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About sharrakor

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  1. sharrakor

    Random reset to previous position, game stuck

    Having listened to Sacriel (DayZ streamer), he puts it down to moving outside your network bubble. In other words, if you sprint for a long time without stopping you will run outside the network bubble created for your character. You will then be teleported back to the last time the network was able to record your character being positioned on the server. So to counteract this, when sprinting it is good to stop and run at normal speed to allow the server to catch back up with your network. (something like this anyway, i am not a technical expert)
  2. sharrakor

    Am I naive in wanting to learn the map myself?

    You are playing the game how it is supposed to be played. Learning the map is part of the game and to fully immerse Yourself in the gameplay. I try and find my own way around, learning the map as I navigate. However I have to admit I have at times glanced at a DayZ map, just to get my bearings.
  3. sharrakor

    VOIP issue plus a noob question

    Yup it doesn't take much of a height to kill off your character. If you do fall and survive, you will have broken legs. You can create a splint by using rags (created by ripping up shirts) and combining with sticks (which you can find in most towns). When combined it will become a splint and you can then use this on yourself to fix yourself up. If you do not have the sticks and rags at the time of falling, you will have to crawl to get anywhere as you will not be able to walk. If this happens try and find a player to put you out of your misery. Or a friendly Zombie (such as Britney) who will gladly pummel you into oblivion.
  4. sharrakor

    Using the compass?

    If you have the compass in your hotbar, press the number key for the compass. In first person view press the space bar so that you basically lift your hands. (by pressing enter you go from 3rd to 1st person or vice versa). Basically you are raising the item in your hand, like you do with any weapon by pressing the spacebar.
  5. sharrakor

    Possible hacker or just very unlucky ?

    If you raise your fists and start punching, then start running, you can be running around punching. It is a glitch of sorts and means the person can just run around you punching aimlessly, most times they will connect 2-3 times before you can react.
  6. Welcome. Enjoy the bumpy road ahead.
  7. sharrakor

    We saved a fresh spawn today. (Kross)

    I've started leaving useful items in the hunter lodges that are scattered around the map. Such as water bottle (full) and a can of food. I make sure obviously I have enough for Myself but like to think that in someway it could help someone in need. I know I have gone into these huts hoping for something and finding nothing, so hopefully by leaving some stuff Myself I can encourage others to do likewise.
  8. sharrakor

    playing alone

    Been playing alone since launch of the Alpha. Have died by the hands of others 3 times. Survived now for 2 days, have pretty good gear. Have met a few people in this current life, all have been reasonable, no shooting on site. Of course lone survival is difficult, especially if you come across a group, but hey that is part of the game experience for me. One of the things that I will not be doing is death logging to survive or server hop. I am playing this game how it is supposed to be player, as a survival game. Best of luck.
  9. sharrakor

    Saying Hey

    Welcome to the wonderful world of DayZ. I learnt a lot by watching streams on Twitch and watching videos on Youtube. But I have spent most of my time just wondering around and trying to work out things by Myself. I have no clue where any of the cities or military camps are, I just come across them and after scouting for a bit will venture down and see if there is anything worth taking. For me priority starts with finding a weapon, preferably an axe as you can hit zombies with these and kill in 1-2 hits. If no axe then a baseball bat, spade will do but sometimes will only knock out the Zombie. After finding a weapon I try and get as much food and liquid as possible. Once I have enough supplies I will then venture out to try and find a gun, then it is just a matter of survival. Have fun.
  10. sharrakor

    How to use Saline?

    Sounds like you have infected wounds, or broken limbs? If you have infected wounds then you need to find alcohol to clean them. If you have broken limbs then you need to create a splint. This can be done by combining rags with sticks. My dude fell from a height and broke a leg, with the splint I have been able to carry on. Of course I had to drink and eat a lot to heal up but have been healthy now for 2 days. Still surviving.
  11. sharrakor

    Do helmets effect damage?

    From what I can tell, If you have a pristine helmet equipped and you get hit, it will then become ruined or worn. So always try and pick up the pristine ones when you see them.