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Battleye is now on experimental servers.

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Why don't we use VAC? I think it is one of the most feared, because it could waste your whole Steamacc? 


And btw. BattleEye is just fine... but there are just too many ways to bypass it and hide your cheats. It's like I would say Kaspersky is bad, because it can't detect a virus, which just came out 15 seconds ago. You know what I mean? 

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Battleye is the biggest crap anti cheat software out there.  so -1 for that


get a real Cheat Security

So what would be "real Chat Security"?


Why are you saying that BE is crap? And now don't come up with made up "facts" or some other bullshit..


Why don't we use VAC? I think it is one of the most feared, because it could waste your whole Steamacc? 


And btw. BattleEye is just fine... but there are just too many ways to bypass it and hide your cheats. It's like I would say Kaspersky is bad, because it can't detect a virus, which just came out 15 seconds ago. You know what I mean? 

Both will be used, in fact VAC has been enabled since Day 1...

Also, a VAC ban only affects the game that has been cheated on, except for some HL1- and Source-Engine Games (for more info read here).


There are always multiple ways to bypass any AC-Software, however BE is known to have a very fast reaction time and high detection rate on both public and private cheats unlike most other anticheats..

Unlike in Arma 2 (OA), it also will be able to ban cheaters effectively from the game since DayZ is Steam-only - no more CD-Key theft, no more cheap game keys.

Also, technicially BE bans will be more effective than VAC bans because they will now carry over to other BE games on Steam - that means banned in Arma 3, banned in DayZ - banned in DayZ, banned in Arma 3.

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Battleye is the biggest crap anti cheat software out there.  so -1 for that


get a real Cheat Security

Awesome first reply, thank you!

I hope you are not a cheater or you will get banned over and over again. :)

Edited by BEdev-Sable

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Yes vac is already implemented.  But multiple Anti hack/cheat software stacked has to be good right?  They should pick up most of the store bought hackers out there.  Im guessing you cant really do anything ab the guys that make there own hacks, cause they are pretty smart with hacking so to say.    


But im glad to see this happening i can welcome as many hack/cheat software they want to throw at the game.


In my 6 years of PC gaming ive only ran across a couple of really noticeable hackers and that was in BF3(killing people with spawn beacons lol) and the Dayz mod(obvious reasons why this game was so easily hacked).

But for the most part hacking hasnt been a problem for my years gaming.  Knock on wood XD 

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Battleye is the biggest crap anti cheat software out there.  so -1 for that


get a real Cheat Security


I actually saw Battleye banning many script kiddies on DayZ mod.


Probably lots of them had free to download hacks from youtube and not real hacks that you have to pay money for but it is still good in my opinion.

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VAC can only detect certain types of cheats(usually memory based). BattleEye is much better in terms of Arma engine as it's mostly scripts. Combined I believe hackers will not even want to try and cheat as they can't just buy a new cd key. They must make a whole new steam ID and repurchase the game.

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I actually saw Battleye banning many script kiddies on DayZ mod.


Probably lots of them had free to download hacks from youtube and not real hacks that you have to pay money for but it is still good in my opinion.

Battleye is only as good as what it is setup to do. Fun fact is that most server owners didn't set it up properly.

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I actually saw Battleye banning many script kiddies on DayZ mod.


Probably lots of them had free to download hacks from youtube and not real hacks that you have to pay money for but it is still good in my opinion.

You do realize that 99% of those "free" hacks on YouTube are not hacks but cd-key stealers? ;)

Also, maybe ask some private hack users how much they like BE compared to VAC?

Battleye is only as good as what it is setup to do. Fun fact is that most server owners didn't set it up properly.

Wrong, BE detects most of the hacks on its own (see that number in my signature? - I will let you figure out what it stands for). The additional features for admins are only a bonus. Edited by BEdev-Sable
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I don't see what the big deal is with BE.


Hackers get banned, and Steam or not, only need buy a new CD-Key to play again. Or, more hopefully, buy a new CD-key and delete all script editing files and software and then never hack again.

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any idea on which severs?


"Battleye is now on experimental servers."

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I don't see what the big deal is with BE.


Hackers get banned, and Steam or not, only need buy a new CD-Key to play again. Or, more hopefully, buy a new CD-key and delete all script editing files and software and then never hack again.

Good luck finding any cd-keys in this game. ;)

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Using both VAC and BE is a good thing and what I thought was going to happen in the first place but people said, nup. Anyway, I see it as them both working together, if BE bans by GUID that GUID can be linked to the Steam account/user which in turn ends up having that user banned in Steam as well and visa versa. It's a good thing.

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While this is good, they could just make a new steam account and rebuy DayZ....lol

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While this is good, they could just make a new steam account and rebuy DayZ....lol


Exactly. BUT in the mod, they would just use programs that stole CD keys from people looking on youtube for "free" hacks. Since they can't steal peoples Steam accounts from the registry like on the mod, people will have to deal out $30(which will get more expensive as development progresses) every time they get banned... So really, yes they could just make a new steam account, but most people don't have 30 dollars a day to spend on a video game..

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While this is good, they could just make a new steam account and rebuy DayZ....lol



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While this is good, they could just make a new steam account and rebuy DayZ....lol


They'll eventually get banned again and continue to donate their 30$ to Mr. R.

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Well, I am glad that $30 is expensive to them, to me $30 is nothing. Which is why I am stating it like that. :P


Edit: Frosti, love that response. xD

Edited by DJ SGTHornet

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Well, I am glad that $30 is expensive to them, to me $30 is nothing. Which is why I am stating it like that. :P


$30 a day(which will be the average time hacking bans you) for a video game should be expensive to anyone, no matter how much money you have. It's sad.

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Your right, which is why we will have hardly any hackers. :D Muhahaha! Let them return to the depths of there basements. :P

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Good luck finding any cd-keys in this game. ;)

I don't need your luck, cause I'm not a hacker.


TBH, the reason I stopped playing the Beta was because of griefers and hackers. Picking on poor, innocent beaners. Those nukes were the worst BS...


Anyway, I'm glad they aren't using CD keys, but as someone pointed out I.P.s cycle and can be as dynamic as they can static.


Honestly, I think it may be simpler to go with VAC. More effective, at least, in the long run.




They'll eventually get banned again and continue to donate their 30$ to Mr. R.


Heh. This made my day. +1 Beans to you, sir.

Edited by KatawaInu

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Anyway, I'm glad they aren't using CD keys, but as someone pointed out I.P.s cycle and can be as dynamic as they can static.

Why do you think BE bans will be based on IPs?

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