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See your location on your Map question

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Hello everybody, just a quick question regarding the maps in SA.


I had a fully kitted up character a couple days ago that had found enough maps to be able to craft a full map of Chernarus+, and well I noticed that there was a yellow circle on the map showing my exact location, I double checked this by running around for a while then checking it again, and yep there it was showing my location.

Unfortunately I got some sort of bug earlier today where I joined a server I use quite a lot but I somehow didn't fully connect properly and was left with a "Please Wait" icon for ages, eventually I quit and rejoined but it killed my epic hero character >:(

Anyway I've now managed to scavenge enough maps again to craft a full map, but this time there is no marker showing my location, which as a new'ish player is extremely helpful.


So does anyone know if this is a Server based thing that is enabled or disabled depending on the server, or is it something you have to press to activate it to show your location???


Bit confused on this one.

Thanks everyone, hope you all have a good night.

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Must be server based.


I saw youtube movie where guy had full in-game map and it not only showed his location on it, but also it showed on this in-game map location of other players when they were approx 300 meters from him.

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I've never heard of this and hope it was just a weird bug. I'm certain there are quite a few people in the 3PP community that would love to know how to get this though.

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Thats kinda weird, I've never had that happen in standalone.  It might be a server side option but I hope not.

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Edited by Guest

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Oh wow O_O I definitely don't like the idea of survivors knowing my location. Yeah I had a feeling it might be server based but I also logged on to the same server which "Did" have the map marker location but it wasn't there. Hence why I'm confused :-\



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sounds like another piece of shit legacy code from ArmA. hope it will be removed soon.

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Don't get used to it. Even if it does help new people out. This is DayZ, getting lost is a core aspect of being new. =p Wish I could still get lost.

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Don't like the idea of seeing others on the map, and having others seeing my location.  No thanks.. Not seen a setting for this on our server setting at all btw.

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Don't get used to it. Even if it does help new people out. This is DayZ, getting lost is a core aspect of being new. =p Wish I could still get lost.


Don't tell that to the people that rely on Dayz DB. What are you going to do though. People who want this game to be a casual experience will always find a way.  3PP view abusers, nighttime gamma adjusters, and teamspeak-only lamers are evidence of that.

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Uhm, just an idea, but did you have a Walkie Talkie? I feel like that may be the reason. I just went through my DayZProfile in my Documents folder to see if I can change some graphic settings for more performance in towns, and I found something. I have no experience with things like that, but it looked pretty interesting:

class MainMap{	class WalkieTalkie	{		inBack=1;		position[]={0.093999997,-0.043000001,0.25};		positionBack[]={0.28,-0.155,0.625};	};	class GPS2	{		inBack=0;		position[]={-0.047431991,-0.10799249,0.22};		positionBack[]={0.036959991,7.5101845e-009,0.12};	};

It says something about MainMap, WalkieTalkie, GPS and positions. Does this help in any way?
Edited by acid574

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I've never heard of this and hope it was just a weird bug. I'm certain there are quite a few people in the 3PP community that would love to know how to get this though.


Why would those who like playing 3PP be more interested in such a map than those who are FPP players?

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some servers have it, most don't.


noticed this awhile back as well, i could see myself on the map with a yellow circle and my friends who were close.  i would also see other players that i had seen on my screen their last location on the map.


it has nothing to do with walkie talkies as i didn't even know they existed back then and had it.

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Hello everybody, just a quick question regarding the maps in SA.


I had a fully kitted up character a couple days ago that had found enough maps to be able to craft a full map of Chernarus+, and well I noticed that there was a yellow circle on the map showing my exact location, I double checked this by running around for a while then checking it again, and yep there it was showing my location.

Unfortunately I got some sort of bug earlier today where I joined a server I use quite a lot but I somehow didn't fully connect properly and was left with a "Please Wait" icon for ages, eventually I quit and rejoined but it killed my epic hero character > :(

Anyway I've now managed to scavenge enough maps again to craft a full map, but this time there is no marker showing my location, which as a new'ish player is extremely helpful.


So does anyone know if this is a Server based thing that is enabled or disabled depending on the server, or is it something you have to press to activate it to show your location???


Bit confused on this one.

Thanks everyone, hope you all have a good night.

i noticed it does that it shows on recruit servers tested on a vetern server and no location icon.

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Why would those who like playing 3PP be more interested in such a map than those who are FPP players?


It was a tongue-in-cheek remark there to illicit slight outrage but end in a smile. We all know how casual 3PP players are and how they love looking at people that can't see them. :P

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Arhh ok thank guys really appreciate you clearing that up for me.  :beans:  And no, I definitely didn't have Walkie Talkie as I know they don't work atm.


It was just helpful as it was only my second ever character and as much as I "naively thought" I knew Chernarus from watching the mod develop of the last year/s and YT videos of people like sacriel42 and  FRANKIEonPC, I found myself I little lost, well a lot lost :-\


Thanks again,


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Uhm, just an idea, but did you have a Walkie Talkie? I feel like that may be the reason. I just went through my DayZProfile in my Documents folder to see if I can change some graphic settings for more performance in towns, and I found something. I have no experience with things like that, but it looked pretty interesting:


class MainMap{	class WalkieTalkie	{		inBack=1;		position[]={0.093999997,-0.043000001,0.25};		positionBack[]={0.28,-0.155,0.625};	};	class GPS2	{		inBack=0;		position[]={-0.047431991,-0.10799249,0.22};		positionBack[]={0.036959991,7.5101845e-009,0.12};	};

It says something about MainMap, WalkieTalkie, GPS and positions. Does this help in any way?


I think that must be some place-holder code or leftover from ArmA23/ToH. I've got the exact same in my .DayZProfile, and I'd doubt we can be at the exact same spot on the map ATM.


I'm betting that they have found a way to hack the server difficulty down to Recruit or something. Definately doesn't work like that on the Official servers.


But, again, to the OP. Just learn to read the map. There aren't that many spawn locations and the landmarks are pretty easy to get a handle on.

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Don't tell that to the people that rely on Dayz DB. What are you going to do though. People who want this game to be a casual experience will always find a way.  3PP view abusers, nighttime gamma adjusters, and teamspeak-only lamers are evidence of that.

I don't mind teamspeak. The current in game VOIP soudns like ass quality wise, and doesn't allow for a dynamic range/volume adjustment such as whispering like rl. Baing able to see your own location on a map, live, is a whole lvl above that and using DayZDB. 

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I don't mind teamspeak. The current in game VOIP soudns like ass quality wise, and doesn't allow for a dynamic range/volume adjustment such as whispering like rl. Baing able to see your own location on a map, live, is a whole lvl above that and using DayZDB. 


By adhering to that standard someone could say, "The current in-game map that you can find looks like ass quality wise and doesn't show as much detail so I don't mind using the DayZ DB map." or " The current default nighttime settings looks like ass quality wise and doesn't allow for acceptable levels of lighting so I don't mind adjusting my gamma to compensate."


You point out that you don't like the in game VOIP because you can't whisper and compare it to real life. You then go on to endorse a program that allows you talk without anyone else in the game world being able hear you along with the capability to talk to your friends miles away without any in-game device on your character. *facepalm*

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Sidewinder im sure you play on FPP servers so why the outburst at people who do not????

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By adhering to that standard someone could say, "The current in-game map that you can find looks like ass quality wise and doesn't show as much detail so I don't mind using the DayZ DB map." or " The current default nighttime settings looks like ass quality wise and doesn't allow for acceptable levels of lighting so I don't mind adjusting my gamma to compensate."


You point out that you don't like the in game VOIP because you can't whisper and compare it to real life. You then go on to endorse a program that allows you talk without anyone else in the game world being able hear you along with the capability to talk to your friends miles away without any in-game device on your character. *facepalm*


So you dont use any form of external communication to meet up with your mates? Guess youre having a hard time finding them.


Oh wait, maybe this isnt an issue for you because nobody wants to play with you?

Edited by Sleezy

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So you dont use any form of external communication to meet up with your mates? Guess youre having a hard time finding them.


Oh wait, maybe this isnt an issue for you because nobody wants to play with you?


I meet new players in gameevery single time I play. Had so many great experiences that way and don't have to rely on outside resources that infringe on Dayz's ultimate goal, authenticity. Are your juvenile discussion tactics what netted you all your friends? I bet you're pretty popular with the kids at your middle school?

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My friends arent idiots who try to dictate to me how I play the game... and from your reply I can conclude that you really dont have any friends who want to be in teamspeak with you, which doesnt mean that I am not allowed to use teamspeak with my friends.

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Whoa buddy. No one is saying you can't use teamspeak, just like no one is saying you can't use Dayz DB or increase your gamma so you can see clearly at night. I never said you can't use those things. I only contend that the people that use these casualizing resources cheapen the intended experience.


The experience Rocket, the guy who made this game possible, has commented on numerous times.


Just like this thread's original topic of there being a realtime tracker of your character on the map, other non-authentic resources dumb the game down (my opinion). You're free to use whatever you want but you're not free from me calling you a casual cheeser.

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