Sutinen 635 Posted January 7, 2014 (edited) I was in the military base south of Vybor. I came in from the big hill and after some very careful sneaking with my gun raised, I realized there was no-one in there. So I started from the barracks. Every door was closed in every barrack. Then when I went into the last barrack kinda isolated in the corner, I saw the door was open and heard pain sounds just before I entered it.I backed away to a corner with some bushes, went prone and shot him up when he came out. He had no idea that I was there, but we would have shot me for sure. So it was pretty much a quick improvised ambush over in 15 seconds. Edited January 7, 2014 by Sutinen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted January 7, 2014 Describe my first kill...well long story short it was pretty much like this: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Konna 149 Posted January 7, 2014 (edited) On the coast close to the crashed ship. Got shot, spawned below Berezino, ran back to the place i died in, saw the same guy looting my stuff.Watched him for a while, he ran back to the same bush he was in, ran around, and knocked that fucker out clean with 2 fist hit's to the head, then proceeded to take his axe and chopping him to pieceswhile taunting him over VoIP. Free military stuff? Thank you. edit: Berezino, not Balota. /_\ Edited January 7, 2014 by Konna 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 228 Posted January 7, 2014 My very first one was literally walking around, coming RIGHT BEHIND a sniper camped at the Balota hill, hatchet applied to head. Nothing special. I'll go with my second one.Shortly after the sniper killing, I was geared up with a mosin, bipod, pristine scope, lots of food and ammos. Was a nice shot.A friend of mine reaches me, he has nothing at all as he just died. I hand him the FNX I found on the dude and we decide "Well, you go loot the airfield, I'll cover you." No more than 5 seconds later 2 armed guys pop in from the trees, at the side, zooming towards the tower.We wait them to get in and then my friend dashes towards it, waiting under the ladder.They finally appear, get my aim on the head of one of them: was literally the first time I fired the mosin, the shot missed by nothing.They duck and hide for a while, till the guy I missed peaks out to check (1p only server). A 7.62 right trough his skull, dead.We wait 2-3 minutes, the second dude seems to be disappeared.My friend starts climbing the ladder and, half a moment later, the guy rushes out, m4 in hand and takes aim on my friend.I get a shot on him, make him bleed and scare him off, as he doesn't fire and rushes back inside.My friend is up, hiding behind the blue closets. The other guy comes out, firefight ensues, friend wounded. The guy gets cocky, moves a bit and offers me his head.That night, the tale of the Demon of Razgriz and his Sardinian friend echoed trough the halls of the teamspeak, he got selected as Designated Marksman and his friend as Incursor.Now, out team counts a DM, an Incursor, a Medic, a "Oh god I'm lost help", a Sputnik (Due to him touching a river and flying into orbiy for reasons) and the Special Needs Guy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Foulplay 9 Posted January 7, 2014 Be in Balota base.Approach barracks.See guy looting the 2nd room.I only have axe.Don't say anything. He doesn't know I'm behind him.Walk behind him and murder him with 3 axe swings.Take all his military gear. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SixGunLover 54 Posted January 7, 2014 Frankly, i don't remember it. But my last one was quite nice. 2 guys followed me and a friend across 2 villages, i had a magnum and my friend had an hatchet. Long story short, i killed the first one, looted his m4 and the last pristine clip to shoot his friend who was distracted by mine. Of course everything was ruined except the two m4 and the loaded clips, but it was a lot of fun.Tips of the day: do not try to stalk someone if you or your friend is wearing a red t-shirt in the wilderness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
funky_mish 75 Posted January 7, 2014 I was alone, looting in the NEAF barracks. I hear that familiar click of a server hopper joining, and sure enough he was right in front of me. I pooped myself, then proceeded to split his face with my fire axe. Then he logged out. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AshleyP 121 Posted January 7, 2014 Well, after living in London for a year I came to the conclusion that it was the perfect environment for a serial killer, provided he was careful and didn't try to be "gimmicky". Successive waves of mass immigration have produced a situation where absolutely no-one knows the people who live next door, and the rest of London and Britain in general simply doesn't care what happens outside zone one, Brick Lane, and the Shoreditch area. Seriously, you search the BBC's news website for stories on Harlesden or Willesden and you get a couple of murders from years ago and basically nothing else. A lot of people believe that American Psycho was a delusional fantasy, because there's no way a man could get away with that kind of murder spree without anybody noticing, but seriously, it's not all that hard. I mean, in America who would notice a man going around killing people in Detroit or Chicago? But ultimately it's unsatisfying. You can't tell anybody. You can't target anybody you've met, or personal dislike, because there's the possibility that the police might link the victim to yourself. You can't even rob anybody, because it's too risky. And they have nothing, they're poor. Other people have done far worse, that's what I tell myself. I mean, Tony Blair killed thousands of people, and he made £13m last year. The kind of people who pay money to listen to Tony Blair speak respect him for his body count. It shows that he got things done. As for DayZ, it was the first day of the standalone; I discovered that Zelenogorsk had some barracks, and also that you could just swap servers to gear up, and it so happened that the other guy used his torch at the wrong time. I plugged him with my M4. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-DMG-Jonesy 226 Posted January 7, 2014 "BOOOOOM!1!!! HEADSHOT!! " Followed shortly thereafter by- "Damn, this helmet is ruined." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FFrank 18 Posted January 7, 2014 Made my way to Zeleno Military Compound, armed with my mighty fists.See two guys from outside the walls, they're talking from the prison as it seems.can barely hear them but I catch something like " back ... bout 5 minutes"I go prone. One leaves the front door to loot the baracks. As soon as he enters, I Usain Bolt inside the prison.see AFK guy standing under the stairway, immediately start punching the shit out of him. 4 hits to the face and hes knocked out.Get his M4, Vest and Helmet, give AFK guy a headshot and he dies. Suddenly hear footsteps behind me. Its his friend coming back.I turn around and we shoot each other in the face. I drop dead. Pretty sure he died as well. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I Parabellum I 0 Posted January 17, 2014 I'd been playing for about a week and had managed to get some pretty nice stuff, real good supply of food and water, a mosin, magnum and plenty of ammo. I'd only had one encounter with another player before at some kind of radio tower in a forest. I waved as friendly but he started to take his rifle off his back so I ran. I'd plotted out a long trek north from Cherno hitting several small towns on the way. I approached Berezino from the west, and was just mooching around in a few houses but kept thinking I heard something, maybe a can opening in the distance. The sounds didn't come back so I carried on looking around. I was in the top floor of a house when I heard a single shot. I froze for a good 5 minutes with my magnum trained on the stairs. The guy must have seen me and was trying to get me to come out. I finally plucked up the courage to go out, checking every corner and alley, and then headed for the hills to try and get some elevation to watch over the town. After 5 minutes of watching I decided to go back into town and get on the roof of the hospital for a better lookout point. I trekked up the stairs and noticed the door to the roof was shut. Good sign, nobody had been up.Or so I thought....I opened the door and there he was!!!! Mosin in hand and scope to eye, sweeping the streets for me. It happened so quickly. He could have been friendly, but before I could make contact he started to turn around. Weapon still to his shoulder, I couldn't take the chance. I couldn't lose my loot now, I'd come so far! I unloaded all 5 rounds into him. Felt kinda bad, I didn't even loot him, just ran. This happened last night and I can't stop thinking about it. Parabellum (recent console convert) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted January 17, 2014 About 20 minutes after the first time I loaded the game up post-release. Arrived at Balota carrying a chopping axe and a bleeding player (also wielding a chopping axe) came charging towards me and swinging, so I had to put him down. R.I.P. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
subliminal_city 27 Posted January 17, 2014 My first kill took place in Solnichiy, at the house by the water well. Some random person approached by, asking if I had some food for him - since he was starving.I hadn't yet figured out which was the text chat key and my headphones aren't working due to sabotage by cat (have to find some with cloth covered cords, so if you know of any: let me know, cause she never chews on those it seems), so I couldn't reply to him - instead I just dropped three cans of food (I only had six in total mind you, so I must say I was being very generous). Then all of a sudden he attacks me. I suppose it could have been because it takes a while for things to spawn once they're dropped and he thought that I wasn't going to give him any or he just wanted my mosin. So he kept stabbing me with his bayonette while I was looking in the game settings for the chat key. I panicked a bit cause I was in the damn menus and it was my second life in the game and on my third hour in total in this game. I managed to get my fire extinguisher though and proceeded to hit him back.I thought I was going to die, but I figured that if he is attacking me - the least I could do is repay the favour and hopefully he would succumb to his wounds and die just as I thought I would. As it turns out, bashing a fire extinguisher against someone's unprotected head, works better than trying to stab someone with a bayonette. Needless to say I was more than half dead when the fight ended, but on the upside I got my food back, plus a bayonette and four rounds for the mosin! ...about an hour later I glitched down a ladder and died. C'est la vie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faramon 66 Posted January 17, 2014 Coming south into Cherno at the north east side, me and my buddy slowed down (we were trying to figure out where our less map savvy friend was), we stop in the tree line but I need to drink so continue down via the small knit group of houses to my left. As I begin drinking my friend tells me he has seen two guys down the hill to his right both packing mosins, I look around and spot them, they are both now pointing towards him and clearly don't know I exist. Using this opportunity I move in closer until I am point blank behind the first guy who is kneeling, though tempted to give them a chance I decide they are too much of a threat to my friend on the hill so I put some round sin the first guy ... he staggers off bleeding profusely (to my surprise as I expected him t die almost straight out) ... I move past him and put rounds into the other guy lying down who dies almost straight away, I turn around to check on the first guy knowing he maybe still alive and find him looking where I was rather than where I am ... so i put a few more rounds in his back and case closed. One was fully kitted up Mosin style with his back pack absolutely meticulously packed to an almost OCD level ... the other guy was probably an hour in fresh spawn who'd met up with his friend to kit up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metalunatic 25 Posted January 17, 2014 (edited) Mine happened at the abandoned military base south-east of Vybor. We were checking the two story barracks with a buddy when an axe-wielding survivor runs through the front doors directly towards me whilst I was guarding the entrance. Naturally, I pepper him full of holes with my M4 and unceremoniously started looting his stuff. Edited January 17, 2014 by Metalunatic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slizzedy 70 Posted January 17, 2014 (edited) First day of the release: I've spawned right next to Elektro, didn't find anything yet. First person I meet tries to punch me, I run away telling him to f*** off. After five minutes of being chased through Elektro by some maniac I decide to give him the battle he wants - and punched him to death. PS: After punching the guy to death he told me I was a douchebag... yep, what a warm welcome to DayZ Standalone. :D Edited January 17, 2014 by Sleezy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
korpisoturi (DayZ) 127 Posted January 17, 2014 (edited) Me,my brother and my friend were fully geared and went south looking for trouble. And trouble we found. We jumped on nearly full server and went checking the notorious Balota airfield. We scouted the place from a hill north from balota and notice movement in the control tower. I tell my friend who had mosin and scope to take him out while me and my brother take defencive positions in case someone comes for us. My friend fails to shoot the guy and they exchange couple bullets but no one gets hit. Then the ghosting begun. First guy pops up behind our sniper and shoots him in the back of his head (they clearly thought he was alone), while he's trying to check his gear my brother shoots him with his m4. Second guy pops up near me and goes after my brother, brother takes cover while I try to search for the enemy. See him moving and but 5 bullets in his back. There was so much confusion going on back then, I shouted like 2 times whether that guy was my brother and for a moment thought I shot my bro. After the second guy comes couple minutes of peace. We check our gear, we check dead bodies gears. I start retreating from the hill walking backwards thinking someone will ghost on me. And they did. Third guy, who apparently was the one in the control tower ghosted behind me and shot me in the back. Brother kills him when he's checking my body. And that's how balota's hill became burial ground for 5 people in less than 5 minutes and how I got my first kill. Edited January 17, 2014 by korpisoturi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jasher11 67 Posted January 17, 2014 So i am playing with some buddies and we are pretty geared (1st week of release 10+hours in) M4's and so we are heading through cherno till we arrive at balota tents after looting these tents we have 4 M4's and1 mosin man. We decideto head to zelenogorsk via the balota airstrip. As we are walking i the trees towards barracks we see shots from ATC and we realise there are a group of 3 squaded up killing freshspawns who have run to the airstrip we feel it is our duty to intervene. 2 of us push up to the left flank of the ATC tower and we see someone on the ladder so we absolutely wreck him as he was geared and part of the squad killing fresh spawns. From here. I push under the concrete fence and am promptly shot :(. Fortunately i get a near spawn and run back by then shit has truly hit the fan the original 3 are dead( we thought) but we fear that some others are on the way turns out one friend shot another and he died. I have ran inside ATC and see someone who i spray down with no remorse. Fro here there is now 4 of our squad here. Then come the other players 2 other M4 guys are shot and its me in the ATC and my buddy with the mosin who is hidden somewhere and then i get killed and go offline. OR ( i cant remember wich was first kill :/)I am protecting my friend who is afk under hospital stairs, i stand at front i spot a guy with an axe, i tell him to back off he takes 2 steps back from entrance but doesnt talk he then advances i keep saying back off or ill shot with my m4, he didnt. Sort of took 2 steps forward then back so i shot him, he had plenty of warnings and i was scared sh*tless Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaughingJack (DayZ) 767 Posted January 17, 2014 We already met some players while gearing up, all of them friendly, some really scared...but no threat so no kill.two buddies and I decided to go to Chernogorsk - check out, what the capital has become in the SA.We met people there - two friendly guys, searching for loot and we traded some stuff with them.And while we are on the coast...well, why not head to Balota and check the airfield and the camp. As soon as we came there, we saw a guy with a big red backpack running around, holding his axe up. As soon as he spotted us, he chose to run away, heading for the coast.If we would have known, what was coming up, we would have shot him... Before going to the camp, we wanted to check out if there are other people lurking around the camp...well two corpses were lying there, in the middle of the street: the two guys we met in Cherno, and next to them - the guy with the red backpack and another one with a yellow raincoat, both holding their axes up. So we told them to not move and put their hands up - two mosins and a M4 pointing at your face should garantee that you don't try anything stupid, right? Right? No. The guy in the yellow raincoat runs towards us, wildly swinging his axe - bam bam, dead (who exactly killed him was not clear, since we all shot).The other guy runs away (again), so we look around and head for the houses to wait...and there he comes back to his dead buddy, starting looting the three corpses on the street. Back out again, one more time, weapons in his face telling him hands up, don't move...and he ran. Fed up with this, one of my buddies gives him a solid shot in the head - four corpses on the street. We decided that there was enough noise and mess, that other people might get attracted, so we went inside the camp to look around if anybody wa sthere that could have heard that..and in the first tent: A guy with full army clothing, axe and pistol.Weanwhile getting a routine in that, we told him hands up, don't move...and he did it. Well he held up one finger only, but we decided that will do it...after we laughed hard at that classy act, and told him that we wouldn't kill him, he chose to put both arms up.We were so confused, that somebody really did this instead of running away or attacking, that we didn't know what to do now with we handcuffed him, and looked in his inventory. Hm. FNX but no clips, three waterbottles, but nothing to eat. Bah. I had a spare can opener and too muich food anyways so I put it in his inventory.Meanwhile he typed "Afk smoking, brb 5 minutes" A moment of silence followed by a storm of laughter - that guy was suicidal or badass. Going afk, handcuffed in the middle of the military camp with three strangers around him. So we decided to prank him a little bit and put all his clothes (including shoes) in his backpack and wanted to leave...but well, we couldnt leave him there, standing afk and handcuffed, the next guy coming along could kill we stood guard. For our prisoner. Whom we gave food and a can opener without him knowing it. After some time he comes back, we told him how he could break free (since we had no handcuff-keys) and after he did that, we told that he should take care and we would leave now. So we went for the next tent as suddenly - Bam.One of my buddies falls to the ground, the other one and I run up to the next cover, some more shots, my first buddy - gone.I try to run for it, so that I could flank the shooter maybe, hid again and looked around, more shots, running again, crouching, running, again shots from another direction, all missing me...finally I'm out of his sight or he lost me...But my second buddy is still in a tent as soon as he sticks his nose out, they try to shoot him...but they dont have the balls to go for him. I crouch around and finally see the entry to the tent my buddy is in - and in the middle of the street is the guy we handcuffed before, standing there, looking at the tent...I think, suicidal and curious, well that won't end good for him. So I tell him over voice chat to move, since there are people around, shooting. He turns towards me, appearently looking for me, and suddenly a shot hits me, but leaves me only bleeding.I go for cover and tell my buddy that the guy maybe belongs to the shooters, telling them our positions - enough reason for my buddy to put him away as soon as he sees him. I bandage up and try to carefully look around - where the heck are these guys? Or is it only one, changing his position fast? I walk around, suddenly I see a backpack lying in the grass...but no ones there. Well, well someone wants to play hide and seek it seems.There he is! Behind a bush, lying on the ground, aiming for my buddy.Fire, Aim, Ready...or something like that, shooting bullets in his body until he doesn't move anymore... But bad news, thats not the end of the story: Only moments later, another guy snipes me from out of nowhere - dead. And only seconds later my buddy decides enough is enough, he tries to run for it, just to get the hell out, storms out of the tent - well he made it nearly five steps before getting shot from at least 2 other guys... So we make 3 conclusions:1) Don't trust anyone.Even if you are friendly he might get his friends to screw you.And don't be SO friendly to guard a stranger while he wents afk for some minutes, in the middle of a military camp... 2) 9 corpses in Balote within 5 minutes are normal it seems (On a server with ~15 ppl...) 3) Old Dwarven Fortress wisdom:DayZ = losing (because you'll never see a "Victory"-screen and will die sooner or later ;))DaZ = fun⇒ losing = fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plan_B 82 Posted January 17, 2014 Me and a friend are on the East coast, going from house to house, taking food and whatever we can put our hands on. We ran into a couple of zombies, the fights were tough, because we didn't know how to kill them efficiently at this time. My friend then, got hit by a Zed. It was a bad hit, near the neck and it was deep. We had to do something about it or in a matter of second he would have died. We apply some rags to the wound, stopping the bleeding the best we could. I remember then that there is an hospital in this town. We should find supply there. Something to clean the wound, maybe some fresh bandages... We enter the empty hospital, my friend gets more and more weaker, he lost all the color and the surroundings are blurry. I go trough the hospital quickly, finding a medical kit. There is a blood bag in it. I am happy, he is happy! I can give him blood, so he will get better! As I start the transfusion, he sound relief, saying that he feel better. As we leave the hospital, my friend collapse next to me, dead. I should have check my blood type. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites