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incentive not to kill everyone you find

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Of course you should be able to kill everyone you find. But it would be nice if there was a reason not to.


If you have a chance to kill someone and you don't take it, you are giving them a chance to kill you. I stopped being merciful after a guy I spared killed me. It gets even worse with guns in the picture, because running away is often difficult. There's a huge incentive to shoot first.


Maybe if the game was harder, and zombies/hunger/thirst were more of a threat, there might be an incentive for players to work together instead of killing each other.


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The harder the game gets, the more I'm going to want to kill random jagoffs and see if they have anything decent on their corpses to help me face all the tough challenges the game has to offer.


Sorry for the news.

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No it wouldn't. 


The game already has excellent incentives. The best incentive of all really - survival. 

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The harder the game gets, the more I'm going to want to kill random jagoffs and see if they have anything decent on their corpses to help me face all the tough challenges the game has to offer.


Sorry for the news.


This is only true if loot is more of an advantage than working together. If you needed two people with some items to clear a town, there would be an incentive for people not to murder each other as soon as they see each other.


Maybe they'd kill each other after getting the loot, but even that would make things more interesting than they currently are.


No it wouldn't. 


The game already has excellent incentives. The best incentive of all really - survival. 


Thanks for this completely useless post.

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(Useless post. Please ignore.)

Edited by Ubernaut

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Well .. people will kill. There is no initiative at this moment to loot in a group/survive. Your chances of survival solo is way higher. 


:beans: on 

ZedsDeadBaby Edited by sYs

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Danger is great, because there's tension. You have to decide whether you're going to attack someone you meet or not.


Currently there's no tension, because 100% kill on sight is the only reasonable way to play the game.

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This is only true if loot is more of an advantage than working together. If you needed two people with some items to clear a town, there would be an incentive for people not to murder each other as soon as they see each other.


If I need two people to do things, I'll convince my brother to play. If I need more than that, I'll join a clan. I'm not going to group up with random jackwads, ever.



Thanks for this completely useless post.


How is it useless? It's exactly right. You already have all the incentive you need to group up with people. It's 500% easier to survive in a group than it is alone. 


Point being, people aren't going to just group with random dickless shitwhiskers they run into on the coast. They're going to group with friends and trusted allies and pretty much continue to mostly ventilate everyone else they come across.



Currently there's no tension, because 100% kill on sight is the only reasonable way to play the game.


Yet we hear every day about people who refuse to KoS and still enjoy the game. It's insane.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Of course you should be able to kill everyone you find. But it would be nice if there was a reason not to.


If you have a chance to kill someone and you don't take it, you are giving them a chance to kill you. I stopped being merciful after a guy I spared killed me. It gets even worse with guns in the picture, because running away is often difficult. There's a huge incentive to shoot first.


Maybe if the game was harder, and zombies/hunger/thirst were more of a threat, there might be an incentive for players to work together instead of killing each other.


One of the most precious innocent things ive ever read ;P

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I find the feeling of helping other players to be far more rewarding than KOS (I've only killed to defend myself after being attacked).  That's incentive enough for me.  


Like just today, I was in Berezino and came across a new player running in the streets being chased by a zombie.  I was armed and had plenty of supplies on me and I asked if he needed help.  After he asked for help, I killed the zombie and then asked i the guy needed anything.  He said he's new to DayZ and didn't know where anything was, so we took shelter in a house and I gave him liquids and a compass and we parted ways.  Killing he dude on sight wouldn't have been much fun... 

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As long as there is a threat that the random guy I see with a gun could kill me in a moment making me loose everything I have worked for, KOS will continue.  If this gets changed somehow or leaves the game, the game will lose a massive chunk of it's players as that is a core part of the experience.  You get a pretty big rush when you sneak on someone or vice versa where you realize someone has the drop on you.   Once zombies are fully functioning they will just make KOS decision a little more thought out, if I see dozens of zombies that will chase me down as soon as I fire I may hold back or maybe firing the shot to wound my target hoping the zombies go for him instead.  


There are so many posts about shifting the balance of the game or nerfing the ability to KOS or spawn kill,  at the same time there are numerous players going the good guy route hunting those who KOS, spawn kill, camp.  If you are against it just join them, there are many clans and groups already solely formed to enjoy the game in that manner.   

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Of course you should be able to kill everyone you find. But it would be nice if there was a reason not to.


If you have a chance to kill someone and you don't take it, you are giving them a chance to kill you. I stopped being merciful after a guy I spared killed me. It gets even worse with guns in the picture, because running away is often difficult. There's a huge incentive to shoot first.


Maybe if the game was harder, and zombies/hunger/thirst were more of a threat, there might be an incentive for players to work together instead of killing each other.


Don't think it will effect KOSing, but may reduce player hunting (people just looking to kill others for fun). I have met a mix of people who want interaction and others that KOS as a survival skill. All you can do is stick to your style of preferred game-play and not change it because you get back-stabbed or KOSed. Assume everyone may KOS you and prepare for it and take control of the situation and hope you can stop a gunfight.




Point being, people aren't going to just group with random dickless shitwhiskers they run into on the coast. They're going to group with friends and trusted allies and pretty much continue to mostly ventilate everyone else they come across.




why the foulness.. You can make a point without trash talk and kinnda calling all random players on the coast 'dickless shitwhiskers'



what a big baby


Please read: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153786-forum-rules-roles-and-guidelines/


9) Unnecessary posts:
Posting "don't care" or "so what" or any posts along those lines are unnecessary, inflammatory, and do not add to the discussion.

Edited by Sooden
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As long as there is a threat that the random guy I see with a gun could kill me in a moment making me loose everything I have worked for, KOS will continue.  If this gets changed somehow or leaves the game, the game will lose a massive chunk of it's players as that is a core part of the experience.  You get a pretty big rush when you sneak on someone or vice versa where you realize someone has the drop on you.   Once zombies are fully functioning they will just make KOS decision a little more thought out, if I see dozens of zombies that will chase me down as soon as I fire I may hold back or maybe firing the shot to wound my target hoping the zombies go for him instead.  


There are so many posts about shifting the balance of the game or nerfing the ability to KOS or spawn kill,  at the same time there are numerous players going the good guy route hunting those who KOS, spawn kill, camp.  If you are against it just join them, there are many clans and groups already solely formed to enjoy the game in that manner.   





I like hunting kos'ers solo... more bullets, more rewards... Damn, they're so good till i kill them... And the denial comments priceless.. Can't combat log a moslin headshot you sorry bitches..


Btw, I am far from the best player out there...

Edited by Deepfryer

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As long as there is a threat that the random guy I see with a gun could kill me in a moment making me loose everything I have worked for, KOS will continue.  If this gets changed somehow or leaves the game, the game will lose a massive chunk of it's players as that is a core part of the experience.  You get a pretty big rush when you sneak on someone or vice versa where you realize someone has the drop on you.   Once zombies are fully functioning they will just make KOS decision a little more thought out, if I see dozens of zombies that will chase me down as soon as I fire I may hold back or maybe firing the shot to wound my target hoping the zombies go for him instead.  


There are so many posts about shifting the balance of the game or nerfing the ability to KOS or spawn kill,  at the same time there are numerous players going the good guy route hunting those who KOS, spawn kill, camp.  If you are against it just join them, there are many clans and groups already solely formed to enjoy the game in that manner.   


They should not remove the ability to KOS, they should make it more of a decision. You make a good point with alerting zombies


I don't believe "numerous players" are going the good guy route, at least not successfully. If you wait to find out if someone is a KOS player before killing them, they will kill you. 


Spawn killing and server hopping is another issue.

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The incentive is that shooting people damages their gear and weapons. If you shoot someone with a M4, it is possible you just destroyed it.

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some guys have real difficult mental struggle for accept murder is big never stop part of this game :|

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Why not have a single Anal inventory slot where u can hide rare shit.....it cant be looted only passed!
Bandits would then need to give flowers and chocolates before gaining access or force feed people until they shit themselves...this would be time consuming of course which allows for time to be saved by a hero wearing a pink hat and carrying a tub of KY.

KoS cured because KoS'ers and bandits are gay.

Edited by Max Planck
Take your homophobia elsewhere.
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Maybe if the game was harder, and zombies/hunger/thirst were more of a threat, there might be an incentive for players to work together instead of killing each other.

Even though I'd like to point out the game is still in Alpha, I would rather say I agree. Zombies should coming running full sprint, at the sound of gun fire. There should be a penalty for firing a weapon. I like the idea, always have. There needs to be a bigger risk when killing other players. Right now it's too easy. I killed 6 people and had time to loot them in Elektro a few days ago with ease. 3 of them were in a group together and heavily armed. I should've triggered zombie aggro or something. No way I should've killed that many people and had time to loot. I think it would make the game more fun personally.

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I have both helped ppl and KOs ppl but it was choices made out of the factors on how geared they were,

if they are armed they will kill you before you even say friendy... i was unarmed once met a guy in the barracks he shouted friendly i said its ok im unarmed, to wich he said oh ok then shot me dead .......kill em all i say

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If some special mechanics could be made with player bases and what not, that would truely inspire bigger groups to band together from the rubble.

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They should not remove the ability to KOS, they should make it more of a decision. You make a good point with alerting zombies


I don't believe "numerous players" are going the good guy route, at least not successfully. If you wait to find out if someone is a KOS player before killing them, they will kill you. 


Spawn killing and server hopping is another issue.


Not numerous?  Not successfully you say?






There was also another TMW thread for helping in the mod, was about 100 some pages long, but it was deleted because it was so big, it lagged the entire forum.


I can't speak to RRF's success, but TMW has has hundreds upon hundreds of successfully healed people since we started in the mod, as well as all the randoms we run into and help.   Since SA started up, we've been getting a steady average of 4-5 patients a day.  As for how many of us are there, our list of current members since the start is nearly 200 names long, with a waiting list of people wanting to join.  That's not including our trusted members or our old whitelisted medic system.


So yes, lots of people are being the hero and successfully helping other.  You just have to know how to do it, and not be afraid of losing your stuff if you mess up.  You may find of lot of people don't want to KoS, they won't shoot if you don't give them a reason to.

Edited by (TMW)HerrJon

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The incentive to not kill is the good feeling you get, the sense of power over others (allowing someone to live is as empowering as the rush of ending a players survivor), and the role playing opportunity.  I don't think there is much else that could be done that wouldn't feel artificial and ruin the point of DayZ.

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All there has to be is some sort of grouping/alliance mechanism which rewards teamplay over solo in the game and then there would automatically be drama and politics. 


Currently its basically deathmatch. I do think just adding more zombies like is planned will go a long way as mentioned above but it needs to be a step further, this is were all other zombie survival games fail really, their is no incentive for player interaction, KOS is the only thing that makes any sense except in the abstract way which not everyone gets, there has to be a natural reason there is interaction not just some abstract idea  of being a "hero or a bandit", granted there is the handcuffing and medical procedures which is pretty awesome but that is all that is going on currently.

Edited by jaybutts

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