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[SUGGEST] new inventory slots

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make extra slot #1 AROUND NECK ;)


for keep binocular also compass maybe make hotkey for look quick :thumbsup:  :)


maybe find chain or strap or do crafting way with strings






make new slot #2 on wrist use tape for craft


also good for compass and watch if we having in SA same like mod for navigate with sun :thumbsup:  ;)



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actually this is a great idea - particularly the crafting bit it makes a lot of sense within the realms of this mod.


Edit: Also. PLEASE make binoculars a priority, i miss them :(

Edit2: Could also attach a soundfile that makes them jangle as you walk/run, Gives a risk/reward system to having them around your neck

Edited by Qu1n

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Beans for the extra slot around the neck. It could be pretty useful. I could hang a mag around my neck.

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make extra slot #1 AROUND NECK

I guess they work like the headtorch. You can wear it or place it in the backpack. The player can´t see "slots" for such things (only the backpack slots I mean).

Edited by NoCheats

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They already have the ability to restrict items to certain body parts without using up the inventory e.g. aka equipped head gear, weapons, ect. So an additional one for the neck makes sense and should be doable.


For the use of the item it could work with the current hot bar system as the weapons already do that.

Edited by IcyBlade

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