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Item Storing Tents

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There could be plain conspicuous tents and camo tents for storing loot.

These tents could spawn in random locations but would be rare.

These tents, when deployed, can be accessed by anyone the same as a body can be.

The tents can be picked up and redeployed elsewhere but the items within the tent would have to be put in the player's inventory rather than stored in the packed tent.

They could hold the same capacity as a large backpack or possible 1.5X that.

There could be limitations on where the tents can be placed such as in woodland areas so that on balance they would be difficult to find but at the same time can only be found in certain environments.

The tents would move and relocate in the same places as the player's inventory does when changing servers.

I think these could be useful when you have an excess of ammunition, food etc. or weapons which you're not using. If you die and are familiar enough with the landscape you could relocate that cache of items or if you abandon it then it could be found by someone else.

I think it could add a certain risk to the game when using them depending on what you store, where, what tent you use and how you use it. It could lead to all sorts of different scenarios. For instance, if you were to go on a risky mission and didn't want to take all your stuff you could store in the tent but you might return after a successful mission and find your tent empty or gone.

Just think it could be an interesting addition although i know they said they were eventually going to add customisable player structures.



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I don't like item storing tents, we need any item storage to be super rare small and probably secure if we're getting 100+ player servers.

Plus it just adds to the server hopping loot farming hoarding mentality that came with the mod camps.

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Like the idea about tents being able to be uplifted. Always annoyed me in the mod that I couldn't just steal the tent.


I'd like to be able to stash my back pack somewhere, anywhere, whatever. 

Edited by RogueNZ

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Well i can tell you one thing - you can hide it somewhere where nobody walks - far far far....(1247102491x fars more) North, where nobody walks, at some branch or shrub, but it will still disappear when server restart 

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Well i can tell you one thing - you can hide it somewhere where nobody walks - far far far....(1247102491x fars more) North, where nobody walks, at some branch or shrub, but it will still disappear when server restart

There's no shrubs or branches in the debug plains.

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tents are gonna be implemented, fucking keen for when they're in!

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Why not furniture like wardrobes and stuff, that be more modern than using a tent. Kind of like that one game Project Zomboid... But I guess that would only work if you made a base out from a house huh?

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Well i can tell you one thing - you can hide it somewhere where nobody walks - far far far....(1247102491x fars more) North, where nobody walks, at some branch or shrub, but it will still disappear when server restart 




my suggestion within this suggestion was that pack contents would survive a restart


anyone could steal your pack, rabid rats (or rabbitz) could destroy it


and your not allowed 100 back packs because that would be um.. unrealistic


or too realistic 


I can't decide which

Edited by RogueNZ

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If they do not had some form of persistent storage I will be extremely disappointed. If they had this storage disappear at server restart then you might as well use someones dead body, completely pointless in other words.

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You do realize tents were in the mod?


I recall rocket saying they were going to work on that.

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