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Instant Death Glitch, CONFIRMED.

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So, a buddy and I were on a server this morning with 8 people online (6 others), I started around Factory (Solnichney), made my way up and looted Berezino, then NEAF.. We then met up, travelled west through Kraz and over to Devils Castle, and ended up at NWAF.. Came up behind the firestation from the East (Grishino). I had a Mosin with a Long Range Scope, so I took up sniper watch on the tower of the Firestation, while he looted the airfield and I gave him cover...


Then it happened. "You are dead."


-My buddy did not hear any shots.

-He checked my body and ALL of my gear was in the same condition (Pristine/Worn).

-There was no blood coming out of my body.

-I was on the top level inside of the firestation when I was alive.. My body was found on the lowest section of the roof, outside of the tower.


Normally when you die to fall damage, you take item damage.. No damage to items is strange indeed, and seems to indicate that there was some other source of my demise.


This has happened to me and others before, and every time it seems to happen while inside a building on the 2nd or higher level.. The 3 times I've witnessed it happening has been: On top of the school, on inside the ATC, and inside the fire station.


Anyone else have any information to contribute? I am going to write a bug report. I will include screenshots and a link to the bug page here.




Here is the bug report.





Here are some screen shots. (View the different SS's in the album, not all pertain to this issue.)



Edited by Etherimp
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Heartattacks due to immense stresslevels confirmed?

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Original post updated with screenshots and link to bug report.

Edited by Etherimp

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This doesn't happen as often as zombies charging through walls.

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This doesn't happen as often as zombies charging through walls.



Your point?

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More pressing matters to fix first.



You can always fight off zombies and you can predict when they are coming. Furthermore, the DayZ dev team KNOWS about zombies walking through walls. They do not necessarily know about this issue. This death glitch instantly kills your character without you having any say in the matter. I'd say that's pretty fucking pressing. Just go to the bug tracker and "vote up" if you have experienced this before. If you haven't, then keep  your opinions on the matter to yourself. Thanks.

Edited by Etherimp
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Had it once.. relogged while the message was there and boof I was alive again.. no loss :)

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Unfortunately unless you figured out how to reproduce it this is the kind of glitch that won't be fixed for a good while. Random bugs are hard to nail.

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Unfortunately unless you figured out how to reproduce it this is the kind of glitch that won't be fixed for a good while. Random bugs are hard to nail.


I think if you stand up on the top level of the inside of firestation tower for long enough, it may just happen.. we'll see. But at least it's been confirmed now.

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I'm here to confirm this as well. 

Happened to me only once but like you said it tends to happen when on upper levels of buildings. I died instantly from full health when i ran into a room of school / office-building in the 3th floor. It was one of the small rooms and i ran there sprinting. My friend was already in that room waiting for me to loot a new weapon. There was no shots fired and no damage was done to any of my gear so this seems to be very similar to your report. 

I hope we get more reports because these are pretty high priority bugs to get fixed. I had played the character already for 6 hours and was fully geared with military stuff. 

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Also happened to me just the other night running along the NEAF hangers, but I was having some really bad desync issues. So I presumed I got sniped or some infected ripped me apart, no shot or sound of infected near by all of a sudden I get the death screen.

Shrugged it off and just geared up again, but I'll vote it up just in case.



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Same here, I was on the ladder climbing though.

Is this Iggy Azalea dayum

Edited by Highlander007

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This has happened to me 3 times already. Once when I as sniping in Balota. No shots fired, no injuries, etc.

Once when I was looting. Again, no gunshots, no injuries, etc. And other time when changing servers, I log in and find that I'm instantly dead. (I never log out in unsafe areas. I was in some random part of the forest smashed up against the tree under the cover of it's leaves.)

Edited by MystoganXIX

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This too happened to me, but I had just entered a server on a third floor of a residential building I had just logged off. Came back, ten secs later, YOU ARE DEAD. When I logged back on I was having desync issue too. No shots were fired and I was in the type of building in which zombies can clip through. I reported this problem.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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I've had this too - after leaving the shipwreck I decided to run across a rock, instead of keeping to the normal ground, at which point the screen wobbled a little bit and then YOU ARE DEAD. Rocks were always a bit iffy in the mod.


Of note, I had logged out while in the ship, and logged back in again. But when I logged back in the game dumped me outside the ship, swimming in the water. Perhaps if you get too close to certain objects the game assumes that you've intersected with them, and tries to move you somewhere else, and something in the physics engine breaks and kills you.

Edited by AshleyP

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One final bump, just for awareness.

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This happened to me in the control tower at the NE airstrip.  Pretty sure it wasn't just a sniper because I didn't hear any shots, just instant death while I was in my inventory menu.

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This bug occurs every time in this building, vis-a-vis Fire Station 1.

i tryed 5 times , resulting in 4 deaths and 1 broken legs.


1st time was quick and i thought " wow this guy is good, he got me 1 shot even though i had a ballistic helmet, this game is harsh".

2nd attempt i was curious if i can loot my body, but i could not find it, so i checked the building, nobody there. Instead i died when coming down the stairs between second floor and first floor.

3rd attempt i knew i would die, but not sure if Hacks or bug. After 3-4 minutes at the 2nd floor my legs broke.

4th death took a liitle longer and a different server and happened in the room at third floor, nowhere near the stairs.

5th time beceause i wanted to be absolutely sure it was not random.


Without any doubt i was not shot, hit, hungry, thirsty, low blood, shock, sniped from very long distance, etc. Black screen "You are dead". (except nr. 3).

One thing to note is that corpse dissapeared everytime.


Stay away for now, until fixed.

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Died going down some stairs on the shipwreck. First time this has happened. Didn't fall, didn't go off anywhere (railings) wasn't changing weapons. Impossible to be shot where I was either plus no shots. Just insta-death on a 10 day old character. Not too bothered as I was bored but still a bit annoying.

Edited by Irenicus
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More pressing matters to fix first.

More pressing matters than the fact you can just drop dead at any time in game?

I suppose it's realistic lol. But no, I disagree, this is a big problem.

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