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Light RP, Community Growth, Private Server Discussion

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Definitely not being dramatic. Serious face all the way, eh?


hes being "expressive" lol but deep down his core criticism and questions are valid therefore i answered him

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So, is this still going on? I would love to join, I've been begging with my friend that I want a roleplay server, but I'm seventeen, is this ok?

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I don't hate RP, I love role playing games. 


But it destroys what DayZ is.  A 'game' where there are never any rules of any kind, where, just like in real life, everything that happens is because of people interacting, and the only 'rules' that govern their behavior are calculations about self-interest, desires, attitudes, etc. That's what makes DayZ special. That's the only way it rises above the grime of the Arma2 engine, the genre, etc. 


Everyone in DayZ is already forced to roleplay all the time, but they're forced to play the role of a human being.  


Hmm interesting, i think i stand between these opinions. I kinda agree with you, but the fact that people are more bold in the way they act because there is no consequences of dying other than loosing some gear. And people need to stop seeing bambies as new players that are harmless, most of them are actually just other players who died and will probably kill as soon as they get a weapon. Not saying you should camp the spawns and kill, that shit is not even funny..or it would be for the youngest maybe. What i do like about the roleplay part is that people would make it interesting other than playing crappy music and wiggeling (even though that was hilarious for a while as well) "I will wiggle for you good sir!".


I love the fact that people might roleplay, what i hope the most from roleplay is not stopping the KoS or assigning roles, but that people would capture other players and that the other players actually play along instead of getting jacked by pride and logout. So i think a roleplay server could be a good idea, but not with restrictions, but the label "roleplay" should be enough for that kind of people to gather there i think, i know i would, but i would not stop killing a potential threat for that reason, you have a weapon i kill with no warning if you see me, i may order you to put down your weapon if i know you can't see me and i might take your stuff, or sometimes i run around beeing a doctor for people...it depends on what character i have decided to play.


Love the idea of RP, but please, no rules, as this guy said, the essence of the game is well....no rules :)

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To all those wanting to play, we will be having an event all day Saturday the 18th on our server. Players from all time zones will be hanging out ingame and meeting up on the new teamspeak. TS info will be posted soon. We are looking forward to meeting new friends and enemies in the coming months. Remember, the RP is light. No requirements to be in character or have a fully formed persona until you are comfortable with it. I think you can tell from my vids that I'm new to this as well.

P.S. You will be killed on our server at times. This is not a no kill server. You will see players RPing murderers, bandits, etc. You will also see sheriffs, military police, liars, cheats, swindlers, assassins, cannibals, vampires, and aliens....well maybe not all of that but you never know! We have some creative players!

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Hmm interesting, i think i stand between these opinions. I kinda agree with you, but the fact that people are more bold in the way they act because there is no consequences of dying other than loosing some gear. And people need to stop seeing bambies as new players that are harmless, most of them are actually just other players who died and will probably kill as soon as they get a weapon. Not saying you should camp the spawns and kill, that shit is not even funny..or it would be for the youngest maybe. What i do like about the roleplay part is that people would make it interesting other than playing crappy music and wiggeling (even though that was hilarious for a while as well) "I will wiggle for you good sir!".


I love the fact that people might roleplay, what i hope the most from roleplay is not stopping the KoS or assigning roles, but that people would capture other players and that the other players actually play along instead of getting jacked by pride and logout. So i think a roleplay server could be a good idea, but not with restrictions, but the label "roleplay" should be enough for that kind of people to gather there i think, i know i would, but i would not stop killing a potential threat for that reason, you have a weapon i kill with no warning if you see me, i may order you to put down your weapon if i know you can't see me and i might take your stuff, or sometimes i run around beeing a doctor for people...it depends on what character i have decided to play.


Love the idea of RP, but please, no rules, as this guy said, the essence of the game is well....no rules :)


There are no rules besides no racism or discrimination. I'd prefer people have backstories or rationales but currently I'm just looking to meet people open to the ideas we are discussing. Check out my dayz vids as the sheriff of Berezino at www.youtube.com/katabasisgamer to get an idea of how I handle light RP.

We are mainly just looking to provide more sand for the sandbox. Player interactions are the best kind of "end-game" IMO.

So, is this still going on? I would love to join, I've been begging with my friend that I want a roleplay server, but I'm seventeen, is this ok?

Very much still going on and will be going on for a long time. We are in it for the long haul and would welcome you into teamspeak even though you are 17. It's my way of gating the voice coms to block out immature people and squeakers from teamspeak... Server is open to all. I'm a high school teacher so I have to protect myself from liability when I stream.

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Name: Shiloh Moon Caldwell


Coming from the murky waters of a creek bed in Alabama, Shiloh grew up on the back trails of a small town on the Tennessee line. His family taught him 'older values' and had a fairly simple life, treating complete strangers like family. Throughout his whole life, had a hard time with others as he cared to much, and the world proved to be cruel and unforgiving. As soon as he joined High School, Shiloh entered the JROTC program, after graduating, he married his High School sweetheart, Sarah Rose Reeves. Shiloh enlisted into the United States Marine Corps, and at the rank of Sergeant and the age of twenty four, was drafted into the Reconnaissance Battalion, a special forces group under the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force.


When the virus first struck, the U.S. dispatched a small force to Chernaus, under the command of a small squad, callsign Liquid Metal, Shiloh was fighting alongside Chernaus's military during the quarantine. Learning that the U.S. was dealing with the same problem, he became worried for his family and wife. The last he has heard of Sarah, was two and a half months ago, when she reached a green safe zone. After the pilot of his helicopter became infected, the vehicle crash landed, Shiloh, along with another one of his friends, survived, but barely. They split up after the crash, hoping to find remnants of the military force, he waits at the rendezvous point they had set, an abandoned military hospital in the forest near Bolota airfield. It has been a two weeks since he last saw his friend..






Desc: Short cut black hair, hazel eyes. Large knife scar on his right hand.


Items: Ballastic Helmet. M40 Standard Issue Gas Mask. Green Cargo Pants. White Undershirt. Green U.S. Tactical Shirt. Combat Boots. Reconnaissance Rucksack. Picture of his wife, tucked under his helmet. Dogtags and wedding band around his neck.


Weapons: Standard Issue M4A1 Marksman Carbine. Standard Issue FNX .45 Caliber Sidearm. Fire Axe.


Not sure if this character would be out of place since he is from the U.S.? The tactical shirts sports a U.S. flag, so I found it appropriate.

Edited by Flakwaffe
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Name: Shiloh Moon Caldwell


Coming from the murky waters of a creek bed in Alabama, Shiloh grew up on the back trails of a small town on the Tennessee line. His family taught him 'older values' and had a fairly simple life, treating complete strangers like family. Throughout his whole life, had a hard time with others as he cared to much, and the world proved to be cruel and unforgiving. As soon as he joined High School, Shiloh entered the JROTC program, after graduating, he married his High School sweetheart, Sarah Rose Reeves. Shiloh enlisted into the United States Marine Corps, and at the rank of Sergeant and the age of twenty four, was drafted into the Reconnaissance Battalion, a special forces group under the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force.


When the virus first struck, the U.S. dispatched a small force to Chernaus, under the command of a small squad, callsign Liquid Metal, Shiloh was fighting alongside Chernaus's military during the quarantine. Learning that the U.S. was dealing with the same problem, he became worried for his family and wife. The last he has heard of Sarah, was two and a half months ago, when she reached a green safe zone. After the pilot of his helicopter became infected, the vehicle crash landed, Shiloh, along with another one of his friends, survived, but barely. They split up after the crash, hoping to find remnants of the military force, he waits at the rendezvous point they had set, an abandoned military hospital in the forest near Bolota airfield. It has been a two weeks since he last saw his friend..






Desc: Short cut black hair, hazel eyes. Large knife scar on his right hand.


Items: Ballastic Helmet. M40 Standard Issue Gas Mask. Green Cargo Pants. White Undershirt. Green U.S. Tactical Shirt. Combat Boots. Reconnaissance Rucksack. Picture of his wife, tucked under his helmet. Dogtags and wedding band around his neck.


Weapons: Standard Issue M4A1 Marksman Carbine. Standard Issue FNX .45 Caliber Sidearm. Fire Axe.


Not sure if this character would be out of place since he is from the U.S.? The tactical shirts sports a U.S. flag, so I found it appropriate.

Freakin' awesome stuff man! There would be tons of para military for various reasons. Expats, mercenaries, clandestine military missions etc. Totally fits to have people from different countries. I will be on tonight and will set up the new teamspeak. I'll edit the 1st post in this thread with teamspeak info. It will be open to all. So come in and we can introduce ourselves!

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Freakin' awesome stuff man! There would be tons of para military for various reasons. Expats, mercenaries, clandestine military missions etc. Totally fits to have people from different countries. I will be on tonight and will set up the new teamspeak. I'll edit the 1st post in this thread with teamspeak info. It will be open to all. So come in and we can introduce ourselves!

Is team speak free?

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Is team speak free?

Teamspeak is open to anyone anytime for any game. The main rule is to be 18+ and chill.

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Server is now updated to Hardcore 1st person only perma-day.

What's hardcore? Bout to get on.

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You know where I stand Kata! Nice to see the server back on!

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What's hardcore? Bout to get on.


It means we have a separate character save system than Regular servers.  It also means forced 1st person only.  Other than that nothing else. .. simply means those who farm guns on 3pp servers cant play on ours.  Hopefully this means less CoD kiddies who rely on 3pp will jump on our servers.  In the future, HC may mean something more.

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i shouldnt even post to this but i just had to comment. i like rp..i like community. but i watched the videos the OP posted in another thread and it all looked to me to just be a guy who would really like to control every interaction on his server and everyone's attitudes 100%. hey im the sheriff of bereinzino.....how many times did i hear that on those vids? i swear if i hear anyone say that shit one more time i will shoot them in the face. really came off as a guy wanting to control everyone and everything in game and i am not cool with that..its a game...chill the hell out...ever stop to think you were with a group and you could have introduced yourself as the berinzino police force? but no, it was I, I, I, me, me, me, all the way..because of this i wont be joining thanks...enjoy the little bit of power you've made for yourself bud. just really turned me off man.

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I don't hate RP, I love role playing games. 


But it destroys what DayZ is.  A 'game' where there are never any rules of any kind, where, just like in real life, everything that happens is because of people interacting, and the only 'rules' that govern their behavior are calculations about self-interest, desires, attitudes, etc. That's what makes DayZ special. That's the only way it rises above the grime of the Arma2 engine, the genre, etc. 


Everyone in DayZ is already forced to roleplay all the time, but they're forced to play the role of a human being.  


And yet 80% of the people playing DayZ don't play the role of a human being. They derp around, doing unnatural things. This breaks immersion massively. The fact that 80% of every server population kills on sight is immersion breaking. There aren't that many psycho's in real life. I hope.


OP, can you message me your teamspeak/mumble IP? I'd love to discuss this with you guys.

Never mind, saw it on page 2.


I'll be checking this out tonight, after work. 

Edited by Greaves
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i shouldnt even post to this but i just had to comment. i like rp..i like community. but i watched the videos the OP posted in another thread and it all looked to me to just be a guy who would really like to control every interaction on his server and everyone's attitudes 100%. hey im the sheriff of bereinzino.....how many times did i hear that on those vids? i swear if i hear anyone say that shit one more time i will shoot them in the face. really came off as a guy wanting to control everyone and everything in game and i am not cool with that..its a game...chill the hell out...ever stop to think you were with a group and you could have introduced yourself as the berinzino police force? but no, it was I, I, I, me, me, me, all the way..because of this i wont be joining thanks...enjoy the little bit of power you've made for yourself bud. just really turned me off man.

Ah I can see how you could think that. Sorry to have upset you so much. You do realize that those vids were from a stream right? I am on cam talking to a room full of people. I am also getting used to RPing through dayz and your criticism that I could have called us the police force was appropriate. A bit of backstory on those vids. They all happened within about 4 hours in one day. With the exception of one person, everyone else was new/random and not viewers. Therefore, they were not technically part of the police yet, they were basically citizens who were drafted.

Are you familiar with streams? Do you watch them or like them? Not being rude just an honest question. Streams are inherently personal and if viewed out of context they can be awkward. Liking or not liking the vids isn't really a good reason to dislike the community. Don't penalize all of them simply because you think I'm on a power trip (which I'm not). It's very hard to maintain a stream, a community, and still play dayz. There are a lot of things going on. I'm not perfect, I'm not a pro, I do it for free since I don't make any money from either twitch or youtube. I stream to meet new people and share hilarious events. Our community is above the stream.

My intent was never to portray me as the center of attention. Inevitably this can happen and I think your criticisms have merit. I'll make sure to be more aware of how this can be miscommunication by an outside viewer. Basically I understand if you dislike me from a few shirt vids you've seen but don't dislike our community based off that. Feel free to come by, talk to everyone in teamspeak, and ignore or shoot me :)

Edited by Katabasis

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My friends and I visited the server a few weeks ago. There seemed to be very little lag, perhaps none if memory serves me right. I must ask one question though, does perma-day mean what I think it means?


Also, perhaps I would be able to convince my friends to try the hero way if it is true that the regular servers and the hardcore have different character saves.

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Well Sheriff, there appears to be some KoS bandits over at Balota airfield. :/

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My friends and I visited the server a few weeks ago. There seemed to be very little lag, perhaps none if memory serves me right. I must ask one question though, does perma-day mean what I think it means?


Also, perhaps I would be able to convince my friends to try the hero way if it is true that the regular servers and the hardcore have different character saves.


Glad to hear the server is working well for you. Had some issues last night with crashing but they are fixing it. Perma-day means the server starts at noon, runs 4 hours to 4pm and restarts back to noon. So all daylight ingame for all of our real life day. Hardcore and Regular in fact do have different character saves. So when you log on my server, you will either have your stuff from a past HC server or be a fresh spawn. Then log back on a regular server and you will have that stuff. It's called separate hives.


Well Sheriff, there appears to be some KoS bandits over at Balota airfield. :/

Lol yup, it's dayz friend and Balota is a far way from Berezino. I hope you didn't get the impression the server is not KOS. There are some evil types out there. Oh and feel free to sheriff Balota if you wish ;). Hope you still had some fun Flak.

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Me and a friend just finished a session on the server. I managed to convince him to play hero with me.


We did notice a issue, the admin seem to have global chat on even though it was not his intent, but perhaps he managed to fix it as we did not hear him after a while.


One question, what is the name of the admin, is it Berezino Lawman?

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Me and a friend just finished a session on the server. I managed to convince him to play hero with me.


We did notice a issue, the admin seem to have global chat on even though it was not his intent, but perhaps he managed to fix it as we did not hear him after a while.


One question, what is the name of the admin, is it Berezino Lawman?


The admin is Katabasis (OP of this thread) . His role in the game is usually the Sheriff of Berezino whenever I played with him. 

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Me and a friend just finished a session on the server. I managed to convince him to play hero with me.


We did notice a issue, the admin seem to have global chat on even though it was not his intent, but perhaps he managed to fix it as we did not hear him after a while.


One question, what is the name of the admin, is it Berezino Lawman?



Woah who was it that you heard talking?  There was a bug at launch where you could hear an "omnipotent" speaker but I thought that was fixed.  I was most likely not the speaker, we had another player named Lorax who we thought was having that issue and then we thought it was his 2nd mic turning on in dayz proccing in teamspeak.  Whatever the case, global voice chat is not an option I have control over and is a bug.  If it is ever happening, I recommend muting people by hitting P in game and then clicking on any player's name and clicking Mute.  Then, after finding who is the global mic speaker unmuting everyone but him/her.  I havent run into this bug since before 357s were added.  My ingame name is typically Berezino Lawman if I am playing as the sheriff of Berezino.  If I am not playing nice or playing a different background my name will be different.  Feel free to add me on steam at 213Hybrid and message me when people are global speaking.  I will compile a list and submit a bug form.

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Woah who was it that you heard talking?  There was a bug at launch where you could hear an "omnipotent" speaker but I thought that was fixed.  I was most likely not the speaker, we had another player named Lorax who we thought was having that issue and then we thought it was his 2nd mic turning on in dayz proccing in teamspeak.  Whatever the case, global voice chat is not an option I have control over and is a bug.  If it is ever happening, I recommend muting people by hitting P in game and then clicking on any player's name and clicking Mute.  Then, after finding who is the global mic speaker unmuting everyone but him/her.  I havent run into this bug since before 357s were added.  My ingame name is typically Berezino Lawman if I am playing as the sheriff of Berezino.  If I am not playing nice or playing a different background my name will be different.  Feel free to add me on steam at 213Hybrid and message me when people are global speaking.  I will compile a list and submit a bug form.


The information I picked up from the conversation was that the person was at one of the airfields and said something about stabilizing someone or something.

I will add you on Steam as you suggested and message if it happens again.

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Well I like the idea of this, I always role play even just a bit in games I play. (I've made a few back stories for bf4 rush maps) I think I'd give it a shot, right now my characters gear may not match my description but I've been working on finding the gear for awhile

The man remembers little about himself except for the name printed on his uniform. Based on it, he gathers he was part of Chernarussian winter ops. Woken up surrounded by corpses, the first thing in sight was a bible. From that moment, the man knew his calling was to bring peace to the wasteland.

Dressed in white as a beacon of peace and hope, the man travels the wasteland giving aid and assisting in the collection of supplies. He wears a white mask, as the god doesn't reveal his face. Generally not belligerent, but unhesitant to use an axe to purify the zombies. Also carries a sawn off double barrel and a magnum to cleanse the demons from those that are evil.

The man known as "Face" travels around helping people and preserving the texts for the future of chernarus.

Anyways yeah that's what my story will be. Deal with it.

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