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I Parabellum I

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About I Parabellum I

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    On the Coast
  1. I Parabellum I

    Describe your first kill

    I'd been playing for about a week and had managed to get some pretty nice stuff, real good supply of food and water, a mosin, magnum and plenty of ammo. I'd only had one encounter with another player before at some kind of radio tower in a forest. I waved as friendly but he started to take his rifle off his back so I ran. I'd plotted out a long trek north from Cherno hitting several small towns on the way. I approached Berezino from the west, and was just mooching around in a few houses but kept thinking I heard something, maybe a can opening in the distance. The sounds didn't come back so I carried on looking around. I was in the top floor of a house when I heard a single shot. I froze for a good 5 minutes with my magnum trained on the stairs. The guy must have seen me and was trying to get me to come out. I finally plucked up the courage to go out, checking every corner and alley, and then headed for the hills to try and get some elevation to watch over the town. After 5 minutes of watching I decided to go back into town and get on the roof of the hospital for a better lookout point. I trekked up the stairs and noticed the door to the roof was shut. Good sign, nobody had been up. Or so I thought....I opened the door and there he was!!!! Mosin in hand and scope to eye, sweeping the streets for me. It happened so quickly. He could have been friendly, but before I could make contact he started to turn around. Weapon still to his shoulder, I couldn't take the chance. I couldn't lose my loot now, I'd come so far! I unloaded all 5 rounds into him. Felt kinda bad, I didn't even loot him, just ran. This happened last night and I can't stop thinking about it. Parabellum (recent console convert)