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How successful would DayZ be on consoles?

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I got no probs with it going to console.....Arma 2 supports 360 pad, so mapping buttons is doable. I got a friend who (like most who tried a pad 1st) hates m+k. I try to tell him how much more accurate it is, but no, he only play pad. So i used to just give him the 360 pad to have a go on custom missions :)

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You also have to think, the PS4 has the extra advantage of the touchpad now, so plenty of gestures could be moved to that like they are on Killzone.. (I know thats pretty basic usage but there is plenty of potential there).. Prone/crouch could easily be mapped to one button, press for crouch, hold for prone etc.. Whether you could get the same number of players online is a different matter, I don't know what the upper maximum is for online gaming on the PS4? Could you get 40-60 on a server for it? I would buy it if only because it would give me chance to play DayZ with friends who don't have a PC for gaming but love the consoles.. A control scheme would be found without a doubt and I am sure they could make the mechanics work.. Just depends how much the console crowd would enjoy the permadeath experience..

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I think we're all forgetting that even if Dean say right now "(WARNING NOT AN ACTUAL QUOTE) With our sales numbers we were able to get another full team together to start working on the console version of DayZ.(WARNING NOT AN ACTUAL QUOTE)" we still more than likely would not be able to play with anyone on the consoles, they'ed by on their own little boxes.  Seriously how many games do you know where the PC version can play with the Console version(s).  Hell the different Console Versions can't even play among themselves.

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I'd love to see how widely accepted DayZ would be by the console audience. Lets be honest, DayZ is not the most accessible of games and the mantra of most console game developers is to pretty much streamline what they can so the game appeals to as many as possible.


It would be awesome for DayZ to be a massive critical and commercial success on consoles - it would be a massive middle finger to those big companies who release that same dumbed down crap constantly.

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  On 1/14/2014 at 10:28 AM, KoS said:

when humans evolving 6 finger and 2 thumb on the hand console controller giving same experience like keyboard/mouse combination  ;)

it has nothing to do with the controls, it has to do with the fact this game couldn't run on any of the current gen consoles. 

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  On 1/14/2014 at 7:39 PM, Gerandar said:

it has nothing to do with the controls, it has to do with the fact this game couldn't run on any of the current gen consoles.

it has everything to do with controller because consoles using controller and 99% of console gamer using controller AND DAYZ USING MORE CONTROL BUTTONS THAN EXIST ON 5 CONSOLE CONTROLLER :P

is also to do with fact that PS4 don't have power to run dayz even if they make map only use SKALISITY ISLAND  put max 4 zombie one loot spawn and 2 player for each server :D

Edited by KoS

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  On 1/14/2014 at 7:42 PM, KoS said:

it has everything to do with controller because consoles using controller and 99% of console gamer using controller AND DAYZ USING MORE CONTROL BUTTONS THAN EXIST ON 5 CONSOLE CONTROLLER :P

is also to do with fact that PS4 don't have power to run dayz even if they make map only use SKALISITY ISLAND  put max 4 zombie one loot spawn and 2 player for each server :D


The controls can be changed, the only thing stopping a console release is the engine the RV2 engine won't run  on any current console out on the market.


thinking that the controls for this game is what keeps it away from consoles is foolish.

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It would fall short on so many levels. Like the control scheme mentioned above. Also, number of player will be reduced. BF4 supports 64 players max on pc. Same exact game on console? 20 players max. DayZ would suck with only 20 max unless there were a million zombies. Sure there are many other reasons too. Especially the mention of the game engine used.

Edited by Sinphaltimus
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  On 1/14/2014 at 7:48 PM, Gerandar said:

The controls can be changed, the only thing stopping a console release is the engine the RV2 engine won't run  on any current console out on the market.


thinking that the controls for this game is what keeps it away from consoles is foolish.

Not seeing that complex control system having affect on console port is so unbelievable I need to read 3 times last post you making and also link to my friend (to get 2nd opinion is really say this???) and he laughing so much he spitting cola on his monitor and almost choking to death :huh:

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  On 1/14/2014 at 7:51 PM, KoS said:

Not seeing that complex control system having affect on console port is so unbelievable I need to read 3 times last post you making and also link to my friend (to get 2nd opinion is really say this???) and he laughing so much he spitting cola on his monitor and almost choking to death :huh:


If you really think the control lay out is the biggest issue with a console port you are a loss cause, the biggest thing stopping it is the hardware the consoles out on the market are too weak to run the garbage engine this game chose to use.

Edited by Gerandar

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  On 1/14/2014 at 7:54 PM, Gerandar said:

If you really think the control lay out is the biggest issue with a console port you are at a loss.

now you begin to make yourself looking embarrassing  :huh:

where I saying controller IS BIGGEST ISSUE with console port? >:(

link quote here please because I don't remember say nothing like this 


or stop to talk no sense ;)

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  On 1/14/2014 at 9:18 AM, Ratiasu said:

Wheres the PC version of the last of us?


That game would've become much more if it was developed for PC.

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  On 1/14/2014 at 10:35 AM, Rista said:

Where the hell are you getting those numbers from?

rocket i think said it would take about 8 weeks along time ago somewhere maybe Reddit who knows .


also you can get keyboard mouses on consoles ;)

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Meh, I think the core gameplay would be too slow for *most* console players... they'd probably buy it based on reputation, youtube videos and alpha footage then quit after realising you have to walk across the map to get the kewl guns and gear.

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lol imagine some of the commands, it would be like entering cheat codes back in the day (A,B,Y,Y,RT,RT,LT,DOWN,UP)

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  On 1/14/2014 at 9:19 AM, dgeesio said:

quotes like that are mind numbing !


the consoles could run it quite easily and at good settings. it would take 8-12 weeks to port over thats it. its not mount everest !


Are we playing the same game? The ARMA (VR) engine is horrifically optimized - it's so single-thread heavy that it's not even funny, and the render pipeline is almost as bad. The only reason it runs on PC is because we can throw a TON of hardware at it and hope for the best. My laptop (i7-740qm, 8gb ram, GTX 460) had serious trouble getting 30fps at 720p on low, with the view distance set to 500-600; and that thing has turbo stuck on, so the CPU is running at 2.8ghz the whole time (with an OC'd GPU).


Right now, it's much more important for the devs to get the game feature complete (and bug free) than essentially rebuilding the entire engine to get it to run on what is essentially a laptop. Is it POSSIBLE? Yes. Absolutely; but it would take a lot of effort and time.

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I'm going to be a straight up elitist asshole and say EWWWWW NO. And if they EVER do get it, stay away from our hive, thanks. :) Don't want any more 10 year olds on my server, already have quite a bit.

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It could easily be ported onto the new generation of console and would look quite good (the pc I'm playing it on at the moment is less powerful and it runs 20-25 FPS on good settings, that's without console optimisation) but the big problem would be controls/functions. It would have to be very simplified I would imagine and lose something in transition.. the other problem is would console players want to play it and if they did how would it be?

I don't think they would like the repetitive restarting and realistic feel of the game (I would imagine it would be FPV only for console) and it would turn 100% KOS very quickly.

It wouldn't be possible to cross-platform imo.

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Nothing in this game you coudn't port to a console. You don't need a key board or mouse to play this game...


Truy it should be a console game with how little there is. But durning release? Again I see no reason not too..





Personaly fucking hate consoles and all they stand for. Consoles just stall the growth of games IMO.


For instance PC's GPU gets better every year. Consoles are locked and therefore already outdated they day they come out. So for 6 years instead of pushing the limits they adhere to said limits.


Nothing like forcing yourself into a proverbial stone age..To each his own.

Edited by RyBo
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I think that day z would be amazing on console especially xbox 1 Im a big fan of it but currently cant afford to build or buy a pc for gaming I know that the Xbox community are eager to get Day z on next gen consoles but unfortunatly we are left with bad knock offs such as state of decay and the forth coming dying light when you think of it elder scrolls was easy to convert over to console and it has just as much buttons on the keyboards

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  On 1/14/2014 at 7:49 PM, Sinphaltimus said:

It would fall short on so many levels. Like the control scheme mentioned above. Also, number of player will be reduced. BF4 supports 64 players max on pc. Same exact game on console? 20 players max. DayZ would suck with only 20 max unless there were a million zombies. Sure there are many other reasons too. Especially the mention of the game engine used.

I just want to be the one to point out, I have a PS4 and BF4, it supports 64 people, not 20.. Not sure if you were sarcastic, being funny or didnt get your facts right, but either way, Im a console gamer, and would love DayZ To port to PS4, I mean, in the future im planing to buy a PC but, the way I see it is, if it doesnt affect the PC Gamers you shouldnt worry about it, you wont be the one having 9yr old screaming in your ear, aswell, it would add a bigger community seeing as the Fan Base of DayZ has expanded to hundreds of thousands of Console gamers wish lists(either for a console port to come or for a PC to play it xD) 

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  On 1/21/2014 at 5:03 PM, PHS 3xiledrebel said:

I think that day z would be amazing on console especially xbox 1 Im a big fan of it but currently cant afford to build or buy a pc for gaming I know that the Xbox community are eager to get Day z on next gen consoles but unfortunatly we are left with bad knock offs such as state of decay and the forth coming dying light when you think of it elder scrolls was easy to convert over to console and it has just as much buttons on the keyboards

I would be ecstatic if DayZ came to Xbox One! I seriously considered buying a PS4 when I heard Rocket was looking into the Playstation over Xbox, but I just couldn't go through with it.

I've played PC games for about 10 years and consoles for almost 30 years, and I've always hated using a keyboard/mouse. I vastly prefer using an Xbox controller.

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