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Hackers everywhere?

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Whats with all the hackers? does this anti cheat not work? 


People are finding me in unreal locations when i cant even see myself from 3rd person :S.

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Whats with all the hackers? does this anti cheat not work? 


People are finding me in unreal locations when i cant even see myself from 3rd person :S.


Do you have proof/specific examples or are you just getting killed and crying wolf?

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Video or at least a description (with locations) would be necessary before anyone can even guess...

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Keep in mind there are many , many people that have been playing this game for a very long time (Mod version map is not that different.)


What seems like a good spot to you, probably seems like a good spot to alot of people also.

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Sound could be a factor, are you making noise for a variety of reasons? Even if you can't see yourself in 3rd person then you could possibly be clipping through an object you are next to and don't notice. Is your breathing visible because of cold air? I can't remember if you can see other players' breath during those early morning hours. If you are hiding in trees/bushes you could've been spotted beforehand and they are just blindfiring albiet rare.


-Try different, more unusal/unlikely spots

-Careful with the noise you make

-NEVER assume you are safe

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I have ran into this also, this happened to me twice this weekend.  I was getting shot through walls and it was always in a military drop area.  Once it was in one of the metal buildings and i was in the front corner so there was no LoS to me and another time was in a concrete building with no LoS to me.  Its getting frustrating to say the least.

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Well i cant confirm it was a hacker or not only it was strange but i went on a mid pop server(22 or so people) and within an hour the pop had dropped to less than 10 people thats when the strange stuff happened. First time i thought nothing of it i was carefully looting NWAF and bam guy in gas mask mil gear and m4 with bayonet kills me i go alright maybe i was not carefull enough lol.


2 min later fresh spawn and on my way to electro ( hey already fresh spawn nothing to loose) out of nowhere guy in gas mask mil gear m4 with bayo zaps me alright i say its pretty common attire and weapon just unlucky .


then there is a break for 10 or more minutes and i check pop its down to 4 people (its still very much daylight and in fairly prime time for playing in australia) and now i have made my way north and way off the roads deep forrest walking i have taken a rough heading by the compass i had found and blame i again catch sight of guy in gas mask mil gear m4 with bayonet he fires like crazy missing alot i am zig zagging through the trees trying not to be hit and what do i run straight into a guy in gas mask mil gear m4 with bayonet pop im dead.


Maybe he had a partner in the same gear who knows but its less than 2 min later while looting a 2 story building out of nowhere in the open pops a guy in gas mask m4 with bayonet didnt see where he came from but he is sneaking straight to the door of the building i am in . i have found a kitchen knife so i am hiding behind the door to the room im in figuring i am going down but i am going to hurt this prick LOL  bam bam door doesnt open someone has fired straight at wall i am against and i am unconcious.


Hacker not sure but it seemed very wierd to have been mere coincedence but no solid proof other than same attire uncanny ability to know where i was and in vast ranges of places ( to far to travel that fast if IF  it was same guy but id say personally it was and i id say he was teleporting and had some sort of esp hack on but just a feeling i get logged out..

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Whats with all the hackers? does this anti cheat not work? 


People are finding me in unreal locations when i cant even see myself from 3rd person :S.

might be the one of the offical dayz staff hacking maybe?




of course. im sure he learned his lesson, and has moved on to the undetectable engine hacks for SA, so he wont get VAC banned again

Edited by humberto

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