wild_man 4442 Posted January 6, 2014 I am sick to read about sanity punish system for murder and bandit guys coming always from QQ kids who losing pvp every time >:( i doing research on this and in fact is OPPOSITE THING TRUE so when you kill a guy give reward like mental strength boost :thumbsup: :D your character having more sanity because he enjoy success and is a winner this feeling reinforce confidence and also self believe receive MASSIVE BOOST every one realise in real life is loser who feeling depress and paranoiac NOT GUYS WHO ENJOY SUCCESS :huh: winners enjoy chemical release and hormone boost connect with feel good endorphine and testosterone producing HORMONES this is science fact from many study on athlete and sport star who enjoy success over opponent also business guys who make profit vs guys who FAIL IN LIFE :D loser feel like shit depress and reduce testosterone lower confidence and insecure emotion because he was dominate by other guy :( I dont want to see NO reward or punish system in game >:( I only make point that punish for kill on sight is dumb idea :huh: 19 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Punkrawks 136 Posted January 6, 2014 This game is a sandbox. Meant to let people do WHATEVER THEY WANT.Introducing any type of sanity or KOS indicator system is stupid because now you're forcing players to play a certain way.I want to hold a meeting with all the people who want to implement this system, then mow them down and use their tears to clean my rifle. 17 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colinm9991 196 Posted January 6, 2014 You make too many Pro-KoS threads, just as bad as the Anti KoS threads. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 125 Posted January 6, 2014 This game is a sandbox. Meant to let people do WHATEVER THEY WANT.Introducing any type of sanity or KOS indicator system is stupid because now you're forcing players to play a certain way.I want to hold a meeting with all the people who want to implement this system, then mow them down and use their tears to clean my rifle. You sir are so uninformed why don't you mow yourself down and do us a favor and save the server space by not having one more unnecessary post. The honor system in the mod was one of the best (and most popular) systems implemented in DayZ. I cannot wait until they add it to SA so I can have an idea of what that person is like, and so I can plan accordingly on how to deal with them. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elLoCo 154 Posted January 6, 2014 (edited) As long as you are encouraged that killing people is fine. then, well you may be right.But in company with people don't endorse on killing, it will be the other way round, because you are the looser or in this case maybe better outsider. Btw.Please give some proof/link what sources you use. ;) Edited January 6, 2014 by elLoCo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
atmaca (DayZ) 48 Posted January 6, 2014 This game is a sandbox. Meant to let people do WHATEVER THEY WANT.Introducing any type of sanity or KOS indicator system is stupid because now you're forcing players to play a certain way.I want to hold a meeting with all the people who want to implement this system, then mow them down and use their tears to clean my rifle. Just because you can kill unarmed newstarters or players who want to play the game peacefully doesn't mean you're talented. If you or shitheads like you turn this game into a deathmach, believe me you won't enjoy it since you'll be the one who stares at "you are dead" screen all the time. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leftcrusade 33 Posted January 6, 2014 You make too many Pro-KoS threads, just as bad as the Anti KoS threads.There are a lot anti kos threads, but not much kos threads.I'm glad somebody places pro-kos with actual arguments. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ashigaru 6 Posted January 6, 2014 This game is a sandbox. Meant to let people do WHATEVER THEY WANT.Introducing any type of sanity or KOS indicator system is stupid because now you're forcing players to play a certain way.I want to hold a meeting with all the people who want to implement this system, then mow them down and use their tears to clean my rifle.I cant think of a sandbox pvp game that i have ever played that didn't have some kind of penalty for being a PK or player killer. From turning them red to not allowing them into towns. There should be some kind of penalty for being a player killer other wise you just have people running around being ass's just because they can be, which you know people will be and the majority of the time that people complain about having some kind of penalty its the people that are being the ass hats and spawn camping and such that dont want it. Just saying if you want a game that everyone would be interested in playing there needs to be some kind of pk penality other wise you have new people loading in and dieing instantly and that does not make the game money if they have no new customers. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leftcrusade 33 Posted January 6, 2014 Just because you can kill unarmed newstarters or players who want to play the game peacefully doesn't mean you're talented. If you or shitheads like you turn this game into a deathmach, believe me you won't enjoy it since you'll be the one who stares at "you are dead" screen all the time.Wow, you almost gave an argument. Next time, reply with arguments. Not just lame insulting.What you are posting doesn't contribute to anything. It's just another angry kid insulting people on the forum. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Punkrawks 136 Posted January 6, 2014 (edited) Honor system? Really? Real world survival isn't about hugs and snuggles. I should be able to determine a threat from a distance and kill him without getting some kind of "kill indicator". If I need a piece of gear and someone else has it, I'll take it. Survival of the fittest my friend. If you let somebody get the drop on you, your survival tactics need improving and a death is warranted.You can whine and cry all you want, this is a sandbox game with no objectives. You play however you deem fit. FORCING other players to adhere to being "good guys" is complete bullshit. Go play My Little Pony if you can't handle the game. If a real world apocalypse were to happen, people wouldn't band together like they do in the movies. They would be scared and shoot anyone they determine to be a threat to their life.I AM NOT ADVOCATING KILLING NEWBIES. There are KOS-ers that just murder anybody they see. While they have the right to sport killing, I choose not to. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean they should alter the functionality of the game to appease you. People have the right to make their own decisions in this game without being labeled. When you come across a bandit in real life, does he have a marker above his head? NO! That is the point of survival, make contact with that person and determine for yourself. If you saw a bandit in-game that was marked as such, you would KOS in an instant without talking to him. Now you're the KOS-er.The whole system is stupid and has no place in this game. Go cry elsewhere. Edited January 6, 2014 by Punkrawks 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dubghall 36 Posted January 6, 2014 (edited) I also agree that a Honor or Karma system is a completely fake and arbitrary addition - who is tallying your honor.. the almighty god of the zombie apocalyps? Is Fox news reporting it to everyone constantly by smoke signal? You dont need a system to punish bandits in a game about survival and banditry... if you want to encourage people to have a social option then reward social behavior in some way to enrich the decision.. when to work together and when not to...I just made a suggestion regarding Mental Constitution scale that is totally KOS and Bandit friendly but would still reward people for taking care of their mental state and each other... whether that's hanging around a fire with your murderous bastard friends... or cooking a special meal off on your own somewhere to calm down... checkit out >>>http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162490-mental-constitution-socialsurvival-mechanic-for-immersion/ Edited January 6, 2014 by spcmonkey 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 228 Posted January 6, 2014 We just need an asshole-o-meter based on the amount if loot the killed player had.The less loot, the higher the asshole-o-meter goes.Killing a spawnling earns you a plush and a free round. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Etherious 907 Posted January 6, 2014 LOL I love seeing all the Pro-KOSers crying about Anti-KOSers crying.....Hypocrites will always be that...hypocrites. xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Punkrawks 136 Posted January 6, 2014 The point of this game is realism. Realistically can you identify a bad guy walking down the street? No. You can assume, but he doesn't have a sanity or kill indicator.What if somebody killed a guy who was murdering newbies? Would the almighty Zombie god call you a killer? Who makes the determination? What if you kill your buddy who has 2 broken legs and wants to respawn. Will you be labeled a murder for a mercy kill?People are just mad because they want to play Dayz: Friendship instead of what the game really is. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
atmaca (DayZ) 48 Posted January 6, 2014 Wow, you almost gave an argument. Next time, reply with arguments. Not just lame insulting.What you are posting doesn't contribute to anything. It's just another angry kid insulting people on the forum.seriously? Do I have to do this; argument: The people playing this game as deathmach are having fun because they think they are better than players they killed. However the real reason they are able to kill is that other players don't play the game like that. So if everyone plays it that way nobody will enjoy it since game is not designed to be played like this. Also the people started this will probably be the ones with worst K/D ratios because they are obviously unable to compete on an even gameplay enviroment and immature enough to post their miserable proud to internet platforms. got it? nope? then you deserve insults. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Punkrawks 136 Posted January 6, 2014 seriously? Do I have to do this; argument: The people playing this game as deathmach are having fun because they think they are better than players they killed. However the real reason they are able to kill is that other players don't play the game like that. So if everyone plays it that way nobody will enjoy it since game is not designed to be played like this. Also the people started this will probably be the ones with worst K/D ratios because they are obviously unable to compete on an even gameplay enviroment and immature enough to post their miserable proud to internet platforms. got it? nope? then you deserve insults.Seriously man? Everyone will play this game however they want. Forcing them to be good or face a Karma system is crap. If Devs wanted a good/evil indicator system that would seriously alter the way the game is played. They don't want that or else they would have built it into the game. I kill on sight not because I feel superior or that I'm trying to be a badass, mostly it's because I know if they spot me they'll kill me first. Or if I need food, water, medical supplies, ammo... people won't just give that stuff away so I kill for it. It's called survival. You call it being an asshole and that I kill just for fun. You sir, are an idiot. People kill for many reasons, you just don't understand them.You want this to be a game full of friendship and hand holding. Where people band together and form alliances. That's crap. This is a gritty survival game where death could hit you at any minute. Don't like it? Go play the mod with your whiny Karma meters. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
atmaca (DayZ) 48 Posted January 6, 2014 Seriously man? Everyone will play this game however they want. Forcing them to be good or face a Karma system is crap. If Devs wanted a good/evil indicator system that would seriously alter the way the game is played. They don't want that or else they would have built it into the game. I kill on sight not because I feel superior or that I'm trying to be a badass, mostly it's because I know if they spot me they'll kill me first. Or if I need food, water, medical supplies, ammo... people won't just give that stuff away so I kill for it. It's called survival. You call it being an asshole and that I kill just for fun. You sir, are an idiot. People kill for many reasons, you just don't understand them.You want this to be a game full of friendship and hand holding. Where people band together and form alliances. That's crap. This is a gritty survival game where death could hit you at any minute. Don't like it? Go play the mod with your whiny Karma meters. First read this:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man Then read my post again.- I never said they should put Karma system.- I never said game should be full of friendship- I never said killing for supplies is wrongDo it, read it again, even one more time if you still don't get it. I also kill for supplies or when I feel unsafe. I do even prefer killing instead of just trying to communicate most of the time because it's way too risky. That's not the kind of play I'm mentioning. I'm talking about scums who kill:-unarmed players-fresh-spawns-players who are obviously trying to avoid them or run-players who are trying to be friendly by communicating etc. That's right, people kill for different reasons. But there are wrong reasons to and most of the KoS are for wrong reasons in this game, which turns the game into a deathmach. I don't know, this might be too complex for you to understand. Beg my pardon if it is, next time I'll try to explain it even simplier. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deebz1234 243 Posted January 6, 2014 I dont think there should be any system in place that rewards one way or another or punishes one way or another. I would like to see some proof as well, im pretty sure the honour system was low on the totem pole compared to other systems! how many times must we quote dean and the website "this is your story" it aint my fucking story if your telling me who I "should" kill and shouldnt. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korsbaek 1778 Posted January 6, 2014 I agree with KoS. There shouldn't be any reward or punishment for KoSing. It is a sandbox. You can do whatever you want even though it's frowned upon by a lot of players. A humanity system is not the solution. DayZ is about realism, and being able to see if someone's shot other people just by looking at them isn't very realistic. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dimitri3p0 99 Posted January 6, 2014 The point of this game is realism.^ hogwash, very little in this game is truly realistic, maybe just ballistics, but given the m4's accuracy...eh... KoS- I'd love to see your sources. I think you might be onto something but it's heavily dependent on social context. as well as cognitive functioning of the individual. Many would experience shock after killing another human, even if it was "justified". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leftcrusade 33 Posted January 6, 2014 (edited) seriously? Do I have to do this; argument: The people playing this game as deathmach are having fun because they think they are better than players they killed. However the real reason they are able to kill is that other players don't play the game like that. So if everyone plays it that way nobody will enjoy it since game is not designed to be played like this. Also the people started this will probably be the ones with worst K/D ratios because they are obviously unable to compete on an even gameplay enviroment and immature enough to post their miserable proud to internet platforms. got it? nope? then you deserve insults.I'm proud of you. But...http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/520-the-pvp-discussion-thread/page-10#entry4308Just as Rocket said, dayz is designed to be cruel.If you don't like KoS and pvp, play another game. It's a part of the game.And, k/d ratio? What game do you think you're playing? This isn't Call of Duty.If the game is to cruel for you for you get shot too much. Just play some game that suits you better, where there is no pvp.Another option is the carebear servers. It's just like DayZ, but then without pvp.Posting aggresive posts don't make you more believeable, they just make you seem dumb and angry. Edited January 6, 2014 by Gigantic Ballsack 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
atmaca (DayZ) 48 Posted January 6, 2014 (edited) I'm proud of you. But...http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/520-the-pvp-discussion-thread/page-10#entry4308Just as Rocket said, dayz is designed to be cruel.If you don't like KoS and pvp, play another game. It's a part of the game.And, k/d ratio? What game do you think you're playing? This isn't Call of Duty.If the game is to cruel for you for you get shot too much. Just play some game that suits you better, where there is no pvp.Another option is the carebear servers. It's just like DayZ, but then without pvp.Posting aggresive posts don't make you more believeable, they just make you seem dumb and angry. Ok I'm not gonna mention how you totally miss my argument and be like OMG HE JUST SAID K/D RATIO GO PLAY CALL OF DUTY OMGFSDA!!!1!! .... ok, now to the point: Game is designed to be cruel, not a deathmach. Killing other players for benefits =/= Deathmatching. They are two different things, you may kill other player for reasonable causes, I'm totally OK with that. But if you kill for no reason and without getting any benefit from it (including safety, supplies etc.), then you're immature and dumb enough to ruin the game you bought on the developement phase. You can't suggest me substitive game since there's no game that can grant same experience, but you can go play ArmA III if you wanna do more deathmatch. Also you did the same mistake as the guy above did. Read this: First read this:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man Then read my post again.- I never said they should put Karma system.- I never said game should be full of friendship- I never said killing for supplies is wrongDo it, read it again, even one more time if you still don't get it. I also kill for supplies or when I feel unsafe. I do even prefer killing instead of just trying to communicate most of the time because it's way too risky. That's not the kind of play I'm mentioning. I'm talking about scums who kill:-unarmed players-fresh-spawns-players who are obviously trying to avoid them or run-players who are trying to be friendly by communicating etc. That's right, people kill for different reasons. But there are wrong reasons to and most of the KoS are for wrong reasons in this game, which turns the game into a deathmach. I don't know, this might be too complex for you to understand. Beg my pardon if it is, next time I'll try to explain it even simplier. what is wrong with these people? Edited January 6, 2014 by atmaca Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazyandlazy 376 Posted January 6, 2014 I don't know why but I laugh. This game is frustrating but it's fun. There should be no pegs or pros to killing someone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djporternz 644 Posted January 6, 2014 (edited) I used to be on the side of the 'No, we don't need anything like this' in this argument. But then I started seeing sites like this pop up everywhere. See this guy is such a leet PvPer. Until, that is, you look a bit closer. That 4,492 kills looks impressive, but then you see that 4,232 of them were players who couldn't fight back. So I'm subtracting them off the total. That leaves only 260 ligitimate kills. Now, 260/937 kills/Death. Not so leet now Mr Hardman PvPer. Yet he is ranked as a f'ing General. No mention of accuracy, though, and no sign of intelligence IMHO. The whol leaderboard (their description, not mine) is full of similarly leet PvP hardmen. Now, I'm not saying that all PvPers are the same as this guy. I know many ligitimate PvPers who know how to evaluate a target, and can take out all threats but still have the way with all to allow those that don't pose an immediate risk enough time to remove themselves from the area, most times without knowing they were squarely in the crosshairs. I enjoy being killed by someone like this. The bullet, in these cases is only the punctuation at the END of the story. For the the guy above, the bullet IS the story. That would be sad, if it wasn't pathetic. Edited January 6, 2014 by DJPorterNZ 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
axtranti 23 Posted January 6, 2014 The best way to let the KoS thing die is by stop posting about it, whining about or promoting it. Just... let it go... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites