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Time Line for PC, PS4, Xbox One

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2014- full year of alpha


2015 half year of beta


2015 fall/Christmas time full game for xbox one ps4 and pc


the sales for this game are just insane, for an early alpha game with even the Dean Hall him self saying not to buy, it proves that their is so much money to be made with dayz. i truly do not believe that Dean Hall is all about the money, he had an awesome idea for a game that is now blowing up and getting attention of many. and just like everything else once an idea is proven to make money big business will come take ur idea.


This game surfers from lack of muscle behind the dev team, they have a small team working on two different games and not focusing more on dayz. The true problem with dayz to me is the servers that the game runs on. This awesome game is using mickey mouse servers. Every time i log in i am waiting for Dial up sounds and a U GOT MAIL to blast thru my speakers. Glitches, bugs and other things can be fixed. but they have to use different servers something able to run the players, loot, zombies are this game is going to be mod 2.0 and spin its wheels


I for one have no problem with the new gen consoles i personally think games look awesome on them, and that dayz would be an amazing game on the console, They would be able to use better servers, which can handle the amount of ppl, zombies, loot that the game needs to be fun. I can see rockstar ( or someone else) slapping their name on this game with Bohemia Interactive in small print in the corner of the game.


In the end love the game, dont care about the bugs, dont care about 30 bucks, just really really want Dayz to be built solid. Such a hardcore intense game being ran by such a mickey mouse operation, on servers that are slower then dirt. the 800,000 thousand copies sold is a eye opener to the gamming world that people want this game and i for one just want to see it done right


Sorry for the long post

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To be honest I've never had much in the way of the issues you're experiencing. I suggest taking a look at your hardware and ISP first before registering on here and making this your first post  <_<

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To be honest I've never had much in the way of the issues you're experiencing. I suggest taking a look at your hardware and ISP first before registering on here and making this your first post  <_<


nah my hardware is just fine same with isp, its the servers they use that cause the dsync and cause problems 

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any reason why not ?


Because it can't run the game, they would have to change the engine

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Look it up, read something about it a few months back



yea cuz microsoft charges for the updates... but who cares about 10grand when ur making much more..

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Because it can't run the game, they would have to change the engine



Changing the engine wouldnt be sucha bad idea tho.... 

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Ok, this has come up in other threads but i feel it needs repeating.


Even the newest of consoles don't have the power to run DayZ. It is unlikely that it will ever come to XB as dean has only expressed intrest in porting to PS4. These games will not be to the standard that they could on PC if ported to console.

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I would have to hope for your sake that they take up that whats it called mantle idea and it works cause the stats on a xbone still fall way WAY short of my recently rebuilt pc and that doesnt even run me constant over 60fps with maxed graphics(except clouds they are bugged or were have to turn them back on to see if stutter is gone lol ).


Not saying it wont happen (if it did BIS name would be on the title not rockstar lol they have made console games before cant see them selling out to another developer what could be a huge cash cow lol again could be wrong nothing in life is certain except death and taxes lol ) but they would need to optimize they hell out of the game or and i dont like to say the word streamline the shite out of it which i dont want please no no dont do a creative assembly did to rome 2(which i reckon could now run on a bloody console)

Edited by SoulFirez

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Changing the engine wouldnt be sucha bad idea tho.... 


it would be in the fact that the game would have to be rebuilt from the ground up.

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I would have to hope for your sake that they take up that whats it called mantle idea and it works cause the stats on a xbone still fall way WAY short of my recently rebuilt pc and that doesnt even run me constant over 60fps with maxed graphics(except clouds they are bugged or were have to turn them back on to see if stutter is gone lol ).


Not saying it wont happen (if it did BIS name would be on the title not rockstar lol they have made console games before cant see them selling out to another developer what could be a huge cash cow lol again could be wrong nothing in life is certain except death and taxes lol ) but they would need to optimize they hell out of the game or and i dont like to say the word streamline the shite out of it which i dont want please no no dont do a creative assembly did to rome 2(which i reckon could now run on a bloody console)



question tho, why couldnt the new gen run the game?? beside a large map wich is mostly landscape, their is nothing really else to the game that cause fps to drop ? landscape and buildings can easily be done, zombies and people ? im i missing something ? and the engine wouldnt have to be rebuilt 100% but blinded 

Edited by Squaliebawse

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Dayz Does not have alot of moving parts, its not like battlefield, with tanks,plans, bombs,and mass chaos at all times 

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I see EA/Dice adopting the idea and making it into Battlecoast 5.

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The main cause of de-sync is because you have multiple players with different internet capabilities running different pings. Your FPS can change server to server based on just that. What is really needed is ping matching where you cannot join a server if your ping averages over 100 but then that causes issues of decreased server populations and the possibility of the game being unavailable to a massive amount of people. Also the official servers run pretty well to be honest, it's the private hired ones which are linked to the official hive that cause most issues as they are mostly cheap unless a big community pays enough to ensure the appropriate hardware and connectivity is in place.

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The main cause of de-sync is because you have multiple players with different internet capabilities running different pings. Your FPS can change server to server based on just that. What is really needed is ping matching where you cannot join a server if your ping averages over 100 but then that causes issues of decreased server populations and the possibility of the game being unavailable to a massive amount of people. Also the official servers run pretty well to be honest, it's the private hired ones which are linked to the official hive that cause most issues as they are mostly cheap unless a big community pays enough to ensure the appropriate hardware and connectivity is in place.



My ping is around 20-30 depending on server, now dumb question is dayz servers based off a host ? or like official dedicated servers which connect to the hive ? 

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If this game comes out on consoles I'll kill myself.


The console children don't deserve dayz.

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If this game comes out on consoles I'll kill myself.


The console children don't deserve dayz.



cant even argue this point :( 

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If this game comes out on consoles I'll kill myself.


The console children don't deserve dayz.


There's just as much children on the PC as in Consoles. *Looks at smaller brother.*

But in all fairness, yes, it would end up as a "hardcore deathmatch" for the children who should be playing in sandboxes trading Pokémon cards instead of playing PG rated games.

Edited by Konna

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2014- full year of alpha


2015 half year of beta


2015 fall/Christmas time full game for xbox one ps4 and pc


Don't think it's ever going to come out on the XBone


any reason why not ?


Squaliebawse, don't start pulling release dates for Xbox One and PS4 out of your ass.  Hall (Rocket) talked about console releases being a possibility, with a PS4 release being much more of a possibility than Xbox One.


Hall has stated the game won't be officially released for over a year from now.


There have been NO official announcements about development starting on a PS4 or Xbox One version of DayZ.  Hall talked about there being a possibility and that he would like to...that's it.


I wouldn't hold your breath for a console release.


While DayZ has so far been a massive success on PC for both the mod and the SA alpha, I have doubts as to what sort of success it would see on console.  In a perfect world, I'd like to think that the general population of console gamers could handle a game like DayZ but look at these forums already.  They are full of whining children crying about the spawn system being changed so they're not all plopped directly in Cherno/Balota, weapon drops being decreased, and having to walk/run anymore for more than 15-30 minutes tops, not being able to server hop their way to full milgear in 20 minutes now and how the game doesn't cater to their mainstream FPS instant gratification mindset. 


Now take all the whining on here about DayZ being difficult (it's supposed to be), multiply that at least tenfold and that's probably the response you'd get from your general console gamers.  And on top of all that, no KDR/Score/Leaderboards to epeen about?  Their poor liittle minds would just explode.


I'm not trying to get into a "PC Master Race" debate but I think that's just the reality of it so it makes more sense for the dev team to put most of their efforts into the PC game.

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Dayz Does not have alot of moving parts, its not like battlefield, with tanks,plans, bombs,and mass chaos at all times 

Ha...Ha...HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAAA...HA...hah..cant breath.  Okay, let me put it this way, unless they get a crew working on DayZ:PS right NOW it won't be out at the 'same time' as full release.  There was reasons Rocket gave for not going to XBL, one of them was that they would have to pay for updates to the game.  Yes the increased sales may have accelerated a few timelines, but I don't see console development as one of them.

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My ping is around 20-30 depending on server, now dumb question is dayz servers based off a host ? or like official dedicated servers which connect to the hive ? 


I'll admit here that I'm not 100% sure on how they have their servers are structured. By a dedicated server you can assume that the hardware is running that game server exclusively. What is more realistic is you will find one unit running 5 servers (random number, as I said I'm not 100%) yet that in itself can still be considered a dedicated server and these units are all over the world. Then what you get is the privately hired servers which you can expect to find one unit running not only multiple game servers for DayZ but also other servers for other games which could end up being over 10 servers. Now these systems will be good but for the host company the money is made by generating maximum income so they are stretched to the absolute limit but by whatever agreements are made these are then linked with the official hive.


Now back to Ping. It doesn't matter what your particular ping is because there can be multiple players with pings over 200 on your server and in your case it's them dragging you down as the server is doing millions of calculations every second trying to ensure all characters, loot, zombies etc are on the same page so it waits for the rest to catch up which is giving you a yellow chain. You will get red chain when you are the one doing catch up basically. Now to explain that further Yellow is essentially lag where you are waiting for events to catch up or you are slightly out of sync, red is complete desync where info is not being received/processed by the server and shit will rubberband once connection is re-established.


Now unfortunately there is nothing much that can be done about it and this is seen in pretty much every online game ever, they just dont give you pretty coloured chains to let you know it's happening. What would be nice is some sort of internet smoothing capacitor where all the data is taken in one area, synced and flowed to the game server fluidly and the same on the way out back to you but that would cause massive amounts of latency and would break everything near and dear to gamers. Basically as far as lag and desync are concerned we have to get used to it and accept it because untill everyone has 100Mb up and down internet and all gaming servers are set up in farms, in space equidistant from everyone, everywhere, this shit's going to be around.

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