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Mass Character Reset!?

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Yep, probably to reduce the server lag that has been happening.

Edited by Color
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Yep, probably to reduce the server lag that has been happening.

I feel like crying like hell, i had over 15 hours on mine and its all gone to a reset! I would of been fine if i was PK'ed or died but no... fuuuuccckkkk

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Can confirm, completely new spawn.


How exciting! 


If I wasn't impotent, I bet I would have an erection.

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I feel like crying like hell, i had over 15 hours on mine


Pssh. I've been alive since like 17 DEC with about 100 hours played. It's not a big deal, man. Enjoy the experience from beginning to end, not any one survivor story. They will all seem short eventually.

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Yep, just happened to me as well.


Anyway, I was tired to being afraid to come across someone with my 30 hours+ gear

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It depends of the server for me, i've gotten my character teleported back to a city when i log in (not rubber-banding) just reset to a previous location

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My character is still around. Sucks to be you guys.


It actually doesn't at all, which is funny, right?


It's currently a lot more fun and interesting to be naked on the beach than it is to be geared up and wandering the wilderness doing absolutely fucking nothing.


But if you want to be happy about your situation, I won't blame you.

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Of course, I find a copy of Art of War and read a quarter of it, take a stroll, avoid death a couple times, try to pull it out, server issues so I log for a few minutes.


Then I see this thread. The search continues!

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Errr, nevermind. Just happened to me, too. And I've started rubberbanding, which has never happened to me before :/

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It happened to me but I think you guys picked the wrong server to play in. I logged into 3 or 4 different servers and by the 5th I had my old character back. Worth a try if you want you you old character. I am currently playing my old character again

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OMGWTF i was fully geared! i had a gas cooker, a stainless pot, a can opener and the finest selection of canned specialties from all chernarus! chef ramsey would've been green with envy! i even had a signed can opener!

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I must admit I love this damn game, excellent potential and it really brings together everything I've ever wanted into one world. However, I am concerned about the whole one life thing in the long run, its awesome don't get me wrong i love it too, adds so much suspense to the world, in fact i think its a very unique pillar of the game..... but i kinda hate it as well. Like "seriously about to uninstall every-time I die" kind of hatred.

I'm afraid of loss of interest in this exciting piece of work due to excessive repetition. I mean lets talk about spending 10+ hours in game walking miles and miles and miles in land on this googolplex sized map , slowly acquiring items, avoiding baddies, Finally getting to a point of survivability and then -dying for whatever reason and starting completely over from scratch. Then doing it all over again....and again..and again....and ag-. (Sorry my mind got stuck in a loop there). I don't know if it's going to work long term. Shux... people will invest thousands of hours into this game and never surpass (the equivalent of) level 1. But i don't know what else can be done to keep the gritty feel that makes DayZ SA so engaging. Needless to say I am worried it could lead to a premature end.

Note: Perhaps when they implement vehicles enabling faster transport it will help lesson the burn of time spent acquiring things to lose.

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I doubt it was a mass reset. Join the same server and you will start fresh. I think there may be an issue with the whitelisting server which is preventing servers from gathering character data and saving it. 


Join a server, drop a battery, rejoin said server, you will be in a new spawn with a new battery.


So we can hope they get the server back up and all our characters are there.

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I think what happens is the database goes down, and so every time you join a server, you get a random spawn and no stuff. 


Be careful, this happened before. 


If the database comes back on line while you're in-game, it will overwrite your previous stuff.


If you stay off until it comes back online, you won't have lost anything. 


Thats what happened last time. 

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Shame this happened, though somehow starting fresh after being alive so long is a nice change of pace. Hopefully the attacks stop sometime soon!

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Advent1 - how do we know the servers are being DDos'd? My buddy said he heard the same thing a little while ago but I can't find any info on it here (yet that is).

why does these things happen with dayz so much?

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