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Mosin Help?

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Hello all, I was just wondering where is the most common place or easy spot to grab a Mosin. I prefer it heavily atm over the M4 and I like to snipe. Where else would you also recommend some long range scopes.

(Appreciate spots where not alot of player activity.)

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Easiest way to spot a Mosin is on the hill north of Elektro.

Sadly a lot of them log out when you shoot in their direction.

Edited by Baarn
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This isnt even what the game is about.



If you really want a Mosin check North in Tulga


You will always find a Mosin there, along with a camp of a long lost hero with the worst English that ever walked this zombie ridden wretch-hole of a land we call Chernarus.

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a camp of a long lost hero with the worst English that ever walked this zombie ridden wretch-hole of a land we call Chernarus.

For I am Leader of DayZ Medic Clan.

Long Live G000gle!

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I dont understand the asking about the mossin cause well it seems in rescent patches this gun has become SOOOO COMMON to find its not funny in cars in office buildings in quite a few different civilian houses yesterday in 2 hours of play i found 5 of them and i wasnt looking already had one lol.........

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School house/office building in Elecktro. It's called both for some reason, even though I've never seen a desk or chalkboard in that building. Anyway, there and in the pubs, upstairs. I've seen them more in those 2 locations. If you want a long range scope, I've found a bunch at NWAF in the tents north of the strip.

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I dont understand the asking about the mossin cause well it seems in rescent patches this gun has become SOOOO COMMON to find its not funny in cars in office buildings in quite a few different civilian houses yesterday in 2 hours of play i found 5 of them and i wasnt looking already had one lol.........

Well I've been searching and just havent found one so I was wondering. New to the game as well. But cars you say? Like how do I search a car to be more specific Is it obviously sticking out of the car or what.

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Check in cars, sedans mainly.  There are sooo many.  very few people check the cars so I often find them even in completely cleaned out towns.


And to whoever said above, yes they spawn WAY to much

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Most lootable cars if you walk to near it you'll get options to open the trunk.


Office buildings, such as the one at the military base north of kamenka, schools, and the one story apartments with the hallway going through the middle have been where I've found most of mine.


If you prefer to snipe just get an M4 and an acog.

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Most lootable cars if you walk to near it you'll get options to open the trunk.


Office buildings, such as the one at the military base north of kamenka, schools, and the one story apartments with the hallway going through the middle have been where I've found most of mine.


If you prefer to snipe just get an M4 and an acog.

Now finding a good working acog thats a rare find lol one that requires you to go to a military base ( i could be wrong but i have never found them anywhere other than mil bases.


Although i dont agree its the best way to snipe i mean a assualt riffle with moderate range and a 4x scope better than a 7.62m round fired from a gun with a 24x scope??? (not that i am a sniper hill camping dude but if i was i know which id choose....


As for the cars yeah the ones that are lootable will have open door /boot options when you move close to them also check on the car so many times i find a hand gun on the roof of a car (specially cop cars)

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Mosins seem to spawn heavily in industrial areas, for some reason. Scopes can be found in Airfield Control Towers or in the abandoned military camp outside Balota. 7.62 Ammo can be found in any Military loot spawn.


The Mosin can hold five 7.62 rounds at a time and doesn't require a magazine (you can also chamber individual rounds, though i haven't found much use for that). What this means is that you can take loose bullets you find on the ground and put them to immediate use, but you have to open your inventory and manually load the next five rounds rather than just pressing the reload button.


Personally, with all it's attachments and the ease at which you can find ammo for it, I prefer the M4A1. With a pristine ACOG scope and a bipod, it can be fired with decent mid-long range accuracy. High rate of fire and a sceady hand on the mouse will give you almost semi-auto sniper fire and if your enemy survives to run into mid-close range, you can go full auto and turn him into bullet riddled raspberry jam. Fast reload, with multiple magazines is another reason that the M4A1 is, in my opinion, superior to the Mosin at most ranges.


The only time the Mosin outstrips the M4 is at really long range, and unless you are set up in a sniper position where you can't be snuck up on, That's not much of an advantage,

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Now finding a good working acog thats a rare find lol one that requires you to go to a military base ( i could be wrong but i have never found them anywhere other than mil bases.


Although i dont agree its the best way to snipe i mean a assualt riffle with moderate range and a 4x scope better than a 7.62m round fired from a gun with a 24x scope??? (not that i am a sniper hill camping dude but if i was i know which id choose....


As for the cars yeah the ones that are lootable will have open door /boot options when you move close to them also check on the car so many times i find a hand gun on the roof of a car (specially cop cars)


Well, you're right, it is difficult to find a pristine acog.  I've been sniping for a few days and it's just my personal preference for a few reasons.


The mosin is bolt action.  Often times it doesn't kill in one shot and it takes too long to get a follow up shot, often times meaning you won't get the kill.  The mosin has 5 rounds, must be manually reloaded from the inventory, and if you reload while you're prone, there's a bug that causes it to reload about four or five times before you can use it.  The long range scope is not zeroed properly and shoots to the left.


The M4 with a pristine acog however shoots perfectly everytime, has 60 round magazines, allows for follow up shots, and is still very capable in close quarters. 

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