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About shawnofthedead

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. shawnofthedead

    Berry Picking?

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/165709-rolling-changelog-stable-branch-032114557/?p=1677908 Action: Players can now collect Berries as food
  2. shawnofthedead

    Berry Picking?

    anyone have any luck or has been able to snap a picture of the elusive berry bush
  3. shawnofthedead


    any have any luck finding berries yet?
  4. I just want to beat up zombies with it I hope it can be used as a melee weapon I'm going to go around hitting everything saying "Not the MaMa!"
  5. shawnofthedead

    down voting

    As we can give beans to players on the forums for liking a post we have nothing to dislike a post I suggest letting us give a rotten kiwi for dislikes/down votes.
  6. Both I use 3rd person to look at how badass the new piece of gear makes my guy look then go back first.
  7. shawnofthedead

    Things you want to see in SA updates first.

    Animals and cooking I want steak!
  8. shawnofthedead

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    Its human nature to survive and add in internet tough guy mentality and everyone is going to resist.
  9. shawnofthedead

    Thanks DayZ but I'm afraid I'm staying

    Agreed for an alpha this game is pretty good rocket and his team did a great job getting it to be this playable as an alpha.
  10. shawnofthedead

    Dorkly Comic!

    Saw this while browsing teh web and it gave me a good chuckle http://www.dorkly.com/comic/58310/dayz-ed-and-confused
  11. shawnofthedead

    NW Airfield

    Yes one in hand one on back
  12. shawnofthedead

    Next patch due?

    Is it on the test servers yet? If not then a while
  13. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2646060 found this doing some searching for AMD CPUs and core parking/unparking and came across this article.
  14. I have an and 8350 will test it out when I get home.
  15. Following and bump for info