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Light RP, Community Growth, Private Server Discussion

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Well I like the idea of this, I always role play even just a bit in games I play. (I've made a few back stories for bf4 rush maps) I think I'd give it a shot, right now my characters gear may not match my description but I've been working on finding the gear for awhile

The man remembers little about himself except for the name printed on his uniform. Based on it, he gathers he was part of Chernarussian winter ops. Woken up surrounded by corpses, the first thing in sight was a bible. From that moment, the man knew his calling was to bring peace to the wasteland.

Dressed in white as a beacon of peace and hope, the man travels the wasteland giving aid and assisting in the collection of supplies. He wears a white mask, as the god doesn't reveal his face. Generally not belligerent, but unhesitant to use an axe to purify the zombies. Also carries a sawn off double barrel and a magnum to cleanse the demons from those that are evil.

The man known as "Face" travels around helping people and preserving the texts for the future of chernarus.

Anyways yeah that's what my story will be. Deal with it.



Oh snap!  Pretty freakin cool man!  I will be sure to keep an eye out for you and if you have any questions or wanna just chill feel free to come into teamspeak.  You actually may find some of those texts a bit contested.  . . we have a few book fiends running around who may have plans of their own with those books.

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You guys like back stories, so here is mine.

In game name: CuteCarlGrimes

Character name: Karl Grym

Age: 31

Karl Grym was a Swedish soldier of fortune working for a Chernarussian company specialized in anything related to mercenary work, both legal and illegal. Now he finds himself without an employer, he travels the coast trying to keep it zed free and from time to time help people in need.

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You guys like back stories, so here is mine.

In game name: CuteCarlGrimes

Character name: Karl Grym

Age: 31

Karl Grym was a Swedish soldier of fortune working for a Chernarussian company specialized in anything related to mercenary work, both legal and illegal. Now he finds himself without an employer, he travels the coast trying to keep it zed free and from time to time help people in need.

Nice! A few other community members have a merc group forming soon on teamspeak. If you are interested in teaming up with some of them for larger contracts talk to Hemperor in teamspeak. And welcome in soldier. Edited by Katabasis

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I posted the following on the Facebook page bug thought it should go here too.

So let's talk about the future of the dayz server. Our personal goals, what we all want it to look like, and what we get enjoyment out of (this also means viewer enjoyment from the stream so even if you don't play your opinion is important). I'll go first but in no way am I saying that this is what will happen.

We have several options. We are currently very limited in the control we have over server specifics like banning, whitelisting/private environment, etc. We can however do things in many different ways. I see a few key ones being most popular but am very open to other ideas.

1 - roleplay centered. This would be what we currently have. People have backstories, they interact at their own comfort level, stories perpetuate, fun is had. This seems to be on a more individual basis with small encounters. Current dayz game mechanics makes this kind of play difficult with random players and casual players. This also can give the illusion of th server being a no-KOS server thus limiting our actual combat fun.

2 - clan/group centered. This is the default community of dayz IMO. Groups form and have no backstories, operate on their own goals but typically this is limited to resource hording then large scale combat and then back to hording. Can be very fun but also kind of lacks end game potential and creativity. The game currently supports this much more than #1.

3 - a hybrid of 1 and 2. This would de-emphasize the individual stories of 1 but give purpose and depth to 2. Individual stories can persist beyond allegiances and can even function as reasons or evidence to support invasions, political intrigue, conflicts on a larger scale, or more. This lets the people who prefer 1 cohabitate with 2. Essentially view this option as the EVE system with added RP elements like group/clan backstories, goals, and depth. Examples could be merc groups, assassin groups, mad max style gangs controlling roadways, roaming bounty hunters, military groups, hermits, medics, scientists, etc. They would interact on a larger scale than scenario 1 would allow but some of the depth and creativity of 1 may be lost in the gameplay elements of 2 such as higher KOS (until you learned where not to travel or how to tell different groups apart), less in character talk/storytelling, etc. This style is moderately supported currently ingame tho the random new players may be confused until they learn the ropes.

This would be my personal favorite but again, my opinion doesn't matter. I need thoughts from the community since the happier we all are, the more fun we have in game.

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I am trying to figure out why the server seems to restart more often than 4 hours.  I am the only admin and I never restart it since it is scheduled to restart every 4 hours.

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I don't know if it's against the rules to keep posting but what happened to the players? Three days ago the server was packed.

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i've always been a fan of Dayz Rp (im actually in an RP group, go free world republic!!)so i would be totally down for this. 

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I love RP, but only text based and will never be a part of any RP where there is a moderator / admin who has the ability to kick, ban or otherwise have an absolute control over a person's access to their server / website / area where the RP happens. Why?

It will always start drama. Always. Even in text based chat rooms, people get way too emotionally invested, take things personal at some point and become psychotic. You can split communities by convincing part of the community to leave to another chat room, or another message board or whatever. But in a game with an admin who plays? Hell no.

People seemed to really enjoy RPing with me when I was really into it, but at some point people can't help but get all bent out of shape in real life and bring it over to the RP world and start shit. And when it becomes the admin who does this because he simply doesn't like someone's character? Believe you-me, it will happen. At some point someone is going to get salty because they want to do something that someone disagrees with and they'll be kicked, and half the community will be forced to pick sides and the kick bans will happen....

My life is relatively drama free. I have a high stress job that somehow doesn't stress me, yet when I come home to relax and people I start to think are reasonable are having damn near aneurysms over a recreational activity, it makes me wonder how they even deal with real life issues.

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I spend a lot of times on a roleplay mod for mount and blade so I'd love a server that isn't JUST kill or be killed.


My new character is very Rick Grimes but without the baggage and a slightly different storyline. A plain clothes homicide cop sent from America with a few others to train up the inefficient Chernarus police force. The rest of his team were picked off earlier on into the infection and was betrayed by the men he had been training who tried to kill him when everything went to shit,now he wanders Chernarus with his Mosin,Revolver and backpack dressed in shirt and jeans.

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I don't know if it's against the rules to keep posting but what happened to the players? Three days ago the server was packed.


Not sure why it would be against the rules to keep posting. :) my guess as to why population dived is because of the announcement of a new patch. It's an ebb and flow. Also many people who like hardcore servers are also the types to install the experimental patch and play it. I'm thinking server pop will rise a lot once the patch comes on the 5th


I love RP, but only text based and will never be a part of any RP where there is a moderator / admin who has the ability to kick, ban or otherwise have an absolute control over a person's access to their server / website / area where the RP happens. Why?

It will always start drama. Always. Even in text based chat rooms, people get way too emotionally invested, take things personal at some point and become psychotic. You can split communities by convincing part of the community to leave to another chat room, or another message board or whatever. But in a game with an admin who plays? Hell no.

People seemed to really enjoy RPing with me when I was really into it, but at some point people can't help but get all bent out of shape in real life and bring it over to the RP world and start shit. And when it becomes the admin who does this because he simply doesn't like someone's character? Believe you-me, it will happen. At some point someone is going to get salty because they want to do something that someone disagrees with and they'll be kicked, and half the community will be forced to pick sides and the kick bans will happen....

My life is relatively drama free. I have a high stress job that somehow doesn't stress me, yet when I come home to relax and people I start to think are reasonable are having damn near aneurysms over a recreational activity, it makes me wonder how they even deal with real life issues.

1st - I 100% understand exactly what you are talking about.

2nd - I'm the only admin and most likely will be the only admin.

3rd - I have no reason to do the actions you are describing. As long as you aren't hacking, racist, or discriminatory you won't be kicked or banned. I've had the server for over a month and have kicked a single person because his name was n***a. I don't expect you to just take my word but I believe wholeheartedly that a server like this can be completely community policed. Don't like someone's RP? Don't play with them. Someone being an idiot repeatedly? The server will slowly realize it and shun them naturally. Will there be drama? Sure. It's human nature. Will it be admin related? Nope :). If someone is giving you drama, shoot them but realize they may shoot you back later lol. Teamspeak is separate and heavily moderated. If you cannot be respectful, know the boundaries between video game and real life, and act mature then yes you will be banned. But that is because teamspeak is a right, not a privilege. Settle shit on the server, not shouting over voice comms to everyone.

By the way. Server is light RP. It is not forced, it is not policed. You will get occasionally killed on sight. It's dayz, not D&D.

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I love RP, but only text based and will never be a part of any RP where there is a moderator / admin who has the ability to kick, ban or otherwise have an absolute control over a person's access to their server / website / area where the RP happens. Why?

It will always start drama. Always. Even in text based chat rooms, people get way too emotionally invested, take things personal at some point and become psychotic. You can split communities by convincing part of the community to leave to another chat room, or another message board or whatever. But in a game with an admin who plays? Hell no.

People seemed to really enjoy RPing with me when I was really into it, but at some point people can't help but get all bent out of shape in real life and bring it over to the RP world and start shit. And when it becomes the admin who does this because he simply doesn't like someone's character? Believe you-me, it will happen. At some point someone is going to get salty because they want to do something that someone disagrees with and they'll be kicked, and half the community will be forced to pick sides and the kick bans will happen....

My life is relatively drama free. I have a high stress job that somehow doesn't stress me, yet when I come home to relax and people I start to think are reasonable are having damn near aneurysms over a recreational activity, it makes me wonder how they even deal with real life issues.


It is a Light RP server. It is only as serious as you want it to be. 


The admin has had people that joined up with him also gun him down. He is pretty laid back about it and so are most of the other players. 


The purpose of the server as far as I can tell is for players to meet other RP players and just enjoy the game. The admin isn't regulating anything other than people insulting each other or that sort of thing. It is still okay to be playful about it but I think high stress is the LAST thing you have to worry about on this server! 


I have a good time and I don't even know them all that well which indicates that the admin isn't being unfair to any of the players who aren't on teamspeak. 

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Does anyone know why I can't favorite this server?

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Does anyone know why I can't favorite this server?

Ya I've had this issue too. I think it's that you can't fav from the "remote" join tab ingame add 213hybrid on steam. That's me. Then I'll join the server and you can go to the friends tab and then cluck the server and them hit favorite. That's the only way it worked for me.

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I just added this to the main post. Thoughts?

Edit - so the server has been up for almost a month. We have had some crazy fun. Seems that when experimental patches go up there is a lull time while people either play the experimental servers or they take a break till the patch comes up. After playing around with different types of RP and after conversations we have all had on Facebook and teamspeak I think the general consensus is that people prefer an EVE style experience instead of a solo or duo RP interaction. This provides more endgame group play but does initially limit the storytelling.

I will give an example (fictional) of what I mean by EVE style light RP (it is similar to old school Darkfall). The 15 members of the Chernarus Liberation Front have laid claim to Elektro as their home base. They chose this due to proximity to spawns, double firehouse spawns, and ease of defense due to how open the approach to elektro is. They tend to fight for the benefit of the average citizen although they do intend to expand regardless of the neighboring settlements' opinions. A coalition of mayors and sheriffs from the surrounding towns get together and discuss a plan to limit the scope of the CLF's expansion. They inform the CLF leader of the details. He disagrees and takes offense at their audacity to limit their operation. War is declared. The coalition is undermanned and outgunned due to their towns lack of weapon spawns. They do however have tons of food and use their resources to hire a mercenary force that operates out of Riffy. Combined they wage war until the CLF relents and agrees to a compromise with the coalition. The NE firehouse will be a neutral zone where anyone from the surrounding towns can go to loot weapons and supplies.

Within this engagement there is a story, political intrigue, misinformation, propaganda, alliances, and possibly betrayal. There is also however a ton of combat, which us what dayz is about.

This is what I dream of when I think "light RP server". At the moment we just don't have enough regulars to have that many split up groups. Time will determine if we can find enough but it takes people willing to work towards creating this environment purposefully.

Thoughts on how we can achieve this?

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I just added this to the main post. Thoughts?

Edit - so the server has been up for almost a month. We have had some crazy fun. Seems that when experimental patches go up there is a lull time while people either play the experimental servers or they take a break till the patch comes up. After playing around with different types of RP and after conversations we have all had on Facebook and teamspeak I think the general consensus is that people prefer an EVE style experience instead of a solo or duo RP interaction. This provides more endgame group play but does initially limit the storytelling.

I will give an example (fictional) of what I mean by EVE style light RP (it is similar to old school Darkfall). The 15 members of the Chernarus Liberation Front have laid claim to Elektro as their home base. They chose this due to proximity to spawns, double firehouse spawns, and ease of defense due to how open the approach to elektro is. They tend to fight for the benefit of the average citizen although they do intend to expand regardless of the neighboring settlements' opinions. A coalition of mayors and sheriffs from the surrounding towns get together and discuss a plan to limit the scope of the CLF's expansion. They inform the CLF leader of the details. He disagrees and takes offense at their audacity to limit their operation. War is declared. The coalition is undermanned and outgunned due to their towns lack of weapon spawns. They do however have tons of food and use their resources to hire a mercenary force that operates out of Riffy. Combined they wage war until the CLF relents and agrees to a compromise with the coalition. The NE firehouse will be a neutral zone where anyone from the surrounding towns can go to loot weapons and supplies.

Within this engagement there is a story, political intrigue, misinformation, propaganda, alliances, and possibly betrayal. There is also however a ton of combat, which us what dayz is about.

This is what I dream of when I think "light RP server". At the moment we just don't have enough regulars to have that many split up groups. Time will determine if we can find enough but it takes people willing to work towards creating this environment purposefully.

Thoughts on how we can achieve this?

I would imagine if you wanted to accomplish this you would have to more people in a server, more than the average 40, can't wait until we can build bases and such, (hopefully). Barbed wired and road blocked roads to block out a major town would be awesome.

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I just added this to the main post. Thoughts?

Edit - so the server has been up for almost a month. We have had some crazy fun. Seems that when experimental patches go up there is a lull time while people either play the experimental servers or they take a break till the patch comes up. After playing around with different types of RP and after conversations we have all had on Facebook and teamspeak I think the general consensus is that people prefer an EVE style experience instead of a solo or duo RP interaction. This provides more endgame group play but does initially limit the storytelling.

I will give an example (fictional) of what I mean by EVE style light RP (it is similar to old school Darkfall). The 15 members of the Chernarus Liberation Front have laid claim to Elektro as their home base. They chose this due to proximity to spawns, double firehouse spawns, and ease of defense due to how open the approach to elektro is. They tend to fight for the benefit of the average citizen although they do intend to expand regardless of the neighboring settlements' opinions. A coalition of mayors and sheriffs from the surrounding towns get together and discuss a plan to limit the scope of the CLF's expansion. They inform the CLF leader of the details. He disagrees and takes offense at their audacity to limit their operation. War is declared. The coalition is undermanned and outgunned due to their towns lack of weapon spawns. They do however have tons of food and use their resources to hire a mercenary force that operates out of Riffy. Combined they wage war until the CLF relents and agrees to a compromise with the coalition. The NE firehouse will be a neutral zone where anyone from the surrounding towns can go to loot weapons and supplies.

Within this engagement there is a story, political intrigue, misinformation, propaganda, alliances, and possibly betrayal. There is also however a ton of combat, which us what dayz is about.

This is what I dream of when I think "light RP server". At the moment we just don't have enough regulars to have that many split up groups. Time will determine if we can find enough but it takes people willing to work towards creating this environment purposefully.

Thoughts on how we can achieve this?


I believe you will need highly dedicated players for even light RP. I mentioned establishing a forum to you the other day on Steam and I think that could be a good start. People having their story seed onto the internet in one place can help keep it together and organized. It would also allow for propaganda and the like! 


A forum could also allow for global announcements rather than having them on the server. I am still looking into hosting one for free but I'm noob at it. 

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I think your focus should be to provide the best environment for this stuff to happen naturally. The admin should be removed from the picture entirely. It's not your world, your rules, etc. You become a third party, or silent observer, only stepping in when critically needed.


Your goal with services(forum, voip, etc) would be in a supporting role. Rather than having a typical forum with official announcements, faction lists, traders, and other similar stuff. You should provide "factions" with their own "secret" forums, private teamspeak rooms, and other services.


I wouldn't want to learn about the other post-apocalyptic groups and factions from reading forums. That should be a discovery left for in-game. Meeting someone in Berezino and having them asking me to join up with their group. Or having a bandit explaining they collect shoes and souls. Or meeting a trader and finally getting that piece of loot you needed. That stuff should happen organically, not be organized out of the game in some online forum.


If you haven't met me in-game, why should you know anything about me? Likewise, if you haven't learned of our group, why do you get to know everything about us? Factions forums and voip sessions should be private. There should be no main forum, because there is no forum of Chernarus. The main site would consist of information about the server and tools for groups to organize themselves. Key word being themselves.


In my opinion, having main teamspeak and forum areas makes it all pointless, because it eliminates the whole role play of meeting and interacting with others.

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I think your focus should be to provide the best environment for this stuff to happen naturally. The admin should be removed from the picture entirely. It's not your world, your rules, etc. You become a third party, or silent observer, only stepping in when critically needed.


Your goal with services(forum, voip, etc) would be in a supporting role. Rather than having a typical forum with official announcements, faction lists, traders, and other similar stuff. You should provide "factions" with their own "secret" forums, private teamspeak rooms, and other services.


I wouldn't want to learn about the other post-apocalyptic groups and factions from reading forums. That should be a discovery left for in-game. Meeting someone in Berezino and having them asking me to join up with their group. Or having a bandit explaining they collect shoes and souls. Or meeting a trader and finally getting that piece of loot you needed. That stuff should happen organically, not be organized out of the game in some online forum.


If you haven't met me in-game, why should you know anything about me? Likewise, if you haven't learned of our group, why do you get to know everything about us? Factions forums and voip sessions should be private. There should be no main forum, because there is no forum of Chernarus. The main site would consist of information about the server and tools for groups to organize themselves. Key word being themselves.


In my opinion, having main teamspeak and forum areas makes it all pointless, because it eliminates the whole role play of meeting and interacting with others.

I agree with you for the most part. The only difficulty I see at currently doing this would be that it is very hard to grow a community without a centralized hub. At a certain point I think the scenario you present would be optimal and self sustaining but at the moment the server contains a majority of players who do not know its a light RP server.

The centralized hub of a public teamspeak allows us to meet and greet potential new friends, welcome them in, and take criticism and advice. I agree that as admin i know my job is to facilitate and not create. That's why I'm so adamant about my belief that a server can self govern and I'm only there to take care of server maintenance. This is however in a perfect world where the server has already established its own culture, rules, and has a healthy population. Once it hits that point I'll take a more hands off approach but in the mean time, I'm going to do my best to bring interested, grounded, fun new friends to the community.

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I would imagine if you wanted to accomplish this you would have to more people in a server, more than the average 40, can't wait until we can build bases and such, (hopefully). Barbed wired and road blocked roads to block out a major town would be awesome.

God I cannot wait. I'm just worried we started the community too soon and we will run out of steam and funds before it hits the sweet spot. Worst case scenario we descend on a hardcore server for a few months while we save up money for round 2. I'm just paranoid about running out of money. I can't front the 100 bucks a month on my own. We have enough currently until March 11 though so I'm prob just paranoid for no reason.

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I agree with you for the most part. The only difficulty I see at currently doing this would be that it is very hard to grow a community without a centralized hub. At a certain point I think the scenario you present would be optimal and self sustaining but at the moment the server contains a majority of players who do not know its a light RP server.

The centralized hub of a public teamspeak allows us to meet and greet potential new friends, welcome them in, and take criticism and advice. I agree that as admin i know my job is to facilitate and not create. That's why I'm so adamant about my belief that a server can self govern and I'm only there to take care of server maintenance. This is however in a perfect world where the server has already established its own culture, rules, and has a healthy population. Once it hits that point I'll take a more hands off approach but in the mean time, I'm going to do my best to bring interested, grounded, fun new friends to the community.


I think it would help integrate that non-rp majority into the server better.


For example if the server domain was LightRP.net, you could give groups who sign up something like 'kata.LightRP.net' for their forums and a locked room on the teamspeak server. kata.LightRP.net would be that centralized hub for you, but if somebody doesn't want to associate themselves with you guys, but still wants to share the virtual world, they could direct people to join at 'mojo.LightRP.net'.


It's like a clan system, for a DayZ server. It encourages a wide variety of playstyles and role play levels.



I was lucky enough to be part of a public colony on a dayz mod server pretty early on in development. The greatest thing was how public it was. Open to everybody who was willing to lower their weapon and walk up. There was no prerequisite of a forum account or being on teamspeak. It was all done in-game and via direct chat. It changed the way the servers public population felt about their world. At the time, I was in a phase of running up to everybody and trying to help them. More than a few times I would run into people who had already been to the colony or had heard about it from other people. Sometimes they were oblivious to its existence and I would get the pleasure of leading them down the road, guns lowered to a compound defended by half a dozen heavily armed men, and then inside, a few people sitting around a camp fire chatting.


The fact that this colony was so accepting of the clueless majority was huge in its success. If you can integrate your role playing into a public server, you get to tap into a endless supply of new players. If your community is something to be a part of, people will see that in-game and join up. If you hide too much behind your teamspeak, rules, and forums, you're going to scare away potential players like me. Dayz is a package deal, if you remove the kos players, it's not DayZ anymore.

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This sounds quite interesting and might be a good change of pace from rolling with my clan members on our server, especially since its separate saves. I might check this out.

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I think it would help integrate that non-rp majority into the server better.


For example if the server domain was LightRP.net, you could give groups who sign up something like 'kata.LightRP.net' for their forums and a locked room on the teamspeak server. kata.LightRP.net would be that centralized hub for you, but if somebody doesn't want to associate themselves with you guys, but still wants to share the virtual world, they could direct people to join at 'mojo.LightRP.net'.


It's like a clan system, for a DayZ server. It encourages a wide variety of playstyles and role play levels.



I was lucky enough to be part of a public colony on a dayz mod server pretty early on in development. The greatest thing was how public it was. Open to everybody who was willing to lower their weapon and walk up. There was no prerequisite of a forum account or being on teamspeak. It was all done in-game and via direct chat. It changed the way the servers public population felt about their world. At the time, I was in a phase of running up to everybody and trying to help them. More than a few times I would run into people who had already been to the colony or had heard about it from other people. Sometimes they were oblivious to its existence and I would get the pleasure of leading them down the road, guns lowered to a compound defended by half a dozen heavily armed men, and then inside, a few people sitting around a camp fire chatting.


The fact that this colony was so accepting of the clueless majority was huge in its success. If you can integrate your role playing into a public server, you get to tap into a endless supply of new players. If your community is something to be a part of, people will see that in-game and join up. If you hide too much behind your teamspeak, rules, and forums, you're going to scare away potential players like me. Dayz is a package deal, if you remove the kos players, it's not DayZ anymore.

So much good advice I'm having a hard time understand and processing it all. I'll list my thoughts as I reread.

First, teamspeak isn't mandatory nor is it even heavily suggested. It's there as a tool for those to use as they need. Second, we don't have forums or any rules besides not being racist. Odin was suggesting forums as a tool for people to share stories. He likes taking photos of events and writing out short stories behind them, hence the suggestion he gives about forum use.

I am all for a clan system, similar to EVE, where intrigue, politics, and resource management collide, and I do truly want this to develop organically. There are already vary degrees of RP going on.

I think I need to stress something to you. We are of like minds. The game has been the preferred mode of communicating with new people since before we even had a server. In no way are we attempting to remove KOS or combat as well. My goal is a self sufficient community of many groups, both large and small, as well as individual rpers all playing under one roof. This gives an enormous amount of sand for this sandbox game and allows us to have a persistent dayz experience, which many would argue is key for fun endgame content. My only confusion is how do we progress from our current point to that glorious gaming experience that looms on the horizon?

As server admin I'm in a bit of a tough spot. There is a narrow line to walk between micromanaging and not providing proper support. I feel very strongly that a vast amount of dayz players would absolutely love being a part of our community but if I advertise too hard I come off as a dick. I've currently decided to let the events on the server speak for themselves and so far this is working spectacularly. I'd guess we get a regular or two a day. Lately the server is dead since most people have stopped till the new patch drops. I'm trying to be patient, the issue I have is that I'm very concerned that if the server growth stalls out, people will bail. I know this wouldn't be a big deal I'm just a bit paranoid. I really warn to make this work. Thanks for the advice. I really need it.

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My only confusion is how do we progress from our current point to that glorious gaming experience that looms on the horizon?


Do something different. As a player, what kind of crazy event or scenario would get you to join a server?


medical services




scavenger hunts

book club

mexican standoffs

rotten kiwi eating contest


Advertise that instead of advertising the server directly. Give people a reason to join your server and they might end up sticking around. Be up front and honest with everyone about the real dangers these events will bring right now. But, even if it all goes completely bad and everyone ends up dead, at least there was an effort made. The colony I was a part of had no shortage of hard times, but that made it all the sweeter when it finally worked out. By that time I had bonded with my fellow colonists, we had shed blood together.


Also, if you have a group of people, keep the server seeded, and it usually grows.

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Do something different. As a player, what kind of crazy event or scenario would get you to join a server?


medical services




scavenger hunts

book club

mexican standoffs

rotten kiwi eating contest


Advertise that instead of advertising the server directly. Give people a reason to join your server and they might end up sticking around. Be up front and honest with everyone about the real dangers these events will bring right now. But, even if it all goes completely bad and everyone ends up dead, at least there was an effort made. The colony I was a part of had no shortage of hard times, but that made it all the sweeter when it finally worked out. By that time I had bonded with my fellow colonists, we had shed blood together.


Also, if you have a group of people, keep the server seeded, and it usually grows.

Great ideas. I'll update this thread after patch with an event. Aldo what do you mean by seeded?

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