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Zombie training

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Yeah well I'd like to be able to capture and train zombies to do my bidding. Maybe have a team of four or five zombies go marauding into town and fetch supplies / attack the odd human for me - yeah that would be cool. Or how about using zombies like human guard dogs? Or even better - a non - human shield. You could stroll around within a circle of protective zombies - not having to worry too much about imminent ballistic death.

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Chained zombies like michonne had in walking dead lol 

Edited by Von_Carnage
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So how would you propose you train these zombies to do your bidding?


Scroll wheel "Go get me an M4" and the zombie trundles off for 20 minutes?


I've got a feeling in my bones that this is a stupid idea.....or a hungry troll

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Step 1:Find an abandoned stagecoach

Step 2:Capture and train zombies

Step 3:Bind the zombies on the stagecoach

Step 4:Profit?

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I've got a feeling in my bones that this is a stupid idea.....or a hungry troll

It's almost like people don't think for more than 0.748 seconds about an idea before posting about it  :rolleyes:

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Yeah, train a Zombie. And how does one do that exactly considering they have no mind, only the hunger.


You have some serious explaining to do do to make this even remotely possible.

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How are you going to train a zombie tho, the only thing he really wants is to see how you taste :D

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Step 1:Find an abandoned stagecoach

Step 2:Capture and train zombies

Step 3:Bind the zombies on the stagecoach

Step 4:Profit?


Step 5: Feed the zombies Beanz

Step 6: They want more Beanz and kill you

Step 7: WIN

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I think this is a bad idea. It seems bad (stupid) from a gameplay and lore POV.


To me at least.


Would the benefit justify the effort? I don't think so.

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So how would you propose you train these zombies to do your bidding?


Scroll wheel "Go get me an M4" and the zombie trundles off for 20 minutes?


I've got a feeling in my bones that this is a stupid idea.....or a hungry troll


The way you worded it does not sound as bad, hell I'd even support it.

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Chaining zombies to you for zombie shield would be cool not training them for loot gettings

Yeah - the looting zombies is obviously a stupid idea - I was just having a bit of fun. However - if the game ever seriously ramps up the zombie population, e.g. suppose you could see 20 or 30 of them strolling in your local vicinity - then chained zombies like the walking dead would be useful. A way of staying alive and saving ammo / medical supplies.

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Use zombies as pack mules is a great idea, first u have to chop off the arms and pull out teeth, then make an attachmet, connecting you and the zombies with a wooden pole. Cauze lets face it, in the walking dead, those zombies wouldn`t just stroll after her like loyal puppeys, they still would try to eat her, but end up slobbering harmlessly, but annoyengly, and constantly.

Attchment, like a belt, for you and the zombies(collar for them maby),. and wooden poles, of safe distance. of course you would only be able to walk, or slow jogg probably, since those zombies are rotting, and carrying all you stuff on their humps.

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