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Do you patiently to loot each house?

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Even if there is a door unopened and it seems like there is no one around, do you still take time to be cautious? If so how much?


I was playing so far North yesterday and got KoS'd in a factory building. It wasn't even a town. Then I played again and made it to a town in the north, same thing. It seems like I have to take my sweet time to loot just one house.

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I YOLO sprint through buildings after a while you know which buildings spawn which loot then back up in to the woods.

Un wield you gun run full sprint if you see a closed door spam the "f" key (opens doors) vault over fences done done done 9 times out of 10 if you see someone or they see you your long gone before anything goes down.

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I don't secure every house. But I secure the dangerous places like factories. If im looting towns, I just stay crouched near the walls and everything is fine.

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To me, unopened doors just signal whether or not an area is really -worth- searching, not how safe it is. I look at the volume of zom-zom's in the area. If there are quite a few, I'm not all that cautious. Given that in SA they spawn upon a server restart and randomly aggro from miles away, a large number of them being in a town/city/whatever usually means that there's been no-one else in the area to draw them all away or kill them. If there's none, that's a pretty bad sign.

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That's part of the beauty of DayZ, you never know who's around.. Your never 100% safe anywhere on the map and should never assume to be. Just wait until the server player numbers are increased if you think its bad now...

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I don't secure every house. But I secure the dangerous places like factories. If im looting towns, I just stay crouched near the walls and everything is fine.



But why are factories so dangerous? They do not have anything at the current build.  


That's part of the beauty of DayZ, you never know who's around.. Your never 100% safe anywhere on the map and should never assume to be. Just wait until the server player numbers are increased if you think its bad now...


Me and my dumb self went into a 60 player server yesterday so that may be why.

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I hate walking into towns that have been looted, all doors open and few Zs....I can almost feel people watching me lol

Finding a pile of empty cans! Oh hell no RUN!

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Finding a pile of empty cans! Oh hell no RUN!


lol you remind me of this one youtube video where a guy was punching a wall to make fake gun noise and the other player combat logs in fear

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But why are factories so dangerous? They do not have anything at the current build.  



Me and my dumb self went into a 60 player server yesterday so that may be why.

It's just because you can go upstairs. It's easyer to fight from the top to the bottom and so I can't rule the situation this easy, if someone's in. And like in the firestations, there could be someone on the roof.

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Always be cautious. Check out windows as you pass. I spotted some other players approaching while i was in one building. That allowed me to make my steathly getaway.... which ended in them killing me. But hey, at least I saw it coming.

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Always be cautious. Check out windows as you pass. I spotted some other players approaching while i was in one building. That allowed me to make my steathly getaway.... which ended in them killing me. But hey, at least I saw it coming.


I was so upset yesterday when something like that happened to me in the town. I tried to shoot back but bullets didn't fire because 


a]I was laying on the floor

b]I did not notice to have my gun up


So I clicked and my gun was held up, no bullets came out. The other guy sprayed. So frustrated cause I don't mind dying knowing I at least caused some nuisance to the other guy.


It's funny because when you shoot while standing up or crouthing, even if you don't have your gun up, the bullets fire if your hold the mouse button.

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Most of the time I sit at the tree line for a minute and inspect the town before I move in to be sure no one else is hanging around there. Then I full sprint into town, loot what I need (which mostly takes a good bit of time, gotta be sure I search everywhere) and sprint back to the tree line. If doors are opened I tend to avoid that building depending on which building it is. Sometimes I spend a long time going through every building in town and looking at/through everything. I rarely take it slow in towns (such as hiding behind walls and waiting before moving forward/crouching around - I normally just sprint house to house) unless it is a highly popular place such as the Airfields or Military Bases in which case I take my time and sneak around.

Edited by Foxhunt

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Visible zombies + closed doors = pretty safe unless it's Elektro/Chern


I'll be as thorough as possible in situations like this sometimes I'll even take the time to open up some tins of my own and make space for new loot if I'm in a remote town, but that's me being lazy/exploitative with third person view - set myself up crouched in the corner of a room with the camera looking out a window and feast away, I won't be doing this in FPS servers which is all I'll be playing from now on (so much more immersive!) :)

Edited by phlOgistOn

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i love looking at each room and observe every nook and cranny there is. Last night i found so many left overs and amazing how much you can find in those open houses.

For me one of the best parts of game is goingto a new town and spending over an hour looking inside the houses and then when all done, look at the area I just rummaged and think to myself this game world is just huge.

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Visible zombies + closed doors = pretty safe unless it's Elektro/Chern


I'll be as thorough as possible in situations like this sometimes I'll even take the time to open up some tins of my own and make space for new loot if I'm in a remote town, but that's me being lazy/exploitative with third person view - set myself up crouched in the corner of a room with the camera looking out a window and feast away, I won't be doing this in FPS servers which is all I'll be playing from now on (so much more immersive!) :)

Yep the 1st person server availablity now will change how people play a bit. Now we'll see who the true hardcores are. :P


On topic: I scan the town for 5-10 minutes before moving down into it. If it has open doors I'll probably just skip it. If not then I take my time moving around being sneaky and try not to aggro any infected. Get what I need and get back out. Scan the town for a while longer after I move out while eating or arranging my inventory. Never know who might have been watching you or following you. Had 2 people so far try and shadow me. They both got a 7.62 earhole.

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