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About DamnDialUp

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    Heyyyyy there survivor!
  1. DamnDialUp

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    I'd want .17 HMR
  2. DamnDialUp

    Still cant find Mosin?

    I was in a fresh server by myself because it restarted while I was in it and I rejoined and looked in both firestations and the office and practically everywhere and couldn't find it. Does anyone know a for sure spawn spot for it? I only have a pistol and need a ranged weapon and sure as hell am not going to an airfield for an M4.
  3. DamnDialUp

    Instant Death Glitch, CONFIRMED.

    Same here, I was on the ladder climbing though.
  4. DamnDialUp

    The M4 sound is very bad, along with the ballistics

    Its not a .223 to be exact, its a 5.56 as it is a NATO rounds in that weapon, its not the AR15 ya know, I figured if you wanted to be exact I should.
  5. DamnDialUp

    Ladder bug?

    No lol happened a few hours ago in Cherno....
  6. DamnDialUp

    Ladder bug?

    Okay so I had a full on ready to go load out. I had the majority of my pack filled with food, three 100% filled canteens and a 100% water bottle, UK vest FNX45 pistol with I shit you not 170 rounds plus, the whole nine yards. Im on top of the firestation and I walk to the ladder and hit F to go down and it put my pistol away and instead of climbing down the ladder just goes forward and launches me to my death. I cried. Anyone else experience this?
  7. DamnDialUp

    DayZ SA SLI?

    I figured as much but if it does actually get optimized then it will be pretty great. But yea regardless of optimization it does perform well.
  8. DamnDialUp

    Has anyone looted a speed loader yet?

    Ahhh DayZ lol.
  9. DamnDialUp


    Why do the majority of you people whine and complain about KOS? This is a sandbox, its what you want to do. If this happened IRL dont you think it would be KOS? Why don't you avoid people? You know 80% of players KOS but yet you do nothing to avoid people. I avoid other players like the plague. Maybe you complainers should adopt such a policy.
  10. DamnDialUp

    DayZ SA SLI?

    I was just curious and wondering if standalone is optimized for SLI? Because if it's not now and its gonna be OHHH NELLY, I'll be rollin in FPS.
  11. DamnDialUp

    Day z awful fps

    Tweak vid settings. Like turn AA off, turn Vsync off, HDR to very low. Look up the video on how to get better FPS. That or you just have a shit PC.
  12. DamnDialUp

    can't hear my team?

    That is an absolutely terrible idea.