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About Ymath

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  1. Didn't even bother to read your post after the thread title. Have you seen the sticky on this forum? did you search this topic? do you know this gets posted 10 times any given day? The devs are aware of the problem.
  2. Ymath

    Allow Iv Bag Use On Yourself

    This has been posted before. NO. IV / blood bagging is a quick solution to low blood, its quick because it requires a level of cooperation. if you want to "solo" then you have to get back blood the slow way, by eating and drinking food until it regenerates.
  3. Ymath

    Shot On Sight

    Its like i'm in the movie groundhog day, but its forum posts that keep repeating.
  4. Ymath

    Fireaxe Unfair?

    This, this, this. Why do so few people understand this?
  5. Ymath

    Friendly Servers

    So, you want to remove a core mechanic from the game and turn it into "looting and hiking sim 2014"? As long as you can't bring your baby-mode character into the real servers, whatever floats your boat dude.
  6. Ymath


    Can we get some stickies on this sub-forum explaining etiquette and rules of posting? I've nearly given up on this sub-forum because of the rampant re-posts and shit-posting. Stickie popular threads / idea's so they don't get re-posted within the hour.
  7. Ymath

    HUD for masks

    Remove it, its unbalanced anyways.
  8. Ymath

    Patch regularity

    I'd rather get quality content when they see fit than some arbitrary patch schedule.
  9. Ymath

    Patch this turd or revert to before patch.

    You're either very slow or a troll. move along, nothing to see here.
  10. Ymath

    Less Military. More Apocalyptic. (Clothing)

    Agreed 100%. As much as I love extra gear space I hate looking like a bandit out for a fight, would love some alternatives.
  11. Ymath

    Why is time uncompressed?

    I agree, Days and nights should be long but not 1:1 by any means. Food and drink is fine IMO.
  12. Ymath


    Been suggested before, still a good idea though.
  13. Ymath


    Unless you're using sub-sonic ammo for the silenced version It should have zero effect on range. The only difference would be accuracy or handling because of the weight. Other than that, sure. These make great CQC and PDW's.
  14. Agreed. At the same time though, I think its that obnoxious so it can give away your position if you're foolishly eating around players. Same with the loud drinking sounds.
  15. Ymath

    bodies disappear

    Top quality post.