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"Friendly Servers"

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Don't know if its just me or what but I'm getting sick of this. I'm new to the game so i decided to play on a friendly server stating do not kill on sight or in that matter don't kill at all. Multiple times now i've been killed on these servers. I know "Don't trust anyone" but its a friendly server, like really people if you wanna kill people play on the other servers! 3 Times now i've had my weapons, food, water, and everything i needed to survive when all of a sudden someone appears, i would approach asking "hey man need anything, food or water?" and than I would be shot. The thing that really pisses me off is the admins don't follow up on this, i approach them telling them i was killed on sight and they don't ban or kick from server. The admins of these servers need to take better care and hold their ground!

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welcome to DayZ.


sorry to be the one who points this out but just becouse the server says friendly dont expect rainbows and fluffy kittens. a few players will specifically go to these so called "friendly" servers to do thier banditing seeing as they can server hop like crazy, at the end of the day like you said " Dont trust anyone " its the only way you can survive.. unless ofcourse you have a friend or two you can play with.


:thumbsup:  have some beans on me :beans:

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As a new player I too was going to ask if there were such a thing as "Friendly Servers" and you have answered my question.  DayZ is a; Shoot First Ask Questions Later type of game currently.  Personally I do not prefer to play the Kill or be Killed scenario every time I play but as you have so well pointed out it seems to not be possible.  


I will say that this is an unavoidable benefit to the game as a whole and adds a layer of anxiety and excitement not currently available in mainstream gaming.  As a new player I agree it is important to learn the ropes prior to diving in completely as you would get the best understanding of how to feed, cure, heal, and nurture your toon. I think a lot of the popularity of this game is the internal conflict of dealing with others though, as much as I hate to admit it if I was able to freely move about and stock pile as needed without the fear of other players killing me I would lose interest in the game in a short amount of time.  


I do not think DayZ was ever meant to have a tutorial.  Players are a huge part of the positive and negative of the game.  The provide walkthroughs and guides to help new players while simultaneously some players are killing others every chance they get.


As pointed out in the earlier post, "Welcome to DayZ"

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Yeah.... You see "friendly Server"  You should be reading "Fuck you swag srvr 420 evry dai fuck your momma" as they are just names someone put on the server... doesn't necessarily mean people conform to it....

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Sadly friendly servers can not really enforce that rule while they are on the "Public Hive" as you will get jealous kiddies who dont even have money to rent a server, reporting your server and most likely getting it black listed from the main hive. Just wait for some "friendly" private hive servers. My sig shows mine.

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This is going to be the major problem of the game and I don't think there is an easy fix for it either. It's fucking annoying when you surrender and beg not to be killed and the guy just shoots you in the head anyway for no reason.

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There is no way to ban a player from a server. Looking for a non bandit clan look us up zombiesurvivalunit.com and apply

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They should make it so that when you set up a server you have to decide betwen PVP on or off and when you set it to off no player should be able to shot other players or the guy who shot should be insta kick/baned

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welcome to DayZ.


sorry to be the one who points this out but just becouse the server says friendly dont expect rainbows and fluffy kittens. a few players will specifically go to these so called "friendly" servers to do thier banditing seeing as they can server hop like crazy, at the end of the day like you said " Dont trust anyone " its the only way you can survive.. unless ofcourse you have a friend or two you can play with.


:thumbsup:  have some beans on me :beans:

Today i was one 2 difrent "Friendly" or PVE servers and got killed from 2 persons first asking "are you friendly" and me responding "yes this is PVE, no shoting"

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Had the same on a "friendly server". Ran right into the dude. Should have pulled my gun first and shoot him like in an western movie.

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They should make it so that when you set up a server you have to decide betwen PVP on or off and when you set it to off no player should be able to shot other players or the guy who shot should be insta kick/baned

Doing this is currently against the rules. You need to wait until some PvE private servers are made until you can see these type of rules enforced without resulting in a server blacklist.

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Doing this is currently against the rules. You need to wait until some PvE private servers are made until you can see these type of rules enforced without resulting in a server blacklist.

BULLSHIT! im sick of geting killed of Tarded Lowskill Bandits

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Today i was one 2 difrent "Friendly" or PVE servers and got killed from 2 persons first asking "are you friendly" and me responding "yes this is PVE, no shoting"

They didn't decide to shot you. They decided, that since you said shotting other people isn't allowed there, they shooted you.

See what happens when you fuck with grammar?

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These "friendly" servers shouldn't even exist in the first place.

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These "friendly" servers shouldn't even exist in the first place.


No one is forcing anyone to be friendly, so why shouldn't they?  You ever consider maybe it's just an ironic gimmick to get people to play on the server?

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Some of you guys are just downright stupid with how much you think your opinion matters. Get over yourselves and either help the bambies by offering advice or just fuck off on out of here. Looking at you, Atrocity and Walrus. The more people you alienate with your bullshit the less people there will be in the game as it progresses. A game's community has a profound impact on it's multiplayer experience, and  I don't give a shit if you think that your 'l33t KoS CoD spinny shoot off' skills or 'sup3r s0phistic4ted grammar' validates you enough to go and shit on another poster.



With that out of the way, I'd like to recommend to anyone looking to have a 'friendly' experience on the game to first, yes. Play on 'friendly' or No KoS servers. This is because believe it or not, there ARE people playing on them because of that label, who just like you, would like to have a chance to meet other players and communicate and perhaps trade with them. However, you should also recognize that as other people have said in this thread that bandits and unfriendly players aren't barred from the server. This can be a good thing! Just like bandits (should) have to think and strategize to do well, as do you. I've got a handful of tips that should help you run into more friendly people, regardless of server.

  • First, don't count ANYONE you meet, even if you've been talking to them for a couple minutes as 100% friendly. Be cautious. Be skeptical of them. Above all, be ready to kill them should the situation call for it, because it very well may. If they inexplicably raise their weapon, or go for their weapon, get behind cover and raise yours. It should be fairly obvious if they're trying to kill you. Voice chat them out. Ask them what they're doing. If they don't have a very good answer and don't put their gun away, kill them. Better them than you -- After all, you tried being friendly. That's what matters. Don't get squeamish over that you might accidentally kill someone from a misunderstanding, but at the same time, try not to let it happen.
  • Second, and this ties in with the first point. USE VOICE CHAT !  This cannot be stressed enough! If you spend time typing and standing in one place, you are very likely to die from someone opportunistically killing you. If you don't have voice chat, don't approach other people. HOWEVER, if someone with voice chat approaches you, you should probably respond to them. After all, if they wanted to kill you, they'd have probably shot you in the back without saying anything. Not saying that they -won't- kill you, but you've got a fair chance of surviving an encounter like that, especially if the person who approaches you seems like they know what they're doing. If someone approaches you with voice chat and /then/ kills you, you can bet they're new to the game, and lacked the skill to kill you without gaining your trust and you holding still first. A bandit who's good (or at least, isn't a fresh-of-the-shore bambi) will hold you up, or kill you by surprise.
  • Third, when you approach someone approach them from an advantageous situation! What I mean by this is when you go to make contact with a person, simply make sure you're in a better position to kill them than they are you. For instance, you can run up behind a wall that's near another player and begin speaking to them over voice chat. Personally, I don't ask anyone to drop their weapons, ect ect because it puts them on edge, but that's your prerogative. I normally lead off with "Hello there. Hello, are you friendly? You, guy in the blahblahcolor shirt with the cap?". Hiding behind the wall while I speak to them ensures that they -cannot- kill me, and often times that they don't even know where I am. In third person servers, I could even look over the wall with third person to gauge their reaction. If they raise their weapon immediately at me talking to them and they don't respond, looking around for me, I consider them hostile and thus fair game. But an advantageous situation doesn't have to be from an outlook of terrain or layout. If you see a guy run into a house to loot it and you run up out front and pull out your pistol (note: Not raised, just in your hands) and you surprise him on his way out and say hello, talk to him -- if he doesn't have a gun in his hands, his options are to: A) Talk to you, be friendly, at least until he gets a chance to kill you. Maybe longer if he's genuinely friendly. B) Panic and run, in which case you should get behind cover and watch the surroundings, make sure he's not coming back to kill you. C) Panic and try to draw a weapon. In which case you should raise the weapon in your hands and waste his ass long before he gets a chance to even fire a shot.
  • Finally, remember your roots! If you want to see more friendlies in the future, when you're better at the game, when you're heavily geared. Stock yourself up like a damn pack mule with canteens, bandages, food, and walk your ass down onto the east coast. Find some bambi's. Find some new players. Hand out your goodies like your goddamn santa claus, always keeping an eye out for opportunists and bandits to pop a cap in them should they try to take advantage of your generocity or KoS you. Teach new players that not everyone out there is an asshole. Show people that there is more to the game than KoS.​

And in summary people; remember. No matter what server you're playing on, no matter how friendly you want to be, always remember. This is a game with guns. This is a game with other people. This game has no rules. Others will try to take advantage of you. Others will try to kill you. Start seeing that as a part of the fun and you will have a much grander time. Learn new tactics and strategies for dealing with people, dealing with traversing terrain. Adapt. Overcome. Being a friendly player or survivor in this game and being a good one is the hardest thing you can possibly do in it. This is literally the game on it's hardest difficulty setting. Bandits who KoS are playing on easy mode, because they don't have to think. Bandits who hold people up are playing on normal, because they have to think but they don't have to feel other people out or figure out who they can trust. However, a survivor who recognizes that there are people out there who want to kill them, and they still have the damn audacity to say to themselves: Fuck it. I'm still going to help people. Not only that, but I'm going to leave no bandit who crosses my path alive. They are the ones who are playing on nightmare mode. Especially if they're lone-wolfing it without a group.

I don't hate bandits, and I don't blame them for playing the way they do. I respect them, because without them, I wouldn't have challenge to the game. I wouldn't have rivals -- and some of them, the skilled ones are very worthy rivals at that. We're just on opposite ends of the same spectrum.

Love to everyone out there, but some people get canned food and screwdrivers, and some people get bullets.

Edited by TheSheo
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You're altering the way the game is meant to be played. These servers should not exist in the first place as Volatile said. Everyone should get the same experience and not go on another server to try and get a "friendly" experience. These servers that are "friendly" have no way of even enforcing that because its not a dedicated server and there wont be any for a while im guessing.

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You're altering the way the game is meant to be played. These servers should not exist in the first place as Volatile said. Everyone should get the same experience and not go on another server to try and get a "friendly" experience. These servers that are "friendly" have no way of even enforcing that because its not a dedicated server and there wont be any for a while im guessing.



I concur, in the DayZ .pdf manual it is explicitly stated that you should KoS, handcuff people and feed them rotten fruit and above all snipe just for the fun of making someone start all over again and in no way should you be "friendly" with someone (had to look up the definition of friendly as I had no prior knowledge of its meaning). I also wish to add that private servers should not be implemented solely because they will have the freedom of setting different rules which will be against the DayZ manual.

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You're altering the way the game is meant to be played. These servers should not exist in the first place as Volatile said. Everyone should get the same experience and not go on another server to try and get a "friendly" experience. These servers that are "friendly" have no way of even enforcing that because its not a dedicated server and there wont be any for a while im guessing.


I'm not going to get into this discussion because I won't clutter a thread with an argument. You want to argue, shoot me a PM. However, I will point you to the beginning of my first post. Help new players, or leave them alone. Don't be a dick to them. If they stick around they'll probably become valuable players and members of the community.

In addition, if you read my post again, you'll see that I addressed that they have no way of enforcing their no KoS or friendly rules as a good thing. It makes the game exciting, but a No KoS server will also attract people who would like to see more to the game than stealing other people's beans just because you can.

As to you, other guy. Thumbs up to you. You have my beans, good sir, for your decisive use of sarcasm.

Edited by TheSheo
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Don't know if its just me or what but I'm getting sick of this. I'm new to the game so i decided to play on a friendly server stating do not kill on sight or in that matter don't kill at all. Multiple times now i've been killed on these servers. I know "Don't trust anyone" but its a friendly server, like really people if you wanna kill people play on the other servers! 3 Times now i've had my weapons, food, water, and everything i needed to survive when all of a sudden someone appears, i would approach asking "hey man need anything, food or water?" and than I would be shot. The thing that really pisses me off is the admins don't follow up on this, i approach them telling them i was killed on sight and they don't ban or kick from server. The admins of these servers need to take better care and hold their ground!


There is no such thing as "friendly" servers.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that some of those servers are named "friendly", "no kos", etc. just as an ironic gimmick to attract new players.  An admin can name their server "no kos" or "PVE" but they cannot enforce that by kicking players who don't comply on a public server without breaking the rules and ToS they agreed to as a server operator, that were set forth by the DayZ staff.  If they have a problem with that because "I'm paying for it." then they should take that up with the DayZ staff.


I concur, in the DayZ .pdf manual it is explicitly stated that you should KoS, handcuff people and feed them rotten fruit and above all snipe just for the fun of making someone start all over again and in no way should you be "friendly" with someone (had to look up the definition of friendly as I had no prior knowledge of its meaning). I also wish to add that private servers should not be implemented solely because they will have the freedom of setting different rules which will be against the DayZ manual.


I'm reading some sarcasm here.  There is no official manual as you claim, that states you should KoS other players for fun.  But there is also no official manual that states you shouldn't.  As long as players aren't hacking or abusing exploits, anything is fair play.

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Some of you guys are just downright stupid with how much you think your opinion matters. Get over yourselves and either help the bambies by offering advice or just fuck off on out of here. Looking at you, Atrocity and Walrus. The more people you alienate with your bullshit the less people there will be in the game as it progresses. A game's community has a profound impact on it's multiplayer experience, and  I don't give a shit if you think that your 'l33t KoS CoD spinny shoot off' skills or 'sup3r s0phistic4ted grammar' validates you enough to go and shit on another poster.




With that out of the way, I'd like to recommend to anyone looking to have a 'friendly' experience on the game to first, yes. Play on 'friendly' or No KoS servers.


First off, let me preface by saying I'm Chaotic Neutral for the most part.  Some forum users may have a bit more of a "deal with it" attitude but as long as there is no private server hive, then rules like "No Kos" or "PVE only" cannot be enforced without breaking the rules set forth by the DayZ staff that apply to all server operators.  Just because they are renting a server for DayZ doesn't mean they can do whatever they want.  Not on the public hive.  If you have a problem with that, take that up with the DayZ staff.  If the DayZ team releases a private server hive, then they can set all the arbitrary rules they want within the allowed rules. 


Telling new players to play on "friendly" or "no kos" servers is in my opinion terrible advice.  I'm pretty sure that in some cases, these servers are named "friendly" as an ironic gimmick.  Regardless and whether you like it or not, they're instant magnets for fully geared players to come and troll newspawns.


It would be far better advice, to direct new players to lower pop servers and avoid large cities and popular combat hubs like Cherno, Elektro and Balota.

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First off, let me preface by saying I'm Chaotic Neutral for the most part.  Some forum users may have a bit more of a "deal with it" attitude but as long as there is no private server hive, then rules like "No Kos" or "PVE only" cannot be enforced without breaking the rules set forth by the DayZ staff that apply to all server operators.  Just because they are renting a server for DayZ doesn't mean they can do whatever they want.  Not on the public hive.  If you have a problem with that, take that up with the DayZ staff.  If the DayZ team releases a private server hive, then they can set all the arbitrary rules they want within the allowed rules. 


Telling new players to play on "friendly" or "no kos" servers is in my opinion terrible advice.  I'm pretty sure that in some cases, these servers are named "friendly" as an ironic gimmick.  Regardless and whether you like it or not, they're instant magnets for fully geared players to come and troll newspawns.


It would be far better advice, to direct new players to lower pop servers and avoid large cities and popular combat hubs like Cherno, Elektro and Balota.

I agree that it would be good advice to direct new players to low pop servers so that they can loot and learn the game. But I also think that you look at things in too narrow of a light on 'No KoS' servers.

Yeah, I know that server operators can't enforce any of that. I know that 'PvE' servers are named that but can't really back it up with administration. But the thing is, I don't want want them to. In my opinion (Or really, so far as I've observed), people expect that these rules are going to be enforced. As I agreed with you in my previous post, they won't. But the name of the server will -still- attract people who want to be friendly, and will attract new players who expect it will be enforced as well.

And then it attracts not only 'fully geared players who want to troll newspawns', but fully geared players like me who are looking for the new players who expect it to be enforced, and looking for the people who want to be friendly. Looking for them to lend out a hand. Not only that, but looking for the fully geared trolls to have a bit of fun exterminating them as well. And I'm almost certain I'm not the only friendly player who sees these servers in this light.

Whether I tell new players to go on the friendly servers or not, there will still be new players joining those servers to try and be friendly. However, if every friendly player were to concentrate onto these servers, they would undoubtedly outnumber the bandits on said servers. So I think it's wise really to offer advice on how to be smart and friendly, in approaches and dealing with other people, on how to keep yourself safe while still risking yourself to interact with another player. I think it's wise to arm them with knowledge and then send them to a place where they're more likely to put it to good use, building themselves a team from strangers they meet on these 'civil' servers.

Edited by TheSheo
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They should make it so that when you set up a server you have to decide betwen PVP on or off and when you set it to off no player should be able to shot other players or the guy who shot should be insta kick/baned



That's what I'd do the first time we meet.

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