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Do you combat log?

Do you combat log?  

355 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you combat log?

    • I do.
    • I don't.
    • Other. (Comment, please.)

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TL:DR, combat logged a bit when i first started playing. usually try NOT to combat log, but there are circumstances where i do


On my first and second day of playing Day Z SA ( I didn't play the Mod ) I combat logged 2 - 3 times that i remember. The first was in a Fire Station when i was just about to meet up with my group I climbed up the stairs of the fire station and there must have been 10 bodies there a lot of them with a small amount of gear and a guy said in VOIP that he knew i was in there and to come out. I logged out.


The second one was at Green Mountain when I THOUGHT ( could've been a sound bug ) that I heard someone down below me on my second day of playing Day Z ( i was on a night server without a light source and I will be honest i went onto a server in Green mountain in order to attempt to find my first M4 aka server hopped ) and i logged out.


In the 39 hours that I have played Day Z I have logged out while being shot at once ( it was a guy with a mosin I had no idea where he was and i didn't want to die, i probably shouldn't have done it because i could have escaped but i did oh well), MABYE twice but i usually try not to.

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Until there is a system to prevent combat logging, people will continue to exploit it.

* As for this vote, it quite honestly means nothing. 

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This pill is going to heavily skewed. The people who browse these forums are generally not the same ones who will combat log in a fight.

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i log when people are server hopping, which is every damn time i play this game

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Murpheys law, as soon as you let your guard down somethings gonna happen. Its what makes this game so great!


Maybe they should make spawn zones so you can only log out in the peripheries and not up buildings or as suggested a 15 minute clock if a shot has been fired near you. Only time you can spawn back up a building if the server restarts.


The clock idea is the worst idea really. That means I would have to plan my playing time to the point that I need to know when to log off (because I would have to take into account that someone might fire a shot near by which isn't even meant for me), which is absolutely ridiculous. Right now I log off when I don't feel like playing anymore which is not something I would know 15 minutes in advance. What if shots are fired in your vincinity by players who do not even know you're there, shooting at zombies and then they're on their way again? No worst idea ever, and seriously something that would make me not want to play the game anymore.


A log off timer is all that's needed, although I wouldn't agree with 30 seconds, preferrably half that. And if you think about it, 15 seconds is a lot of time when you can't do anything but being still and chances are since it's supposed to be prevention from combat loggers, who generally just log off because someone is aiming a weapon at them or firing at them - 15 seconds is a lot of time, plus if the person who shot at you is chasing you and has you in their sights - to be able to retaliate you will need to press the cancel button and ready your weapon, which is even more time wasted and by then you're most likely already dead.


With that said, I've combat logged once against a zombie - because I didn't have time to outrun him. My encounters with other people have ended rather quickly in one way or another.

Edited by subliminal_city

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Man-up. Dying is a big part of dayz. Only way you get better at it.


So if I tell you that I got a 400+ days character in the mod that is basically the same but harder, does that make me worse than you, if you've died 10 times?

Edited by DaveAzoicer

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If Scotty can beam me up before the Kingons close in all good



but no

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Never in the mod or standalone, regardless of how fair or unfair it may have seemed at the time.

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I am very against combat loggers but the only excuse a person has for EVER combat logging is if someone is server hopping or as people like to say now, ghosting. And that is the only excuse because the other person combat logged first. 

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This is a survival game, and logging out to escape death is a very potent survival strategy. 

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I don't and I think anyone who does should uninstall the game, sell their video card, buy a gun and some bullets and repaint their walls red. Or at least just quit videogames forever. 

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At least combat loggers were ashamed to admit it in the mod, seems like new players are proud of hiding offline in order to survive.


*plays survival game*

*disconnects to survive*

Edited by Dallas
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Lol maybe you are bad at this game but I have killed 5 people by myself in the airbase bunker and killed two more ppl that logged in in the building

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I caught myself with my hand on the escape button today, but realized I wanted to try to fight it out rather than quit like an idiot.


Was a good move too, 3 dudes with Mosins sneaking up on me and I killed every single one by myself. That ain't happened before..

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I almost feel like I kinda-sorta logged today. I got cornered by three players in a house and ended up unconcious after a hatchet fight. I waited it out, eventually regained conciousness though I was unable to move. I believe I probably would have been sliding but was tucked against a wall. I layed there for a while, then decided to relog since I got tired of waiting for something to happen. When I logged back in the guys that attacked me were still in the house so I went in to get a little payback. I got the jump on one guy and laid into him with the fire axe, maybe five good swings into him after he went down then his buddy got me from behind and I was dead. I felt a little bad about it, but honestly felt they should have been a little smarter in making sure I was dead after they decided to attack me.

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I'm sure some people who voted "I don't" actually do combat log. Stupid topic, stupid poll. People are liars, degenerates and you know it.

so true lol

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I almost feel like I kinda-sorta logged today. I got cornered by three players in a house and ended up unconcious after a hatchet fight. I waited it out, eventually regained conciousness though I was unable to move. I believe I probably would have been sliding but was tucked against a wall. I layed there for a while, then decided to relog since I got tired of waiting for something to happen. When I logged back in the guys that attacked me were still in the house so I went in to get a little payback. I got the jump on one guy and laid into him with the fire axe, maybe five good swings into him after he went down then his buddy got me from behind and I was dead. I felt a little bad about it, but honestly felt they should have been a little smarter in making sure I was dead after they decided to attack me.

Don't feel bad about that, you were stuck in the unconscious bug, if that bug wasn't there you would have been up and ready to go anyway, the only way to escape that bug is by logging off.

Granted, things might have turned out differently as they might have been watching your body, but honestly they should have finished you off instead of leaving you alone, you also logged back into the same server, rather then joining a different one.


As for combat logging, it's stupid and people calling it a "survival tactic" are idiots.

And yes, clearly this poll is rigged, as most people on the forums are not idiots, however in game, most people I have run into have combat logged, even when they were the ones who started shooting first, in fact, that seems to be the biggest culprit of combat loggers.

It has been less common on first person servers however, had some really cool squad battles.

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In a situation, lets say you and a friend are on a hospital roof. Your friend gets sniped and dies. You go prone and camp the ladder in case your attackers come up to see if you're alive. You see one of the attackers head pop up the ladder, and immediately go back down before you can get off a shot. You haven't been shot at in minutes, and you wait 5-15 minutes on the roof and nothing happens. No communication, nothing. Would logging out at this point be considered combat logging?


Edit: You don't server hop, you just take a break for the day.


Of course it would. You're avoiding leaving the area because you know people have you held down. Leaving the server is a way to cheat yourself out of that situation. If you want to leave the game legit, exit the hospital and run into the bush somewhere. If they haven't attacked you by the time you get into the forest, you're good to quit.


Not saying my opinion is the correct one, it's just what I think.

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I hope they plan to implement some sort of "logout only" animation so that people KNOW that someone is attempting to log out. I am not a bandit or kidnapper but I can appreciate the play style and if they have someone who is about to log out on them they should know about it.


Say, when you log out your character goes into a sleep animation for 30 seconds before disappearing. That way they can be shot for meta gaming. 

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