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DayZ, Pay it forward, community project

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I post this on reddit but apparently suggestions should go here XD.

If you have seen the movie pay it forward you will already know what I'm going to suggest.
Next time you meet someone in DayZ, bambi or not, do something nice for them. Give them a gun, dont kill them, feed them et cetera.
After doing something nice ask them to do something nice to someone else in return. (Pay it forward)
First guy I met after having this idea XD  
Edited by markeightbit
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I post this on reddit but apparently suggestions should go here XD.


If you have seen the movie pay it forward you will already know what I'm going to suggest.


Next time you meet someone in DayZ, bambi or not, do something nice for them. Give them a gun, dont kill them, feed them et cetera.


After doing something nice ask them to do something nice to someone else in return. (Pay it forward)



First guy I met after having this idea XD  





I would give them my gun to see their happy faces, then shoot them and take my gun back.

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I used to do something similar in the mod, Pack a car full of stuff, And just stop next to a freshspawn and tell them to take what they need. Sometimes I got Shot, Sometimes I didn't. Was always fun.

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Well seeing how this is DayZ, I can say with certainty that I'll be stabbed to death like that kid was at the end of the movie.

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Give a gun to a stranger ? There is only 90% probability that he will try to kill me and take my stuff. I can give them water, food or a bandage maybe. No way I'm arming anyone who's not on my friend list. 

Edited by chmielu1258

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Now who is the mad man here?

You remind of them horror films when some church nut thinks that god will save him, and prays at the point of death.

I'll keep to being an untrusting hermit, thank you very much.

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We need moar hero's like this!!!


I was downed in berezino by a zombie (yes I r noOb) and knocked unconscious. I had some good gear, a mosin with prestine long range scope, 100+ rounds for my mosin. So I didn't want to respawn. I figured I would roll one up to pass the time and see if I came to. While laying there in the dark I heard a voice.


"Hey buddy you wanna be my friend"


At that moment my heart dropped through my arse. I was for sure I would be robbed and left naked on the ground. The stranger spoke again......


"I got some buddies on the way to help you out"


Great, massive tbag party on my face while im getting robbed. Good thing im smoking or this would be bad. A few moments pass and  I hear moar voices over my body, my adrenaline is rushing. As I lay there I hear 5+ voices hovering over me. They bandage me up but I still lay there unconscious. They get a defib to use on me but my body starts gliding across the town. At this point im just ready to give up. Im unconscious with 5 guys standing over me. (kinky right?)


20 mins later and 800 meters out of berezino they revive me!!!!! All of them laying on the ground preventing me from glitching lol. I get up, notice I am clothed!!! And all my gear/ammo/food. What a great experience :P I will definitely pay it forward after a encounter like this.


+1 for Hero's

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We need moar hero's like this!!!


I was downed in berezino by a zombie (yes I r noOb) and knocked unconscious. I had some good gear, a mosin with prestine long range scope, 100+ rounds for my mosin. So I didn't want to respawn. I figured I would roll one up to pass the time and see if I came to. While laying there in the dark I heard a voice.


"Hey buddy you wanna be my friend"


At that moment my heart dropped through my arse. I was for sure I would be robbed and left naked on the ground. The stranger spoke again......


"I got some buddies on the way to help you out"


Great, massive tbag party on my face while im getting robbed. Good thing im smoking or this would be bad. A few moments pass and  I hear moar voices over my body, my adrenaline is rushing. As I lay there I hear 5+ voices hovering over me. They bandage me up but I still lay there unconscious. They get a defib to use on me but my body starts gliding across the town. At this point im just ready to give up. Im unconscious with 5 guys standing over me. (kinky right?)


20 mins later and 800 meters out of berezino they revive me!!!!! All of them laying on the ground preventing me from glitching lol. I get up, notice I am clothed!!! And all my gear/ammo/food. What a great experience :P I will definitely pay it forward after a encounter like this.


+1 for Hero's



This the type of experience me and my friends are trying to bring to people. Don't get me wrong I have done my fair share of banditing and dutchbagery as you can see here 

But isn't dayz about the player interactions and the magical moments it can create? 

Pay it forward and I will guarantee you will get some amazing experiences in dayz.

Right I'm gonna setup a hat shop in electro XD 

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Pay it forward is already widespread in the game, in form of flying bullets.

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it's one of the reasons I want persistent item storage is to help other players, you see someone  new that you want to help you could tell them where a stash is, or just burry it near a church for to help those looking for it.


my  thread is here.



vote and discuss to keep it alive.

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We need moar hero's like this!!!


I was downed in berezino by a zombie (yes I r noOb) and knocked unconscious. I had some good gear, a mosin with prestine long range scope, 100+ rounds for my mosin. So I didn't want to respawn. I figured I would roll one up to pass the time and see if I came to. While laying there in the dark I heard a voice.


"Hey buddy you wanna be my friend"


At that moment my heart dropped through my arse. I was for sure I would be robbed and left naked on the ground. The stranger spoke again......


"I got some buddies on the way to help you out"


Great, massive tbag party on my face while im getting robbed. Good thing im smoking or this would be bad. A few moments pass and  I hear moar voices over my body, my adrenaline is rushing. As I lay there I hear 5+ voices hovering over me. They bandage me up but I still lay there unconscious. They get a defib to use on me but my body starts gliding across the town. At this point im just ready to give up. Im unconscious with 5 guys standing over me. (kinky right?)


20 mins later and 800 meters out of berezino they revive me!!!!! All of them laying on the ground preventing me from glitching lol. I get up, notice I am clothed!!! And all my gear/ammo/food. What a great experience :P I will definitely pay it forward after a encounter like this.


+1 for Hero's


Thanks for sharing your story, mate.  I hope you get a chance to "pay it forward".  Here's an animation of your encounter to remind you of how awesome people can be.



Back to the OP.  I think paying it forward is a great idea!

Edited by jimmijamjams
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