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Rōnin Rick

Night Time is Unplayable

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So I tend to play in "always daytime" servers, because I find night time to be unplayable in this game. The screen is pitch-black and you can see practically nothing. Raising the Gamma or the Brightness does little to help, and honestly shouldn't be necessary in a game with good visibility. Dayz Standalone is supposed to be realistic, and IRL it is not NEARLY so dark at night.


Night time should be interesting to play and add a new dynamic to the game, however currently it is just worthless. Add to that the fact that the flashlight doesn't seem to work (yes it has a full battery).


And has anyone else noticed that 90% of the servers are the same? Like they are always all in the same time of day? Presumably this is because those servers are in a time-zone where it is night, but really, I'm in California, and if I want to play during the day in-game and it's day-time in America, apparently I can't unless I choose a custom server. Seems kinda dumb.


Tell me what you think in the comments! Should graphics/visuals/visibility be improved for the night? And should servers display what time-zone they are so you aren't going in blind?




Edit: I would also like to point out the other problem I see with night-time. The game looks beautiful during the day, and it is great fun just to explore the map. Nice scenery and graphics. All that goes away when you remove the color and 90% of the brightness. It's the same problem with the way the game informs you that you are low on blood: your screen desaturates and you lose all color, and the game just looks washed-out and like shit. Game designers should realize there are better ways to indicate blood-loss/low health than sabotaging your own graphics. I don't know about everyone else, but I just don't enjoy playing if the game looks like crap and I have to strain just to make out that can of beans on the counter, or is it a soda, or.... holy shit it's a zombie! If I want lousy visual fidelity I'll go play Dreamcast or N64. lol.


The solution would be to raise light levels moderately, and LOCK brightness and gamma so everyone is on a level playing field. Also, improve the lighting system so there is reflection and the flashlight will actually be useful. Currently it is a narrow beam of light, with no wider, dimmer cone around that. And if you used a flashlight in-doors it would light up the room because the light would reflect off surfaces.


I want to play at night, but currently it is impossible.

Edited by Rōnin Rick
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In a game based off realism, i don't have a problem with the low visibility of night time.

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Arrgghhhh! Who the fuck said that!.......hang on someone just opened a can of drink right next to me.......arrgggg ZOMBIE! Why is that gate banging. Why does my torch (flashlight) only illuminate a tiny area.......


Realism? I shit it!



Edited by Boonie
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Well... You really can't see well in a place where there are no lights illuminating all the clouds and other particles in the sky, unless it's a full moon.

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Moon light can fairly brighten an environment ... the flashlight only works when you hold it raised like a weapon .... and if you can't see with gamma and brightness maxed you have a screen issue because it's like turning on B&W night vision I find.


Also have you been in the middle of no where with almost no ambient light beyond the moon .. it's pretty hard to see! xD

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Bro a headtorch and a normal torch is more than enough, just wait till we can add campfires and flares! 

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  On 1/13/2014 at 4:58 PM, Konna said:

Remove clouds = profit.


Ahhah i forgot I had my clouds turned off at the mo xD

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Even if you dont turn off the clouds, use your flashlight.  It does need to be tweaked a bit but it works.  Find yourself a gas lamp and that really works.  I like the fact that they are somewhat forcing you to use light at nighttime.  Until the clouds off gets patched, i'm assuming it will, this is the only way.  I do see them tweaking these to make it more realistic.

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Most of the time there is a moon out, yet there really is no visibility.


I have no issue turning up gamma and brightness, not sure what your experiences is showing you.

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I have played on a server at night and it was fine. The flashlight is a must, but don't leave it on. Light up a loot spot and get out, move on. I always avoid zombies altogether at night.

It gets dark at night. Try walking around in a house without electricity with windows covered up or even try walking in the country many miles from street lights.

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I find the night time servers annoying. Sure, I'd like to change things up, but the darkness is unrealistic in my opinion, unless I'm Riddick on that black planet. And Im not cranking up my monitor to handle it either (that's even lamer).

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You should be able to see well enough now by the burn you just got. Also it helps if you wipe the tears out of your eyes.

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Seems to vary. Occasionally, it's fine, but about half the time it's pitch black and completely not realistic.

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  On 1/13/2014 at 4:44 PM, Tizzle said:

In a game based off realism, i don't have a problem with the low visibility of night time.

Except for you sleep at night...


Right now, hardly anyone is going to turn on their flashlights anyway, which leaves two options, play in black and white or shades of green (night vision goggles). Both horrible choices when you could just do moonlit nights having reduced visibility, which would look fucking cool too. Why no one does this and only has daytime OR night time boggles my mind.

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ahem ahem ahem BreakingPoint ahem


man they are doing it right over there...


- proper arma 3 night lighting looks fucking bliss

- server hop timer (eliminated server hoppers instantly!)

- custom weapons and sound, the sounds are nuts...honestly it has the same feeling as shooting IRL overly loud bang echo, just right! my girl always knows when i play BP

Edited by deebz1234

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ive always thought night was a little too dark, and one thing you cant do in game that you do in real life is feel around in the dark.


I think the light level should be raised a bit, but I think the problem is that if they do that then the people who turn gamma and brightness right up will have much better vision. Maybe lower the ranges


I do think you should be able to see stuff that is right under and next to you to simulate touch if moving slowly or stationary.

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Sometimes you'll spawn on a server thats pitch black. Increasing gamma will do jack. Number of players connected 3...It's weird and not usually so

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Of course the night is dark lol. Have you ever been to a rural area without so much as a streetlamp for at least 5 miles in any direction? Try it, you wont be able to see your hand in front of your face, unless you hold it up to the sky and see the outline against the slightly brighter sky. You wont be able to see the floor, or whats on it, not even the path that you are trying to follow.


Most people live in built up areas, or within a less than a mile from some form of light pollution. I remember an old episode of the X files, where they are in some woods miles from the town. Mulder turns to Scully and says, "you know what....living in the city so long i had forgotten how.....dark....night is". Me and my missus laughed because we had the same feeling when we climbed a mountain for new years. Thats something that has become tradition....and we never leave without a headtorch each, and a backup in our bags lol :)

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Come one with the "Try going outside, no lights...." 

I frequently go out at night, both for hunting and fishing, and i know that after about 20 minutes i can see plenty.


It is true that when indoors, the darkness can be intense, but in this game, with clouds on, standing outside is still as if night blind.

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  On 1/13/2014 at 7:14 PM, Firstbornchicken said:

Come one with the "Try going outside, no lights...." 

I frequently go out at night, both for hunting and fishing, and i know that after about 20 minutes i can see plenty.


It is true that when indoors, the darkness can be intense, but in this game, with clouds on, standing outside is still as if night blind.


You are either...


1, not going far enough away from light pollution


2, Hunting in a climate where clear skies allow a hell of a lot of moonlight trough. 


I live in England, and like Russia, we have overcast weather a lot of the time. Although thinking about it this year i still couldnt see the floor, despite being able to see a lot of stars in the sky at the summit. Without a torch you can still get a feel for the surroundings from the siluettes of the landscape. But no defenition....no tell between a muddy puddle or the path, no seeing a foot tall rock right in front of you. Anything on the floor is just a black void. That should be reflected in the game.

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If you have your HDR set at very low, change it to low.  It makes a huge difference in night-time visibility.


With the moon out and gamma cranked up it may as well be daytime.


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Flashlights and weapon flashlights will work sufficiently as soon as they dont shine through walls and scream, "LOOK EVERYBODY, HERE I AM" as soon as you turn one on

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  On 1/13/2014 at 7:31 PM, Brofessional said:

If you have your HDR set at very low, change it to low.  It makes a huge difference in night-time visibility.


With the moon out and gamma cranked up it may as well be daytime.


OH my why play at night if your going to amp ya gama up to make it well a grey looking day time?????

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