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About KatawaInu

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  1. KatawaInu

    Pen and Paper

    Incidentally, I was going to leave a paper with that on it in the middle of a room visible from the only entrance, hide in a corner/behind the counter, and then when they pick it up/read it, hold them up.
  2. KatawaInu

    Battleye is now on experimental servers.

    I don't need your luck, cause I'm not a hacker. TBH, the reason I stopped playing the Beta was because of griefers and hackers. Picking on poor, innocent beaners. Those nukes were the worst BS... Anyway, I'm glad they aren't using CD keys, but as someone pointed out I.P.s cycle and can be as dynamic as they can static. Honestly, I think it may be simpler to go with VAC. More effective, at least, in the long run. Edit: Heh. This made my day. +1 Beans to you, sir.
  3. KatawaInu

    Battleye is now on experimental servers.

    I don't see what the big deal is with BE. Hackers get banned, and Steam or not, only need buy a new CD-Key to play again. Or, more hopefully, buy a new CD-key and delete all script editing files and software and then never hack again.
  4. KatawaInu

    DayZ Is Officially Ruined(Player Wise)

    He's the hero that DayZ deserves, but not the one it needs right now ...and so we'll hunt him ...because he can take it ...because he's not a hero ...he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector ...a Beaner Knight.
  5. KatawaInu

    Admin Abuse on a few servers.

    I'm sorry. I'm new here, and probably don't have the credit to my name to actually argue with any of you fine people, but: "Goddamn, dude, really?" I can see the OPs point, and agree that renting != owning. But honestly, I agree with GaelicWarlord's post at the bottom of page one of this thread. Now, before the lynch mob starts calling for blood, please hear me out. I REALLY do see (and endorse) the "Renting is not owning". I lease an apartment. I rented it, rather. I do not actually own it - I have a LOT of rights. But I can't just come in here and start pissing on the walls or repaint the place aside from agreed upon rooms. I can't play super loud noise (lol Global mic) so that my hard-working neighbors can hear it at 0200 AM. Seriously, I understand - the Landlord has rules and laws (just like the companies these abusive admins are renting servers from). But considering the stage of this project, I really think a call for action like that is completely over the top. Banning any admin just for this sort of "Abuse" is extreme, and should never be the first, much less immediate response. Even the "I pay for my own server so blah blah blah" argument has some credibility, and it is WAY too early to start a banning epidemic. Private file capability will undoubtedly solve most of this problem, but when playing the Beta public hive was just more fun. You know, when every room was not password locked and closed up to these elite groups of stuck-up gamers. I think we should just continue to archive which admins and servers are suspect, maybe inform said admins that what they are doing is against the rules they agreed to, and - for now - cool this angry mob mentality.
  6. KatawaInu

    I Liek To Kidnap Bandits

    >Not creating an isolated zombie death arena in the middle of the woods. >Not force-marching the bandit into the middle of said arena. >Not breaking their legs and dragging them towards some shuffling zombies, before firing into the air and driving/running away. Guys pls
  7. KatawaInu

    Randomizing spawn locations? Why not?

    Top kek. But I can see OPs point. It is valid, in its own way. Maybe not totally, across-the-map random spawn points. Instead, primarily coastal spawn points with one or two deviations could help. Or perhaps the shuffling of said coastal spawn points closer to even small shanty towns with a guaranteed pack of beans and a general store?
  8. KatawaInu

    DayZ Is Officially Ruined(Player Wise)

    Yeah, new player (to standalone) here. I agree - people tend to mistake this sort of game and what it is designed for. Now, in my opinion, bandits have a legitimate play style. But the overall theme of this game has always been, and (I hope) will always be - survival. To some, this means looting - and to others, it means being generous. Some bandits are even respectable, and only take what they need - others can be negotiated with, and even join up with you. Once, on the Beta, I had such an incident happen: I was caught by a survivor who robbed me of necessary items he NEEDED. I pleaded with him that being newly spawned with barely a firearm to my name, that I could use people to survive with. We tagged along for a good while and picked up Beaners in a jeep, and made our own camp until OMG HAX0rs from 4Chan came and screwed up our camp with spawned in convoy trucks. Anyway, point is: I, for one, try my hardest to be helpful and generous, and to make nice with other survivors - and hope that you are wrong about the future of this game's userbase. Shoot-on-sight solves little and less, and is hardly necessary when the REAL threats (Bandits and Zombies) plague the coastal towns. Viva la resistance!