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Gone to the DogZ, zombies after a decade.

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Concept artist here with DayZ on the brain.


I was thinking what might happen after a decade or so of things falling apart. I also got to thinking what would happen if the virus advanced like leprosy due to wear-and-tear; Slowly grinding feet and lower legs to stumps at the knees and a similar effect happening to the arms as crawling became more efficient.


I call them DogZ because they move on all fours, I call the DogZ because the zombies that advance to this stage still manage to move just as fast a dog and full sprint. I call them DogZ because this is DayZ dammit - No other name would do.  :D


I hope you like the things you see.


Happy hunting all.






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Nice work :beans: not sure about lepers but I do like the concept in general and the opportunities for more things to beat down with my axe.

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This disturbs and intrigues me at the same time, Well done.

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Zombies ARE all intents and purposes lepers, so in due time they would become looking like them?


Read what leprosy does to you, zombies are basically lepers.

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Whoa, sick drawings, interesting creature ideas as well, liking the "stages" thing alot too.

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Yes I've always wanted this , we have to admit the dayz mod zombies look pathetic , not scary at all , I realize their not supposed to be "undead" by dean rockets interpretation of zombies but the leper idea woul explain why they would fall apart ... Love the idea of fighting a horde and after their all dead a hanging zombie drops from the rafters of the ceiling and kills the new guy hahah ;)

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