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I've been thinking of a few things I'd like to see in the future of Dayz SA,
I will be adding to the thread as a see fit, or as I think of new things I'd like to see. Please feel free to do the same!

Red filter / Tactical Light

You'll remember this from the mod, a simple flashlight you can hold in your hand or clip onto your person. The only difference being the light coming out of it is filtered red.
This accomplishes two things, one being it keeps your night vision, and two it makes the light harder to see from a distance by possible enemies.


IR / NVG / IR Scopes

Night vision goggles (IR goggles) that allow you to see the infrared spectrum of light. Obviously these would either require a special battery or they would require you to change the battery on a regular basis. One of the drawbacks to these is that they limit your FOV (field of view) giving you what is known as "tunnel vision"

Advanced /  Panoramic night vision goggles

You may have seen these if you watched "Zero dark thirty" , These are your basic NVG's with one major upgrade. They have 4 optical intensifiers (what you look through) instead of two. Basically this doubles your FOV. These would have to be a very rare spawn.

Thermal optics

This one i'm still on the fence about, due to balancing. The major advantage to thermals is being able to pick a warm target out of dense cover / low light conditions. 

This could be balanced by a few things. Limited FOV, Limited view distance, being unable to see infected clearly as they would be much colder than a regular human. The optics, (whether they are goggles or a scope) should drain batteries quickly or require a special battery pack.


Red laser / IR laser 


This would be a neat attachment to any combat rifle. A red laser would help with CQC (close quarters combat) and marking targets at a distance. Of coarse any use of a laser would give your position away to some degree.  IR lasers would be great for NVG users who want to mark targets or point things out to there buddies, IR lasers are great because if you don't have some sort of IR optics, you can't see the laser.


Zip tie cuffs

Simple, single use plastic handcuffs that can be stacked in your inventory and removed with a sharp knife.


Other things I'd like to see:

- Tents, other shelters
-  .22 caliber rifles

- Dynamic weather / Temperature (storm systems that move from one side of the map to the other)

- Grenades, Teargas, Smoke
- Homemade traps 

Things I DON'T want to see..
- Flyable helicopters, or nothing bigger than a two-seater

- Alt-f4ing, or combat logging without penalty 
- High powered sniper rifles (.50 cal)

- Server hopping

That's all I can think up right now. Thanks for reading.

Edited by Ymath

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The vast majority of that will most definitely be added.

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I agree with most of these ideas except the Thermal optics

They are just kinda unrealistic to find, or if so should be extremly rare.
I also find the thermal optics rather unbalanced, kinda how the .50 cal is.

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  On 1/6/2014 at 4:21 PM, Timmpah said:

I agree with most of these ideas except the Thermal optics

They are just kinda unrealistic to find, or if so should be extremly rare.

I also find the thermal optics rather unbalanced, kinda how the .50 cal is.

I hear Ya, you don't think the drawbacks I mentioned would be enough to balance it?

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I like all these ideas. 

I have to say one thing however.

infrared vision and Thermal vision are the same thing.  I assume you are talking about NIGHT VISION which is the green stuff if you know what I mean.

Night vision can utilize active infrared but it is not infrared.  Thermal vision is.

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Zip tie cuffs should realy make it into the game. I hoped the handcuffs in the game would be this zip tie cuffs, because the key-thing is kinda stupid to me...

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  On 1/6/2014 at 5:36 PM, Space Milk said:

I like all these ideas. 

I have to say one thing however.

infrared vision and Thermal vision are the same thing.  I assume you are talking about NIGHT VISION which is the green stuff if you know what I mean.

Night vision can utilize active infrared but it is not infrared.  Thermal vision is.

You're absolutely right, I was thinking near-infrared or ultraviolet .

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  On 1/6/2014 at 5:44 PM, Symon said:

Zip tie cuffs should realy make it into the game. I hoped the handcuffs in the game would be this zip tie cuffs, because the key-thing is kinda stupid to me...


I agree. Instead of having a key to get someone out of a zip cuff, they should have a friend nearby who can cut it with a knife, while keeping it common so it will actually be used.  The key thing annoys me.  

Edited by Space Milk

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