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" does not expect that DayZ will reach beta status before the end of 2014."

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Well rocket was a modder, and then got taken on by BI after the success of the mod. But most comanies will spend up to 5 years developing a game, usually behind closed doors. This is bieng developed with player input. That helps the devs focus on what the players want, not wasting time on a feature that in the end, people dont like. 


I prefer this approach to just hiding away and then launching a game without any feedback from those who are going to play it :)

Edited by Karmaterror
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Hahahahahah, these people make games for a living correct? So the the full game will not be out till when, quarter 3 2015? What a joke. 



What do you want?  Good Game or A really shit Game

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Do you even have any concept of what you are talking about?

And i suppose you do. Since it is the internet, you would probably know everything about any sort of topic anyone might ever post.

biomechanical engineering? You are probably a pro. Ancient Rome? You probably majored in that in college.

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Hahahahahah, these people make games for a living correct? So the the full game will not be out till when, quarter 3 2015? What a joke. 

If you can make the game at a quicker pace with all these complex features by all means enlighten us.

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If you can make the game at a quicker pace with all these complex features by all means enlighten us.

Wanna loan me 26 million dollar?

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And i suppose you do. Since it is the internet, you would probably know everything about any sort of topic anyone might ever post.

biomechanical engineering? You are probably a pro. Ancient Rome? You probably majored in that in college.

It doesn't matter.

You have no clue what you're crying about and that's all that matters.

Don't know how you got Q3 2015 from:




The developer also has announced that it does not expect that DayZ will reach beta status before the end of 2014.

That's all sorts of special.

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Hahahahahah, these people make games for a living correct? So the the full game will not be out till when, quarter 3 2015? What a joke. 

You know, you could have just read the Steam sales page, where it has been saying this all the time. It's hardly breaking news.

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This isn't really news is it, the following has been on the Steam store since the game launched.

We estimate that reaching Beta version with all key features present will take more than one year from current stage. All features and plans listed here are subject to change, we may add or remove features as seen fit during development process.

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It doesn't matter.

You have no clue what you're crying about and that's all that matters.

Don't know how you got Q3 2015 from:


That's all sorts of special.

Well, doesn't expect beta before end of 2014 means it will go into beta sometime during 2015. Given the track record of releasing shit when they say (december 2012 alpha), maybe feb-march 2015 beta? Beta probably won't take less than 4-5 months, July-August 2015.  

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I fail to understand what everyone is comparing to


A pretty big title such as Rome 2 Total War was released way, way, way too early and now they`re desperately trying to fix the wreck with patches. 


CoD is pretty much copy-pasting the same concept over and over with different scenery


Assassins Creed i haven`t played since number 2, but from all the reviews and user feedback the rushed releases are getting worse and worse.


The NFL and FIFA games are pretty much the same game each year with the next year tagged on, with occasional engine upgrades


Most EA games (a major publisher), such as the recent SImCity games are just blatant moneygrabbers with only the rudimentary parts to call it a game


World of Warcraft is releasing expansions with shorter and shorter gaps, i stopped playing after cataclysm, but i can only imagine the game is becoming more and more simplified




The question is: do you know any game company that can work a year on a game and release it fully polished and with great and interesting content?

DayZ is pretty unique in what it tries to strive for, it can`t copy-pase off of an existing brand (the mod doesn`t count).

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Well, doesn't expect beta before end of 2014 means it will go into beta sometime during 2015. Given the track record of releasing shit when they say (december 2012 alpha), maybe feb-march 2015 beta? Beta probably won't take less than 4-5 months, July-August 2015.  

They were NEVER going to release the Standalone in December 2012 - that's just a load of crap - the mod only came out in April/May 2012.

The standalone was only announced in August 2012.

They have no 'track record' of not releasing anything, it's only fan boys playing guessing games and getting it totally wrong then crying about it when it doesn't come true.

Edit: I should probably add, they were originally going to bundle the Arma II Mod with Arma II and call it a standalone, that project got scrapped after a couple of months since they got the opportunity to make a proper new game.

Edited by Rossums
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imagine it like that:

DayZ is currently in Development.....just like any other game was.


Imagine we have 2009 and....for example Bethesda is giving you the chance to play an early alpha version of Skyrim were most of the story, quests and landscape hasn't been build yet. They want you to run around in the world and try out everything that is currently possible in-game, to find bugs, glitches, unwanted stuff or other kind of things. Most of the stuff like smithing, perk system, etc..isn't ingame yet and will be implemented on a later date.


That's how DayZ EARLY ACCESS ALPHA WORKS! It even says "early" in the title. It gives you the opportunity to be right in the development of the game.


If you don't like it, uninstall it and wait for BETA or Full Release.

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No joke. The longer it takes, the better it gets.



Yeah, it reminds me of the ribsteak (dunno what it`s called in English) i have in my oven right now. I cut the surface layer of fat carefully into squares (which will be become crispy treats when done) I have let it marinade for two days in aliminium foil, and now i`m letting it steam for an hour before i turn down the heat some and let it slowly finish over 2 and a half hours. 


I coulda just threw it in the oven and eaten it after an hour, but that`s not the same satisfaction and taste. 

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Well, doesn't expect beta before end of 2014 means it will go into beta sometime during 2015. Given the track record of releasing shit when they say (december 2012 alpha), maybe feb-march 2015 beta? Beta probably won't take less than 4-5 months, July-August 2015.  

Great thinking.


You do recall that the December 2012 release date was set back when Rocket mistakenly thought WarZ was a serious competitor. Back when "we" believed that WarZ actually had been in development for years and "we" hadn't yet all realized that WarZ only had been in development since June 2012, when they decided to copy DayZ. 


You surely recall, why DayZ didn't make the December 2012 release date right? One of the factors was the Rocket decided against simply releasing the mod as a Standalone and instead opted to rewrite the entire engine. So if you had had your way, all you would have gotten December 2012 was the DayZ mod in a Standalone box for $15. Another factor was that WarZ renamed it's alpha to "foundation" and launched on Steam. Soon after it was revealed to even the thickest, that WarZ indeed was a pure money grap, so such obvious Steam had to remove it and offer refunds.

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They were NEVER going to release the Standalone in December 2012 - that's just a load of crap


To be clear, OP and this thread is ridiculous and offensive, but you're wrong on this particular point. Dean did absolutely say he was going to put out the standalone "before Christmas" back in 2012.



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To be clear, OP and this thread is ridiculous and offensive, but you're wrong on this particular point. Dean did absolutely say he was going to put out the standalone "before Christmas" back in 2012.



Technically we are both right.

The December 2012 release was a different project, they were essentially going to repackage Arma II with the DayZ Mod files and call it a day.

The were then given then chance to release a fully custom game and they scrapped the original project and began working on the DayZ Standalone which we have now.

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20+ millions change lot of things, i just hope they will spend most of the money on the game by hiring staff etc and enjoy the earning of the final release, cause if its 20 now it will surely be twice that later on. I basically enjoying this game much more than any other AAA pc release.

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Hahahahahah, these people make games for a living correct? So the the full game will not be out till when, quarter 3 2015? What a joke.

They do know how to make a game. This is a complex game, that in many ways maybe ahead of its time, and building the architecture for a game like this from the ground up can take a few years, the fact that they have a somewhat playable state it think it shows they have made real progress.



And i suppose you do. Since it is the internet, you would probably know everything about any sort of topic anyone might ever post.

biomechanical engineering? You are probably a pro. Ancient Rome? You probably majored in that in college.

 You be amazed at what you can learn by reading books.


Yeah, it reminds me of the ribsteak (dunno what it`s called in English) i have in my oven right now. I cut the surface layer of fat carefully into squares (which will be become crispy treats when done) I have let it marinade for two days in aliminium foil, and now i`m letting it steam for an hour before i turn down the heat some and let it slowly finish over 2 and a half hours. 


I coulda just threw it in the oven and eaten it after an hour, but that`s not the same satisfaction and taste.

I just gotta say this man knows how to cook a ribeye.
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