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Suicide rock near Kamyshovo

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I have not one single problem with PvP at all, it is part of what makes this game great. I would like to ask you a question though and anyone else that feels the same way as you can answer too.


If all you want to do is get your "ass to the best location to find gear and then blow your fucking head off." Then whey are you playing this game? Seriously. There are 100s of FPS where the object of the game is to run around and "blow peoples heads off".

Because this game is more immersive and fun than battlefield and call of duty. Before this patch, you knew that if you want pvp, go balota. But after this patch, I dont really know where the hotspot is anymore, checked northeast airfield, all the towns along the east coast and northwest airfield. On 40 player servers it all seems pretty dead, I liked the southcoast spawning, dont see why it ever was a problem for anyone. If you dont like it, you can stay up north were it takes a few hours between seeing 1 person. Gonna go back to balota tomorrow and camp there, hopefully people might still go there, seemed dead today though.

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Fuck me, to many retarded people in this thread.


I kill myself to get a better spawn to be more effective and save time. Not everyone wanna pretend being a friendly survivor and share beans and take a stroll through the forest. I just wanna get my ass to the best location to find gear and then blow your fucking head off.


Everyone damn whines about people playing this as a deathmatch. Well, go and hide up in the mountains and nobody will ever bother you.


CoD Kid Alert.

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CoD Kid Alert.


Why did he purchase the game, he described exactly what its actually is.

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"One of the key things that I wanted to get is that I wanted the player to have that sense of desperation when they started out. I didn’t want any sense of balance at all. I wanted it to be an anti-game. I wanted the player to enter the world and say “Wow, everything is out to get me!” and to feel that tension the whole way through. But I also wanted them to feel a tension from the environment, from the weather, from the land." -Dean Hall


DayZ is not about convenience.  It's not about powdering your bottom and telling you that you're special.  DayZ is meant to be frustrating and it's meant to be difficult.  If players think that DayZ is difficult now, they have another thing coming because the aim of the game is not to be some easy, twitch shooter that caters to mainstream FPS players.


People who are complaining about having to spend half an hour walking somewhere or not spawning near Balota/Cherno where they can get all their "endgame loot" because that's "the only thing to do" show an utter failure in understanding DayZ.  It's not supposed to be easy.  You're not supposed to spawn and have a bunch of milgear and weapons dumped in your lap.


A lot of players with this "gimme now!" and instant gratification, twitch-shooter mindset purchased DayZ because of the hype surrounding it (well deserved though) without actually understanding what kind of game DayZ is.  And then they come to the forums to literally complain about having to walk somewhere for half an hour or an hour in a game with a 230 SQM map.


the cancer from CoD and BF is coming to DayZ because of all those "streamers" 

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Hopefully as the game gets progressively harder as it goes further in development... these types of morons will vanish from the userbase.



Please try thinking of something original to say. I got killed...."these people will go away" I don't like how those people play "these people will go away" I got Kos'ed..."these people will go away?

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The DHS Medical Division does not condone suicide when we can learn so much more from them when they are alive.


The fists don't stop flying until I am a corpse. I would welcome you to try.

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Is the game tough, or is it just wasting most of the playerbase's time with its random spawning? Almost near any isolated spawn, I see tons of dead bodies near the closest suicide-spots. Maybe it's not the players that are idiotic, but the spawn system?


Maybe they should play the game as it's meant to be played. Play the cards you're dealt. The process and hardship of getting loot is part of the fun. 

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When you've played this game for so long you no longer need to explore the world. You know where everything is and how it should be done.


By far the best spawns are going to be anything close to Electro or to the west. There's very little point spawning in Three valleys or Solichney right now. In the mod it was a good place to find industrial loot. The problem is there's very little reason to run for 30min when you could just re spawn closer. The east needs to be reworked a little bit. There's always the NEAF but that's about it. Berenzeno is a joke minus a few supplies like food. Seeing as wells pretty much take care of the water issue. Rog was a good spot to find loot as well but it's empty now.


Loots not hard to find in this game no matter how you play it.


No DayZ mod was hard

DayZ vanilla was not hard

DayZ SA is not hard


In the mod it was semi decent spawning up east, now it's a complete burden. I'd imagine it will change in the future.

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I think if they actually punished you for dying somehow, even as a fresh spawn, it would disincentivize a lot of things. The reason I play suicidal mike tyson is because 1: It's easy 2: it's satisfying 3: nothing to lose. I am a fresh spawn. You have an M4, full camo, medical gear, magazines with ammo, food, tons of utility tools. I have a flashlight. If I die, I just spawn and look for a new target. No skin off my back. Honestly, if you lose to me, with a fully loaded assault rifle, you deserve to have all your shit taken. Get knocked the fuck out, son.


I would probably adopt a more typical playstyle if there was incentive, or disincentive to do so. Like if you repeatedly started spawning me on the wrecked ship or something for dying multiple times before picking up a single item.


Spawn timer would probably do it for me. If I had to wait like 5 minutes to respawn after dying I probably would play far differently.

Edited by velyse
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Fuck me, to many retarded people in this thread.


I kill myself to get a better spawn to be more effective and save time. Not everyone wanna pretend being a friendly survivor and share beans and take a stroll through the forest. I just wanna get my ass to the best location to find gear and then blow your fucking head off.


Everyone damn whines about people playing this as a deathmatch. Well, go and hide up in the mountains and nobody will ever bother you.

Going to leave it there.

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Please try thinking of something original to say. I got killed...."these people will go away" I don't like how those people play "these people will go away" I got Kos'ed..."these people will go away?


Uh... what?


The kind of people who suicide themselves to get a better spawn location are entirely missing the point of the game. This is clearly not the game for them.

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