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bad_mojo (DayZ)

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When you press P it should tell you something like "30/40 players" instead of listing the individual players names.

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The player doesn't need to know who is in the server. I find it's best to give as little information as possible.


For example, if I met someone in the game and see their name on the list, that could influence my game play. It could be a positive or negative influence, but I feel like the player list shouldn't be there if there's a possibility it will influence the game play even in the slightest.


Also, why not?

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The player doesn't need to know who is in the server. I find it's best to give as little information as possible.


For example, if I met someone in the game and see their name on the list, that could influence my game play. It could be a positive or negative influence, but I feel like the player list shouldn't be there if there's a possibility it will influence the game play even in the slightest.


Also, why not?


When i drop out of communication with one of my friends, i like to confirm if they are still ingame or not,

cause confusion is deadly enemy in combat situations.


Also why bother removing it, when admins can monitor who joins in and other players use something like gametracker to see player list anyway. 

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Agree, when you're in a group of friends, P is a life server.

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I like confusion in my video games. There's too much certainty these days.


Then don't use P.

The rest of us like to know we're on the same server as our mates, before we run for 40 min to find them.

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The only reason I can think is that he wants to cheat in someway and not have his name known...

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Then don't use P.

The rest of us like to know we're on the same server as our mates, before we run for 40 min to find them.


I'm weak. if the option is there, I'll use it, just like 3rd person. Path of least resistance and all.


If you're running 40mins to meet someone I'm sure you have time to communicate the name of the server.



The only reason I can think is that he wants to cheat in someway and not have his name known...


Damn, you caught me. All those bans resulting from players looking at the player list are a real thorn in my side.

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Everything is fine as long as you couldn't relate names to players you meet or see.


Good point, they should hide your name in text chat too.


I don't think names have a place in a zombie apocalypse. My name is whatever I say it is, at any time. My steam name relates to me as a person, but it shouldn't in any way be tied to my character in dayz.

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Everything is fine as long as you couldn't relate names to players you meet or see.


Only time you see someones name is when they chat and it should remain that way simply cause you cannot recognize that

person otherwise. People with microphones however are completely anonymous, but their voices can be recognized.

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Perhaps only show names of people on your friends list and not strangers.

Almost there - only players that are on your and have you on their friend list: to make stalking more difficult. That may be an interesting factor once global statistics become public and some "specialists" want to hunt down the current longest survivor. Or whomever else else they might be after...

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When you press P it should tell you something like "30/40 players" instead of listing the individual players names.


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Everything is fine as long as you couldn't relate names to players you meet or see.

See i love the idea! Keep the names in serverlist... Take them out of dialogue so ppl can lie about who they are. fucking awesome.

Only one trouble... How do you know which person is typing? Txt bubbles? I dont think itd be an easy thing to introduce...

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If we left the names in chat some bandits could demand you say something in direct chat to get your name, that shouldn't even be an option for them. Your name is whatever you say it is, just like in a real apocalypse.

Edited by bad_mojo

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