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What is the Next Big Patch?

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I just wanted to hear people thoughts on what feature their most excited for? And if anyone has news on the next big patch, if its hunting or ragdoll, etc,.Let me know



Edited by RRambo

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Well for the next couple Months you will only see bug fix and more bug fix and less new things that will be add.

So don't get your hops to high. 

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As the two people before me said, mostly bug fixes. They 're working hard on performance too though, so maybe more zombies?? :)

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Dont let everyone throw you off.


There are more than 5 people working on dayz


So multiple things are being done at once.


expect smoother animations, more items and of coarse bug fixes in upcoming patches.

Edited by leviski
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Yeah that last hot fix seemed to really fix the rubberbanding. I haven't had had problem yet with it.



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How about a bicycle..


HAHA hell I'd be happy with roller skates.



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I wonder if the DMR is going to make it's way to the SA?



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i would love to see that the repair mechanism for items works somehow.

or that your close get wet and you get sick by standing in water for a longer time.

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i would love to see that the repair mechanism for items works somehow.

or that your close get wet and you get sick by standing in water for a longer time.


If you look at the condition of your clothes while your in water they have like "damp" or "soaked" I'm pretty sure. I'm really excited for the Ragdoll.



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Rumor is cars and trucks, base building, tents, crafting, hunting, about 10 new guns. 

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roller skates LOL id love to see that heaven help the poor sod who uses them though he will have to stick to main roads to move well and that will make him fodder quickly (skate board that you can carry on pack now that might be interesting for the odd time you decide to blow caution to the wind and hit the main roads....


But yeah id say alot more bug fixes than new items just yet but i hold hope for a few surprises like maybe a shotgun to go with all that ammo you find laying around..

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If you look at the latest Dev update, these are their priorities at the moment:




  • Server performance, stability and security
  • Animals & hunting
  • Cooking & gathering resources
  • Playable user customizable vehicles
  • Player created constructions in the environment
  • More complex interactions with the environment and crafting options
  • Streamlined user actions and interface
  • Control and animations expanded and improved for fluidity
  • Upgraded graphics and physics engine (including ragdoll, etc.)
  • Support of user mods and more flexibility for user hosted servers and game types

No clue what they'll patch in first though.

Edited by Greaves
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Yeah really for right now..I'd be happy with tents! Skateboard would be hilarious GTS Grand Theft Skateboard. lol



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I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike.

Also buttloads of zombies. I don't want to ride them though.

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Server performance increases and 1 vehicle. ATV ( some cheap Chinese crap ) or even a BICYCLE.

201094185855927.jpgsmartzombietransp.png $(KGrHqIOKo0FJCWyJR(RBSWkjC1-Rg~~60_35.J

Edited by sYs
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I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike.

Also buttloads of zombies. I don't want to ride them though.


I cant wait till the zombies are completely dialed its going to bring the game to whole other level.



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binocular ;)


some animal for hunt   :)


fire for cook make warm :thumbsup: :rolleyes:


loot staying after restart make stash someplace :P


combat log/server hop eliminate >:(



after this I am very happy camper ^_^

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binocular ;)


some animal for hunt   :)


fire for cook make warm :thumbsup: :rolleyes:


loot staying after restart make stash someplace :P


combat log/server hop eliminate > :(



after this I am very happy camper ^_^

My thought exactly!



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You can't make big updates in a game that's as early in the production process as DayZ's alpha is.


Expect big updates to come once the development team have a more solid framework to work from, which will probably be closer to the release of beta.


Right now, we have to make due with smaller, safer updates to stability and crashes.

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The game was running better when it was released...there was no rubberbanding or cloud related stutter...that should be a priority fix

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BINO's all the way.


didnt dean tweet a week ago or something that the bino's are ready? why the F are they not implemented yet...i dont care how overly designed the textures are...


if they are like the compass im going kill a fresh spawn

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