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I think the map is too small for cars. Am I the only one

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I just want vehicles to be rare.


Perhaps only have a handful of large vehicles mixed in with a more genereous amount of small transport vehicles such as bikes, electric scooters, etc.

Yes, I want to be able to go through Cherno in a fucking Segway. I demand this to be in the works, ROcket.

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Look outside, how many cars do you see? cars should not be hard to come by. gas should.

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Fk cars... Apache's are the shit. But right now I would be happy even with a Bicycle : |

Edited by raynor009

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Right. I'd just like to keep it that way though.

I think it'd be cool if they added Skateboards or even scooters. Those are things you could carry with you.


Oh ye? How about roller coasters too?

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Been playing for a little over a week now and I think the map will shrink considerably if there were cars and such. Anyone else feel the same?


230 square kilometers is the same as 88 square miles roughly.  By comparison GTA 5 boasts only roughly 49 square miles, including the oceans/lakes.

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I never understood why people always say ""rare cars!", Chernorgsk is a HUGE town in The Republic Of Khakssia, Russia. With a population of 72,147 inhabitants (so help wiki for the population numbr) Assuming that is true, wouldn't there be a lot of cars? The thing that should be rare is working cars, and cars with gasoline. Not cars them selves. BUT that's just my own opinion.

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I don't get it. Seems like everything that was fun in the original mod, is targeted for a ban or subjected to a ridiculous poll by the playerbase.


Some of you like to walk around for hours and I get that. The game needs to cater to many people, some of which enjoy vehicles & aircraft, and not made to feel like they're being alienated due to the fact they dislike wandering in the woods for hours.

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I don't get it. Seems like everything that was fun in the original mod, is targeted for a ban or subjected to a ridiculous poll by the playerbase.


Some of you like to walk around for hours and I get that. The game needs to cater to many people, some of which enjoy vehicles & aircraft, and not made to feel like they're being alienated due to the fact they dislike wandering in the woods for hours.






I dont understand all these people that want to play a game radically different than the MOD.... the popularity of the mod is the only reason standlone exists in the first place.


And the mod had cars, choppers, military grade weapons, open PvP, full looting....

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I don't even agree with cars being difficult to repair.


Cars are common. That's how it is.


Cars don't fall apart after a couple of weeks of not using them.

At worst, you might have to change a few small parts and clean out all of the fuel and the engine. Other than that, the majority of cars should work - and shouldn't be piss easy to break.


That's how it is in the real world - and there's no problem with that being the case in game.


Fuel is what is the problem. After an apocalypse, obviously the gas stations would have been ransacked - people would have stowed as much as they could away, hidden - or used it ridiculously fast, trying to drive cross country.


Cars should not be rare. The majority should be in decent condition. I'm sorry, arguments otherwise generally make little to no sense. The problem with cars is the fuel, the noise and the visibility - and that's exactly how it should be.


Military grade vehicles, however, I do not believe should be common. Partly because their OP - but more because they'd have likely been directed to the most important areas in the country to try to set up safe zones - and all be stuck in some bombed out city crawling with zombies - and seeing as there is no signs of any safe zone on the map, the majority would be long, long gone. Choppers especially - do you honestly believe that a chopper would last as long as the game appears to be set after the initial outbreak - without being stolen, attempted to be used as an escape vehicle and destroyed?

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I agree with OP for now. But when we can't anymore endlessly sprint or run then some vehicles are welcome ;)

Edited by St. Jimmy

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I just want vehicles to be rare.


Perhaps only have a handful of large vehicles mixed in with a more genereous amount of small transport vehicles such as bikes, electric scooters, etc.


Cars should not be rare. Its not realistic. The parts should be rare or need repair. I thought they were planning mechanic profiency type thing.

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If you watch the show '' The Walking Dead '' you can see plentyyyyyyyyyyyyy of vehicles. Only gas is rare. Now in Dayz, devs could implement a little gas system. I don't want it to be infinite. And 90% cars should spawn with broken parts.

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How many cars do you find on the SA map right now,just in a unusable state? A lot.The problem shouldn't be the rarity,maybe not even the fuel,but get it to work and keep it working. The car of my father is in constant need of repair,and my brother can fix it with spare parts.Now what would happen if those parts can't be ordered on the internet? You have to find them. And there are a LOT of possible parts. Imagine having problems with the breaks,you could still drive,but breaking would be a bitch until you find spare parts.


Also about map size: They already added 2 kilometers in the north,the original map ends right over the NEAF. 

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Been playing for a little over a week now and I think the map will shrink considerably if there were cars and such. Anyone else feel the same?


You know there is a lot more space outside of Balota and Cherno...jk

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If you watch the show '' The Walking Dead '' you can see plentyyyyyyyyyyyyy of vehicles. Only gas is rare. Now in Dayz, devs could implement a little gas system. I don't want it to be infinite. And 90% cars should spawn with broken parts.

Are you proposing a refinery?


I'm down with that.

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Are you proposing a refinery?


I'm down with that.

Imagine if you could take a refinery somewhere on the coast, which requires a lot of people to work together but provides a constant fuel supply.

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This is how I best see it:

Cars should be EVERYWHERE and all of them should be REPAIRABLE. But most of them aren't going to be worth the time to try to fix them, while on the other hand you try to find a car that has less broken parts then another car you seen awhile back. You're still looking for a car to repair, but you're going to look for a car that is going to be repaired faster than all of the other cars you've seen.

As for helicopters, I would want civilian helicopters/hospital helicopters etc

You know how they have a set loot limit for all the servers ?

ex; 1500 M4's across all of the servers?

Why can't they do that with vehicles?

lets say 100 helicopters across all of the servers, so you'd be lucky to find one, and if you crash it, you have a highly unlikely chance of it spawning again on your server.

I would also like the ability to lock cars, but be able to smash the windows with a crowbar and read a in-game book on how to hotwire a car and hot wire it after let's say a couple of minutes?

Just shooting ideas here :P

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No helicopters at all. Not even unarmed ones, unless first person is forced and stuff does not deteriorate over distance while in the heli.


What pissed me off the most were jerks in helicopters that could spot you hunderds of meters away because from the air all the trees and bushes do not provide any form of concealment

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I need my helicopter back... it was one of the most enjoyable times I had while playing DayZ.

And oh, I NEVER used it as a weapon unless I got attacked first.


If helis will be as in the mod, it will be epic. Thou preferably less helis thou.

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I want cars. They shouldnt be easy to keep tho. Id like to customize them. Everybody who says cars should Not be in the game..... !!wtf!

You like running around for hours?

Or are you just running faster than me?

Is Turbo = double tap W with fists equipped?

Thats all.

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Once our characters start feeling fatigue and can't run indefinitely (I'm sure this will be added in a future update) then cars will pretty much be a necessity.


This is a huge ass map and some people (fortunately not me) are limited to maybe just 1 or 2 hours of playing a day. I'm fairly certain they don't want to spend that time walking 20 miles through a forest because their character can't run marathons without getting tired anymore.


Most of my time ingame is already spent doing infinite sprints from town to town.  I wouldn't even bother if I couldn't at least sprint all the way from place to place.

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Too many vehicles leads to the whole hoarder mentality. Im guilty of it myself, fix a car....stick it by my tent....but as soon as the tent overflows and the car holds loot thats it. I wont take it out again, next time i go out is to find another car....and the cycle continues. Also tacticaly when given the choice id always travel on foot for the concealment factor. Cars are just bullet magnates.


I think a low car count would be good, with more emphasis on pushbikes....or maybe even ridable animals. As far as helis go i would like to keep them out of SA. As another person said, if you have a heli it takes about 10mins to check all the map boarders for camps. Then fly the grid to check the mainland, another 10 mins. 


Thats why on the mod i would just gear up on food and drink, hit the map edges, and look for camps or the holy grail....AKA the huey ;)

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Ah, I don't know. I used a car a lot in the mod. I would get within about 6 or 700 yards of my goal, hide it as good as possible and go in to do some looting.


Similar to what my group has done. But only because you HAD to walk for the loot to spawn.

If we had a car at this state of the SA we would just rush in with the car stop in front of the interesting building for two minutes and then be gone again.

Like we would have done it in the mod...


For a loner vehicles might be useless but when you start playing with a group its the salt in the soup.

Imagine you have a group being around the NWAF, then one player dies because of whatever and he ends up spawning in kamyshovo...

This player pretty much ends up meeting up the group the next day or something because he would a have 10km run to do....

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