of lost the appetite to play. Having to run all the way to Elektro every time, only to respawn before you're there is not fun ;) It's not respawn by the way, if I use an item or I fix hunger e.g., that doesn't come back. So it is only the position that is changed.


Any idea? I don't think there's been a patch since the one nearly a week ago, right? Because I have had succesful games since then.



happens to me all the time doesn't really bug me

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happens to me all the time doesn't really bug me

If you where in my spot it would bug the crap out of you. I can promise you that:)


I'm been stuck in a small village up north all day. I have tried to run out of the village in all directions but after 5 min i teleport back to the village and i have to Alt-F4 and start over. Its a nice village, but i would really like to move on soon..hehe


Gonna try again, but this time i will walk. Hopefully that will help. 

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Ok, i do not know if anyone will read this post, but i found out what is triggering the teleport back to previous position bug. At leas in my case. 


It only happens when i sprint. If i'm walking or jogging i will be fine, and i have no issue what so ever. But if i sprint, i will teleport back to the position where i was starting to sprint. The teleport take place after about 3-4 minutes of sprinting. Taking pauses during the sprint will not help at all, its just delay the teleport. 


So hopefully some of who have been facing the same problem can find a solution by reading this post. Good luck to you all. 

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Thats not the answer in general... i had this issue while sprinting and also while walking... and i sprinted with nothing happening, so i don't think it's player triggered, more like serverside problems

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I don't know if I'm allowed to post this, but it's a topic in the DayZ Reddit section, where some guy thinks that he found the buggy code which causes everything:


I don't know if that's the problem, or if he's wrong. It looks kinda promising, but what do I know.

The following patch will fix this problem for sure. 

Edited by acid574

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if you read the forums or search you will find 100 threads on this.


it is called rubberbanding and it is a known problem, it will be fixed, devs are working on it.


my fix is playing on low ping servers...i never rubberband.

the minute i go to 50 person serverswith mediocre ping i rubberband..

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This isn't rubberbanding. Rubberbanding just flashes you back a couple meters and let's you keep on walking.

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game sucks? really?! ITS! IN! F*CKING! ALPHA!

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Chill out bro. Stuck =/= suck. No one's ranting or complaining, just pointing out bugs and asking for advice or solutions.

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Having listened to Sacriel (DayZ streamer), he puts it down to moving outside your network bubble. In other words, if you sprint for a long time without stopping you will run outside the network bubble created for your character. You will then be teleported back to the last time the network was able to record your character being positioned on the server.

So to counteract this, when sprinting it is good to stop and run at normal speed to allow the server to catch back up with your network. (something like this anyway, i am not a technical expert)

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it happened to me 3 times last night- all after running about 15 minutes.


i changed servers. issue fixed.

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